
What are the common psychological disorders in children and adolescents?

author:Guangzhou Erboshi Psychological Counseling

In recent years, there have been more and more problems among children and adolescents, and some expert surveys have found that all problems are related to the psychological causes of children and adolescents without exception. Therefore, the identification of psychological disorders in children and adolescents and the search for effective countermeasures have become an urgent problem. To diagnose and identify whether it is a real disease, it is necessary to go to a regular hospital to prevent misinterpretation of the child's behavior problems and cause secondary injury.

What are the common psychological disorders in children and adolescents?

1. The most common mental illness in children

1. Anxiety disorders: Children with anxiety disorders have fears of certain things or situations and experience somatic symptoms related to anxiety (nervousness), such as rapid heartbeat and sweating.

2. Disruptive behavior disorder: Children with this disorder tend to break rules and are often disruptive in organized settings, such as schools.

3. Eating disorders: Eating disorders are manifested as strong emotions, attitudes and abnormal behaviors related to weight and/or food.

4. Excretory disorder: This disorder affects behaviors related to the excretion of waste products (feces and urine) in the body.

5. Affective (emotional) disorders: These disorders, including depressive disorders, are characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and/or fickle emotions.

6. Schizophrenia: It is a serious disorder that involves distorted ideas and thoughts.

7. Tic disorder: This disorder causes people to make repetitive, sudden, involuntary, and often meaningless movements (called tics), or to make such sounds.

8. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are usually hyperactive and have difficulty controlling their impulses and attention, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common mental disorder in children.

2. Other diseases

Some of these disorders, such as anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia, can persist from childhood to adulthood and beyond. Other disorders (e.g., behavioral and developmental disorders, excretory disorders, Xi, and communication disorders) that begin only in childhood, although they can persist into adulthood.

What are the common psychological disorders in children and adolescents?

3. Symptoms of mental illness in children

Symptoms of mental illness in children vary depending on the type of mental illness, but general symptoms include:

Changes in school performance, poor grades despite effort, drug and/or alcohol abuse, inability to cope with daily problems and activities, changes in sleep and/or eating Xi, excessive complaints of physical illness.

Defiance of authority, absenteeism, theft or destruction of property, intense fear of weight gain, persistent negative emotions, often accompanied by loss of appetite and suicidal thoughts, frequent outbursts of anger, loss of interest in friends or activities that are commonly enjoyed.

Significant increase in time spent alone, always excessive worry or anxiety, hyperactivity, persistent nightmares or night terrors, persistent defiant or aggressive behavior, frequent tantrums, hearing non-existent sounds or seeing non-existent objects (hallucinations).

4. Causes of mental illness

The cause of most mental illnesses is unknown, but research suggests that a variety of factors may be involved, including genetic, biological, traumatic, and environmental stressors.

1. Genetic (genetic) factors: Mental illness tends to run in families, which means that the predisposition to develop a psychological disorder may be passed on from parents to children.

2. Biological factors: Certain psychological disorders are related to special chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters help nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other, and if levels of these chemicals in the body are out of balance or not working properly, information may not be transmitted properly in the brain, leading to certain symptoms. psychological trauma and environmental stress, etc. In addition, defects or damage in certain areas of the brain have also been linked to certain mental disorders.

3. Psychological trauma: Some psychological trauma can trigger mental illness, such as: suffering severe emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Important deletions in early childhood, such as the loss of a parent. Neglected emotionally and physically.

4. Environmental stress: Stressful or traumatic events can lead to mental illness in people who are susceptible to psychological disorders.

What are the common psychological disorders in children and adolescents?

Note: The article is for the purpose of popular science, and some of the content and pictures are from the Internet.

Guangzhou Angel Children's Hospital

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