
2024 "star" these 4 little things, life is getting happier and happier



There's a good saying:

"Happiness is not immortality, not big fish and big meat, not power and opposition. Happiness is the fulfillment of every tiny wish in life, when you want to eat, you have to eat, and when you want to love, someone loves. ”

In many cases, what makes people feel happy is not the vigorous event, but the beauty and healing hidden in the trivial ordinary.

Calm down, read good books and cultivate your mind in your alone time;

Slow down, do more exercise in your free time, and look forward to it.

The new year is coming, star these 4 little things that make life happier and happier.

2024 "star" these 4 little things, life is getting happier and happier

Source: Visual China

Health, accumulate confidence

According to the 2023 National Healthy Life Insight Report, 98% of people have health problems.

Many people say that looking at the physical examination report at the end of the year is like opening a blind box: gallstones, fatty liver, thyroid nodules, cervical spondylosis...... There will always be one or two.

Many people are desperately trying to roll up their appearance and performance, but they ignore that what should really be rolled is health.

Not long ago, Ye Tan, a well-known "first generation of volume king" in the financial circle, accepted an exclusive interview with the "Beijing News" after treating cancer for a period of time.

Ye Tan is a well-known workaholic, and she once firmly said: "My happiness and sense of existence come from work." ”

After setting up the studio, she worked for more than ten hours a day, and even the time to go to the toilet and drink water was stingy with "arrangement".

She focuses on her work, so naturally she neglects her body.

Occasionally, she has stomach pain, chest tightness and other discomforts, but she doesn't care about them;

When breast nodules are detected, they are simply ignored on the grounds that they are busy.

It wasn't until she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer that she woke up from a dream: her body collapsed, and no amount of hard work and struggle would come to naught.

She put down all her work and started undergoing treatment.

Fortunately, she was suffering from standard cancer, and chemotherapy and targeted therapy quickly took effect, and Ye Tan finally passed the darkest moment of her life.

Now, Ye Tan's condition has improved, and she has also learned to take care of her body:

She gave herself a long vacation to practice calligraphy at home and meditate;

She insisted on running in the morning and taking a walk after meals every day;

She learned to let go of her obsession and sleep well......

Her most recent re-examination result was 100 points, and the lump was much smaller than before.

Because of this experience, Ye Tan has more awe and thinking about life, and she shared her feelings on Weibo:

"Health is our most precious wealth, we should cherish and care for it, and enjoy the beauty of life. ”

Oh, yes. In this life, people are inevitably anxious about complicated and trivial things, and they are rushing for fame and fortune, but no matter how busy they are, they must also find a way to cultivate their bodies.

New Year –

Get a sweaty workout to unload your fatigue and relax.

Get a good night's sleep, empty your brain, and settle your soul.

Keep your health, accumulate confidence, and make the future days peaceful and stable.

2024 "star" these 4 little things, life is getting happier and happier

Source: Visual China

Read books, read life

The not-so-stable year of 2023 has made more people realize that only by insisting on reading can they broaden the boundaries of knowledge and have the confidence to stand in the world in the face of the rapidly changing times.

It's like the saying: "If you don't study, what do you do to fight with others." ”

Reading is the best opportunity for ordinary people to counterattack.

The story of the aerospace hero Gui Haichao is the best interpretation of "reading changes fate".

With the successful launch of Shenzhou 16, everyone knows that Gui Haichao is a doctoral supervisor, a professor at Beihang University, and the first payload expert......

Only Gui Haichao knows that he is a child in the mountains, and he once studied day and night, just to one day get out of the mountains and reach the distant place of his dreams.

Gui Haichao comes from a remote and impoverished town.

When he was in elementary school, Gui Haichao was a hard-working boy in the eyes of his neighbors.

He always likes to sit in the first row, listen carefully and ask questions to the teacher.

He also likes to hold books, find answers from books, and explore the unknown world.

After going to high school, Gui Haichao was a "scholar" who won awards in the hearts of his classmates.

He was the first person to go to the classroom every day to read a book, and he was also the last to leave the classroom, even in between washing and eating, he was learning Xi.

In this way, Gui Haichao was admitted to Beihang University with the first score in science in the county.

After going to university, Gui Haichao was still the most hardworking person, and it was his daily routine to go back and forth between the library and the laboratory.

He has always been among the best in his grades, completing his Ph.D. from undergrad to postdoctoral research abroad, during which he has published nearly 20 academic papers in top international journals.

Every book he reads has become an opportunity for him to surpass his own capital and compete with fate.

