
Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

author:Kangsir medical science

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On the snow-white ski slope, Zhao Gang felt the biting cold wind and the sense of speed under his feet. He is an ordinary IT engineer who came here to relax during the New Year's holiday.

Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

Suddenly, he bumped into his college friend, Dr. Lee, who is now a chiropractic specialist, at the cable car station.

The two chatted about the recent situation while riding the cable car up the mountain. Zhao Gang mentioned his recent low back pain.

After hearing this, Dr. Li said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Don't think that low back pain is a trivial matter, maybe several diseases are knocking on your door!"

Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

Zhao Gang was curious: "Really, can you tell me more about it?"

Dr. Li adjusted his glasses and began to explain in detail: "First of all, the most common possibility is a herniated disc. The disease sounds scary, but many people have mild symptoms.

However, if left untreated, it can compress nerves and cause increased pain. ”

Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

"Secondly, it could be a muscle strain. Especially for people like you who sit in the office for a long time, it is easy to cause tension in the lower back muscles due to improper posture. ”

Zhao Gang listened with relish and nodded frequently.

Dr. Lee added, "There is also a possibility of spondylolisthesis. This is because the stability between the lumbar vertebrae is weakened, resulting in the vertebral body sliding relatively.

Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

If this situation is not taken seriously, it can lead to more serious problems. ”

"The last possibility is osteoporosis. It is uncommon in young people, but it increases with age, especially in people who lack exercise and calcium intake. ”

Dr. Lee went on to mention a case he had treated: "There was a patient who only had back pain at first and didn't pay attention to it.

Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

It turned out to be a spondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine and almost required surgery. Fortunately, I was able to recover well through physical therapy and lifestyle adjustments. ”

After Zhao Gang heard this, he was very shocked. He decided that he would definitely go to the hospital for a check-up when he returned.

The two chatted and reached the top of the mountain. As Zhao was about to slide down, Dr. Li suddenly asked a question that seemed unrelated to the previous topic: "Do you know why the snow is white in winter?"

Don't think it's just a simple low back pain! Beware of the 4 diseases "coming to the door", or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

Zhao Gang shook his head and said he didn't know.


Dr. Li explained with a smile, "Snow is made up of countless Xiaoice crystals. These ice crystals reflect sunlight, and because sunlight contains all colors, the snow appears white.

This may seem unrelated to low back pain, but it is a reminder to pay attention to details.

Low back pain may be a minor problem, but it can also be a precursor to a serious illness. Just like snow, although it looks just beautiful white, it actually contains complex physical processes. ”

After Zhao Gang heard this, he was deeply touched. He thanked Dr. Li for his explanation, slid down the mountain, and secretly decided that he must pay attention to his low back pain when he returned.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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