
The phone I played with 20 years ago (Sony Ericsson chapter)


More than 20 years ago, Ericsson and Sony were giants, Ericsson was a giant in the communications industry, and the communication equipment was even more powerful than Huawei at that time. Sony is a consumer electronics giant, and Walkman game consoles have taken the world by storm.

However, they are all poor students in the field of mobile phones.

In fact, Ericsson and Sony also launched a few machines in the early days that I thought were pretty good.

Ericsson T29: At that time, the classmates had this, the handsome lower flap, the comfortable grip. It's just that the antenna is a bit thick.

The phone I played with 20 years ago (Sony Ericsson chapter)

Ericsson T29

Sony also has a machine that I think is pretty good.

Sony Z18: Another buddy uses this, a good dial, the iconic dial key position, I just think the antenna is a bit long.

The phone I played with 20 years ago (Sony Ericsson chapter)

Sony Z18

Although both had some good models, Nokia and Motorola were too strong at that time and overwhelmed other brands.

So, Ericsson, which has a thick antenna, and Sony, which has a long antenna, combined to make a thick and long combination Sony Ericsson. At that time, we were all called Suo Ai.

After a period of running-in after the establishment of Sony Ericsson, Sony consumer electronics and Ericsson communications have given full play to their strengths, and there have indeed been some good opportunities.

Sony Ericsson T618 clean look. The iconic paddle has become the first mobile phone to open sales.

The phone I played with 20 years ago (Sony Ericsson chapter)

Sony Ericsson T618

Subsequently, Sony Ericsson made persistent efforts and successively launched the successor model of the high-end smartphone P800, the P908, the K750, which focuses on imaging, and the W800, a music mobile phone under the name of Walkman

Thereinto. What I admire the most. It was the flagship mobile phone P908 back then, which was very close to today's smartphones.

The phone I played with 20 years ago (Sony Ericsson chapter)

Sony Ericsson P908

One of my classmates was holding this machine at the time, and he used his mobile phone to send emails in class, and we were stunned when we only used feature phones.

I especially want to get one. Unfortunately, the price was too high at that time, and I had just graduated and didn't have much money. Later, I had to give up.

Subsequently, Sony Ai has launched many models, but in fact, the sales have been good.

It wasn't until 2007 that the iPhone came out, and then I didn't know what the gap in the system was.

As a result, he was hit by dimensionality reduction. The share is decreasing year by year.

In 2011, Sony acquired the remaining shares of Sony Aison, and Sony Ai completely withdrew from the mobile phone stage!

After 10 years, Soai finally lost to smartphones.

End of full text.

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