I agree with the saying: "Those books that are read in our heads are the guiding signs on our life path." Where and how far you can go, the books you read know the answer. ”

In this life, people must always choose a path to go.

A person who does not read, only sees the square inch under his feet, and is trapped in it all his life, and his steps are difficult.

However, people who read a lot can get out of the current predicament, see a diverse world, and find a path they want to take.

New Year –

Meet a good book, find the joy of learning Xi, and open up a new self.

Read more good books, break your own limitations, and discover more exciting.

Keep reading, improve yourself, and read for a better life.

2024 "star" these 4 little things, life is getting happier and happier

Source: Visual China

Cultivate your mind and live up to yourself

I like Yuan Mei's poem very much: "Moss flowers are as small as rice, and they also learn to bloom peonies." ”

Tiny moss flowers are also blooming warmly.

So, ordinary doesn't mean mediocre.

Loving the "ordinary self" is the greatest sobriety of contemporary people.

reconcile with yourself, with a peaceful and normal heart, find your own rhythm and shine;

Shake hands with life, with a happy and soft heart, and live up to the long years of stability and fun.

Foodie Cai Lan told a story about the past in the talk show "Thirteen Invitations".

The 80s of the 20th century was the golden age of Hong Kong films, and Cai Lan was working as a producer at Shaw Brothers Film Company, just in time for this good time.

So, he seized the opportunity and carefully planned a number of blockbuster films, which were box office hits, and the new actors he discovered quickly became famous, and he also made a name for himself in the film industry.

Life seems to be shining, but Cai Lan once fell into pain.

In order to relieve his boredom, he began to travel the world and enjoy the food of various places.

He played all the way, studied food all the way, made the food in the world into a program, and wrote his life insights into works such as "Seeing and Letting Go, is Life" and "Living Thoroughly".

Today, the 82-year-old Cai Lan still interacts with fans on major social platforms, and when asked how to deal with the pain, he humorously replied: "Throw it away." ”

This is not a superficial joke, but his insight into the world after the fact.

Cai Lan believes: "Life is very short, take the time to focus on what you love, and learn to give up everything outside your body, so that you can live freely and freely in ordinary days." ”

Only when a person has a calm heart and accepts the ordinary can he resist all the restlessness and restlessness in the world.

New Year –

Cultivate a positive and sunny heart, warm others, and exude a faint fragrance.

Cultivate a calm and peaceful heart, focus on yourself, and live a strong and fearless life.

Cultivate a good heart, in the ordinary, easy-going.

2024 "star" these 4 little things, life is getting happier and happier

Source: Visual China

Looking forward to a good restart

A new beginning, a beautiful beginning.

Turn the page of the past and strive to spell out the light of new life.

The meaning of struggle is different for everyone, but the only thing that can be determined is that no matter who you are, as long as you fight hard, there will be fewer regrets in life.

Not long ago, Dong Shunjiang, a tennis player who swung his racket in a wheelchair at the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games, was a "Wenchuan boy".

During the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Dong Shunjiang was buried under the rubble in order to save his classmates, resulting in the amputation of his right lower leg.

But he didn't get discouraged, but worked hard to become a tennis player.

He used a wheelchair instead of his feet, put aside the shackles of physical defects, and swung his racket vigorously on the court, proving to the world that he was strong and unyielding.

The Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games has ended, and although Dong Shunjiang's results have not been as expected, he smiled calmly: "As long as this ball does not become a dead ball, I will go all out to chase it." ”

Bidding farewell to the past and not afraid of failure, Dong Shunjiang rushed to the next game with great expectations.

And there are many people like Dong Shunjiang who are full of good wishes for the New Year......

New Year –

Looking forward to a shining self, working silently, and improving day by day.

Looking forward to a bright future, not in a hurry, slowly moving forward.

Expect everything you dream of and do your best to shine.

2024 "star" these 4 little things, life is getting happier and happier

Source: Visual China

I once read a sentence: "In everyone's life, there are challenging moments that make life beautiful and vast." ”

In this life, there will always be ditches and bumps, stumbling and stumbling.

What we can do is to stabilize our mindset, break from within, and overcome adversity.

All the past is prologue.

New year, new beginnings.

Take care of your body and meet the challenges of life with a healthy body;

Insist on reading and use the accumulated knowledge to broaden the road under your feet;

Meditation and meditation, with a positive attitude to deal with the ups and downs of life;

With anticipation, with good wishes for a colorful future.

Click "Attention", in 2024, I hope you can treat yourself well, let happiness be fragrant in trivial daily life, and the years will be warm in the mixed tastes.