
At the first quarterly work meeting of the Municipal Party Committee this year, Chen Jining emphasized these work priorities and commented on the four districts and three departments
At the first quarterly work meeting of the Municipal Party Committee this year, Chen Jining emphasized these work priorities and commented on the four districts and three departments

The quarterly work meeting of the municipal party committee was held this afternoon. Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Shanghai, and in accordance with the deployment of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 12th Municipal Party Committee, further improve the ideological position, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, strengthen the overall planning of work, pay attention to the coordination between the upper and lower levels, and make every effort to grasp the beginning of various tasks with the momentum of catching up with learning, so as to lay a solid foundation for the realization of the annual goals and tasks.

Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, is deploying the key work of economic and social development in the first quarter, and Wu Qing, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Pudong New Area Party Committee, Jinshan District Party Committee, Qingpu District Party Committee, Chongming District Party Committee, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Education Commission, and Municipal Health Commission spoke successively, and Chen Jining made comments on their work one by one. Pudong New Area has built an upgraded version of party building in buildings, built a "Pudong International Talent Port", led the district to complete 94% of the 450 tasks in the implementation plan, and implemented 59 items in the first batch of authorized items for the comprehensive reform pilot. Four Class 1 new drugs were approved for marketing, the first domestic large cruise ship was officially delivered, and the C919 large passenger aircraft started commercial operation. The transformation of urban villages in the streets has been fully completed, and the beds of the "Home for City Builders and Managers in the New Era" for construction account for 1/4 of the city. However, there are still deficiencies in rectifying the unhealthy tendencies around the masses, adjusting the economic structure, cultivating first-class enterprises, and refining the management of cities. In the first three quarters of last year, the growth of regional GDP ranked first in the suburbs, and the total number of green factories, products, parks, supply chains and the completion rate of renewable energy construction tasks were the first in the city. The supply of affordable rental housing has been completed second in the city, and it has taken the lead in realizing the full coverage of the mobile network of underground garages in residential areas. However, there are still deficiencies in the education and management of young cadres, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and the development and expansion of the rural collective economy. Qingpu District carried out the "CIIE Pioneer" action, deepened the party building in the express delivery industry, and led the construction of 113 "happy communities" under the leadership of party building. Huawei's Qingpu R&D Center was basically completed, and it signed the "first order" of the Shanghai trading delegation at the CIIE for six consecutive years. The completion progress of the new public parking spaces is the first in the city, forming a cross-river and lake integrated co-governance rotation model in the demonstration area, and the river and lake long system and the most stringent water resources management system are the first in the city. However, there are still deficiencies in the management and supervision of the "number one" education, the concentration of key industries, and the promotion of high-quality and balanced public services. More than 11,000 in-service party members in Chongming District went to the village to serve as the "second secretary", and the total import and export volume increased year-on-year from January to November last year. The completion progress of the renovation of the home environment for the elderly is the second in the city, and the satisfaction of the ecological and environmental protection masses is the first in the city. However, there are still deficiencies in the construction progress of some ecological and environmental projects, the consolidation of the rural collective foundation, and the transformation of ecological advantage value. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission has been effective in planning and promoting the implementation of the national strategy, taking the lead in formulating a series of document plans and policies and measures to stabilize growth, promoting investment theme activities, implementing the 6.0 version of the reform plan for optimizing the business environment, promoting the spatial transformation and functional optimization of key areas, and promoting the implementation of the first batch of 25 major functional matters introduced to the "five new cities". However, there are still deficiencies in strengthening the forward-looking prediction of trends around the national strategy, the systematic and holistic promotion of reform and opening up measures, and the enhancement of the clarity and coordination of business environment policies. The Municipal Education Commission has promoted the strategic cooperation of "two pioneers and pilot projects" in higher education between the ministry and the city, comprehensively launched the adjustment of discipline layout and enrollment structure, promoted the introduction of the country's first local regulations on preschool education and childcare services, and took the lead in creating a high-quality and balanced development zone for national compulsory education. However, there are still deficiencies in improving the innovation and development ability of educational services, solving problems such as talent evaluation, scientific research management, and teacher mobility, and optimizing the structure of educational resources. The Municipal Health Commission has issued an implementation plan and supporting policies to improve the capacity of community health services, improved the average types of diseases diagnosed and treated in the community, the types of drugs dispensed and the contracted services of family doctors, organized the preparation of the sixth round of three-year action plans for the public health system, established the Municipal Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention and has been put into operation, formulated a list of pilot support policies to promote the high-quality development of public hospitals, and added 60 Internet hospitals. However, there are still deficiencies in improving the level of integration of industry and medicine, dynamically adjusting medical resources, increasing hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, and sinking the source of experts into the community. In addition, according to the statistics of the 12345 citizen service hotline, from January to November last year, the appeals were mainly concentrated in the fields of commercial services, property, transportation, pollution, postal services, political conduct, market supervision, social security, social security information, and medical insurance.

