
Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

author:Xinzhi Industry

If so, make a list

China's National Home Cooking Rankings

"Scrambled eggs with tomatoes" must be at the top

The first dish that many people learn – that's it

And everyone knows how to make it, and everyone loves to eat it

It can be said that it is a veritable "national first dish"!

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

The People's Daily once commented:

A plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes is a national dish and a homesick dish for wanderers

Bright colors, delicious tastes

The soft taste makes you want to stop

It's a delicious taste on the tongue!

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

Source: Screenshot of Zhihu

Some say that tomato scrambled eggs

There are a lot of hidden dangers of unhealth,

Is it true that eating it will gain weight?

What are the nutrients of scrambled eggs with tomatoes?

First of all, let's talk about whether scrambled eggs with tomatoes are healthy or not!

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes that have conquered the taste buds of the Chinese have these nutrients:

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are a fruit rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and potassium.

Eggs are a nutritious food that contains high-quality protein and a variety of essential amino acids, and is especially popular for many people to make a scrambled egg with tomatoes.

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

Eating scrambled eggs with tomatoes regularly has these benefits:

1. Beauty and beauty

The lycopene in tomatoes also has an antioxidant effect, which helps protect the skin from environmental pollution and makes it healthier. In addition, lycopene is widely believed to help whiten the skin and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

2. Healthy spleen and stomach

The combination of tomatoes and eggs is a nutritious combination, rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. This combination can not only effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve the loss of appetite, but also achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

In this way, the combination of these two ingredients is still very healthy!

So, why do many people say that scrambled eggs with tomatoes that have been eaten for so many years have health risks?

Heat bombs!

The "national dish" of scrambled eggs with tomato is delicious and delicious, but scrambled eggs can absorb oil very well, and the traditional method is Xi to add sugar and stir-fry, and the calories are very amazing.

According to the calculation of 1 egg, 1 tomato with sugar, and oil, it is easily more than 1200 kilojoules (more than 300 kilocalories).

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

I didn't expect it!

There are two reasons for being unhealthy

1. More oil!

I don't know how everyone makes scrambled eggs with tomatoes?

Generally, the eggs are scrambled with oil first, then the eggs are scooped up, then the tomatoes are fried with oil, and finally the eggs are fried together with the tomatoes.

In fact, this invisibly put a lot of oil.

Among them, scrambled eggs can be said to be a big oil absorber

How fierce is it?

Let's start with a set of experiments

1 x 47 g of egg wash

After whipping thoroughly, pour in 15 grams of oil

After 1 minute, we pick up the scrambled eggs moistened with oil

1 x 47g egg wash

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

15 g oil

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

15g pan oil

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

Place the egg mixture in a hot pan

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

Egg wash soaked in oil

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

The oil that is sucked is about the same

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

*The oil absorption of food is affected by time, oil type, oil temperature, etc., and the experiment is for reference only.

Moreover, eggs and oil will emulsify, and you will not be able to eat greasy, so you will unconsciously consume too much oil.

Once excessive intake of oil for a long time, these oils will gradually accumulate in the blood vessels, and then block the blood vessels and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction.

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

But why do scrambled eggs with so much oil with tomatoes still taste refreshing and refreshing, without a greasy feeling?

This is because of the situation.

2. Sweetening

There is no sugar added to this dish, and it is also an important battlefield for strife!

In general, southerners are more fond of added sugar, while northerners are more inclined to have a slightly sour taste.

As we all know, sugar is the natural enemy of obesity, if you add sugar to tomato scrambled eggs, you have to make the sugar content reach 8%~10% to make the sweetness obvious. To convert,

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

Let's take a look at how to calculate the calories of a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes:

two larger tomatoes, 400 grams, 80 kcal;

Two eggs, based on the shelled weight of 55 grams, a total of 110 grams, calories of 158 kcal. The sum of the two is 238 kcal.

If you add 20 grams of sugar to 40 grams of oil, the calories reach 678 kcal.

In the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)", it is recommended that the oil used in such a dish exceeds the recommended daily amount in the guide.

You know, a medium serving of fries is 350 kcal, a wheat chicken burger is 400 kcal, and a 300g bowl of rice is 350 kcal.

Give you 3 seconds to think: What is the "national dish" that best represents China?

Let's take another set of data: take an adult weighing 60 kg as an example, the daily calorie standard is 1500 kcal to 1800 kcal, and each meal is about 600 kcal. If you eat more than 300 kcal in this one dish, and add 350 kcal to a bowl of rice, can you eat other dishes?

So, how can you keep scrambled eggs with tomatoes from becoming a fattening dish?

The answer is simple – less oil and less sugar, of course.

For example:

2 eggs and a tomato,

The oil is controlled within 15g, the salt within 3g, and the sugar within 10g.

Of course, the specific situation depends on the physical condition and tastes of the family members.

How does Xiaobai make this dish?

Ingredients: tomatoes, eggs, salt, shallots, sugar, garlic, ginger.


1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them with a cross knife, beat the eggs, chopped green onions, minced garlic and ginger.

2. Put a little salt into the beaten eggs to increase the bottom taste, stir the eggs evenly, heat the oil and put the eggs in the pot, stir-fry until they are cooked thoroughly and put them in a bowl for later use.

3. Boil the water, put the tomatoes into the water, take them out and put them in cold water, peel them, cut them into small pieces and put them on a plate for later use.

4. Heat the oil, add the chopped green onion, minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add the chopped tomatoes and stir-fry until the soup comes out, add salt and sugar and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with chopped green onions and remove from the pot.


1. When frying tomatoes, be sure to turn on high heat and stir-fry quickly.

2. Put the tomatoes in the pot and stir-fry over high heat, just slightly out of the juice, not for too long.

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