
The first famous scene in 2024!Tan Jianci posted a retouched picture, but was slapped in the face by Yang Di's original picture, which was embarrassing

author:Funny one-man show


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The first famous scene in 2024!Tan Jianci posted a retouched picture, but was slapped in the face by Yang Di's original picture, which was embarrassing

Funny one-man show

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Recently, actor Tan Jianci posted a number of photos on social platforms, and one of the photos sparked heated discussions. The reason is that the on-site photos released by Yang Di at the same time exposed the truth of Tan Jianci's retouching - obvious wrinkles, dullness and sagging are hidden, which is in great contrast with the carefully retouched photos.

The incident quickly sparked discussion on the Internet, with some people questioning Tan Jianci's over-retouching and others justifying factors such as makeup for him. In any case, over-reliance on retouching to shape the image is actually not good for actors. Acting is king, and the external conditions will eventually fade. I hope that the male stars will not be driven by vanity and pay attention to the acting itself.

The first famous scene in 2024!Tan Jianci posted a retouched picture, but was slapped in the face by Yang Di's original picture, which was embarrassing

After this incident, it quickly attracted widespread attention and discussion online. For a time, the search volume of "Tan Jianci" related topics rose sharply, with more than 10 million hits. Netizens expressed surprise after comparing the contrast between the two sets of photos.

Some netizens defended Tan Jianci, believing that his condition was not as bad as the photos, and Yang Di's release was only caused by the poor shooting angle and time. Some people also think that the state of the actor should have improved after makeup and lighting, and he should not be too harsh.

But more netizens said that Tan Jianci's retouching this time has exceeded a reasonable range. In the retouched photos he posted, the entire face is extremely smooth, wrinkles and dullness are gone, and the facial features are completely renewed. This kind of retouching technique makes people see at a glance that there are modifications, and the contrast is too great.

Some netizens also dug up the photos of Tan Jianci's recent dramas for comparison, and found that his state when he appeared in the play was also beautified, which was obviously different from his real appearance. If we, as the audience, have seen such a "perfect" face as him in the play, and see the original photos that were suddenly exposed, we will indeed feel unacceptable and cognitively consistent.

What's more, netizens have said that Tan Jianci's retouching techniques this time directly led him astray in the direction of femininity. The delicate makeup and overly smooth skin give people a strong sense of "aunty". This also made him appear a little inconsistent with the heroine's CP in the recent series he starred in.

The first famous scene in 2024!Tan Jianci posted a retouched picture, but was slapped in the face by Yang Di's original picture, which was embarrassing

Overall, this incident directly led to a rift in Tan Jianci's online personality, and it took time for fans to get used to his true state. It also brings people to reflect on whether the male star also has the necessary bag psychology, and will also over-modify it in order to maintain the image.

Of course, the external conditions will eventually fade with time, and acting skills and connotation are the foundation of an actor's foothold. Over-reliance on retouching is easy to cause a crisis of trust in the audience, and I hope that the actor can pay attention to the acting skills themselves and not be confused by vanity.

After this incident, it quickly caused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and everyone had different opinions on this matter.

Some netizens felt that Yang Di was a little deliberate in doing this, because Tan Jianci's photos were sent out first, and Yang Di only released the original photos of the scene after reading them. They believe that Yang Di deliberately wanted to use the original photos to attack his colleague Tan Jianci, who cooperated with him.

The first famous scene in 2024!Tan Jianci posted a retouched picture, but was slapped in the face by Yang Di's original picture, which was embarrassing

However, more netizens said that Yang Di's approach was just his own straight male aesthetics, and he did not consider the impact on Tan Jianci's psychology. They suggested that the next time Yang Di encounters a similar situation, it is best to unify the photos into one style before posting, so as not to cause strong contrasts.

Some netizens also think that even if Yang Di did not send the original picture, netizens will sooner or later find the problem of Tan Jianci's excessive retouching. After all, the retouched photos he released are too far away from the real state, and they are beyond the scope of reasonable retouching, which makes people see it at a glance. Netizens also expressed that what they want to see is always the true character of the actor.

However, there are also some voices of persuasion. They believe that no matter what the photo effect is, Tan Jianci's own acting skills and strength will not be affected. People should still pay attention to his work, not just at the level of appearance. Yang Di later issued a statement to clarify, saying that Tan Jianci was very handsome no matter what.

After this incident, it also brought food for thought to many netizens. Is it our aesthetic concept that needs to be changed, or do actors need to pay attention to internal shaping? The external conditions will eventually disappear, and I hope everyone can think about this issue in a positive direction.

The first famous scene in 2024!Tan Jianci posted a retouched picture, but was slapped in the face by Yang Di's original picture, which was embarrassing

Finally, I think male stars should not care too much about the effect of hard photos, but should focus more on the tempering of their acting skills. Only inner growth can make you go further in this. Relying on external embellishments to create a false image is ultimately unsustainable.

This is not only related to the actor's own career, but also has a bad impact on the audience at large. Actors should face the camera with a positive and enterprising attitude and speak with their own strength. The external conditions will eventually grow old, but superb acting skills will become your eternal wealth.

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