At the first quarterly work meeting of the Municipal Party Committee this year, Chen Jining emphasized these work priorities and commented on the four districts and three departments

Chen Jining pointed out that the citizen service hotline is a "barometer", reflecting the pain points of the masses and enterprises. All parties must respond to complaints, handle complaints immediately, and handle them before they are filed. It is necessary to implement the responsibility of the first office, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and achieve "the same question and answer together", so as to realize the transformation from "solving one problem" to "solving one type of problem". It is necessary to rely on hotline data to strengthen the analysis of the needs and demands of the masses and enterprises, and find out the breakthrough points of reform and opening up, the focus of policy innovation, and the entry points of service optimization.

Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to take the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his inspection of Shanghai as the distinctive theme of this year's work, grasp the political position, overall positioning, and practical position specified by General Secretary Xi Jinping, strengthen the concept of systems, and improve the integrity of work promotion. Standing at the height of implementing national strategies, safeguarding national interests, and safeguarding national security, we should clearly understand the significance of each task, see the position in the overall situation, and test the system and explore experience for the country with a stronger sense of mission and stronger execution. With regard to the task of "taking a lead and moving the whole body", it is necessary to persist in taking a step forward, strengthen the initiative in work, and better align the incision that Shanghai can break through with the direction in which the country wants to make breakthroughs, so as to seek greater consensus and strive for greater breakthroughs. For tasks that need to deepen understanding and continue to advance, we must bravely shoulder heavy burdens, focus on the difficult problems, break through the blocking points, and drive the overall improvement with breakthroughs in points. Tasks that have a bearing on the people's livelihood and well-being and the aspirations of the people should be consistently and stepped up to reflect the distinctive characteristics of socialist modernization and the essential attributes of the people's cities.

"To take on the mission and task, the focus is on the implementation of responsibility, and the leading unit should take the lead with heart and strength, and be good at doing good work and taking responsibility. Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to organize all relevant departments and units to conduct in-depth consultations and joint battles, come up with effective and useful measures, be good at collaborating and gathering consensus, take a clear stand and implement it, and do a good job as the organizer and main attacker. It is necessary to continue to amplify the effect of the first case, consolidate the achievements, expand the results, constantly discover new situations, study new problems, find a focus for a new round of deepening reform and opening up, and constantly promote breakthroughs and improvements.

Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the key points, start from seeking practical results, superimposing amplification, and building brands, strengthen work coordination, and better prosper consumption, expand investment, and restore traffic. It is necessary to coordinate culture, sports, tourism and business, strengthen the overall design, and achieve the same frequency resonance in mutual synergy, so as to continue to gather traffic, heat up popularity, and flourish consumption. It is necessary to coordinate the exhibition forum, strengthen the overall planning, promote the in-depth linkage and mutual drainage of the exhibition, and improve the level of exhibition and exhibition and the efficiency of participation in the exhibition. It is necessary to coordinate investment promotion activities, make greater efforts to run a series of activities of "Invest in Shanghai", strengthen overseas investment promotion, do a good job in project promotion and policy interpretation, and enhance the visibility at home and abroad.

Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the city's one game of chess, strengthen coordination between the upper and lower levels, and give full play to the enthusiasm of the two. In the process of policy formulation, the department should listen to the opinions of the district and enterprises, so that the district can be more implementable and operational. It is necessary to pay more attention to the bottom of the situation, tell the truth, report the truth, reflect more problems, make more suggestions, and better promote the improvement of policies and optimization of services. It is necessary to take the problems reflected by the grassroots to heart, respond in a timely manner, and take the initiative to solve them, so that the grassroots can work the front line with more vigor and motivation. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, we must always tighten the string of safety, strictly investigate and deal with all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of urban safety.

At the first quarterly work meeting of the Municipal Party Committee this year, Chen Jining emphasized these work priorities and commented on the four districts and three departments

Gong Zheng pointed out that in accordance with the deployment of the municipal party committee, we should adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability with progress, establishing first and then breaking down, continue to work hard to maintain steady economic growth, better coordinate consumption and investment, and strive to stabilize expectations, boost confidence, and enhance the development momentum of enterprises. We will continue to make efforts to accelerate the construction of the "five centers", make greater efforts to promote the integration of science and technology innovation and industry, enhance the internationalization of financial centers, enhance the function of trade hubs, make up for shortcomings such as high-end shipping services, and strengthen the function of scientific and technological innovation as a source of innovation. We will continue to make efforts to deepen high-level opening-up, and take the implementation of major national strategic tasks as the traction, and vigorously promote pioneering reforms and leading opening-up in all aspects. We will continue to make efforts to protect and improve people's livelihood, promote people's support projects, do a good job in people's livelihood, accelerate the transformation of "two old and one village", improve the multi-level and diversified rental housing supply system, and do a good job in helping the poor and sending warmth. We will continue to work hard to maintain the safety and stability of the city, continue to eliminate hidden dangers, prevent risks, and curb accidents.

City leaders Li Yangzhe, Chen Tong, Zhu Zhisong, Zhang Wei, Chen Jinshan, Li Zheng, Zhou Huilin, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Hua Yuan, Xie Dong, Zhang Yahong, Chen Jie, Chen Yujian, Shu Qing, Peng Shenlei, Xiao Guiyu attended the meeting.