
The first time I asked my father to resign, it was a matter of 500 yuan, and it was not a matter of 500 yuan.


The decision to resign

I remember it was a sunny morning and I walked into the office with a lot of enthusiasm. However, the moment I stepped on the threshold, a depressing aura greeted me, leaving me suffocating. This place, which was once full of passion and energy for me, is now like a prison shrouded in mist and mist. While I felt frustrated and helpless, I also developed a strong desire to be free.

$500 trigger

500 yuan may be just an insignificant number for a self-media editor. However, this short story made waves in my heart.

After work that day, I received feedback emails from some readers. One of them stood out to me. A reader named Xiao Wang confided in me about his heartache. He was a college student from a poor family who learned to code and became a freelancer through self-study and online tutorials. However, due to the fierce competition in the industry, he never found a stable job offer. Every month, he barely makes ends meet with odd jobs. Recently, his computer broke down and needed to be repaired at a cost of 500 yuan.

The first time I asked my father to resign, it was a matter of 500 yuan, and it was not a matter of 500 yuan.

After reading this email, I was moved. I realized how important the 500 yuan was to Xiao Wang, it was not only a sum of money, but also his hope and confidence to move forward. I thought that if I had a spare amount of money, I would be willing to help him without hesitation.

In search of freedom and meaning

That night, I lay in bed and thought about my work life. I used to have a lot of love and passion for this position, but now I am only tired and confused. I began to wonder if I should stay in this position, and I kept repeating the same job.

What am I pursuing? Should I dedicate my passion and talents to a more meaningful cause? The 500 yuan incident not only made me think about the huge meaning behind this small number, but also made me seriously think about whether my career is going in the direction I desired.

The first time I asked my father to resign, it was a matter of 500 yuan, and it was not a matter of 500 yuan.

Life choices

The next morning, I resolutely walked into my boss's office and offered to resign. I told him that it wasn't just because of the $500 thing, but because I had greater pursuits and expectations for my future.

I remember the air was heavy and silent, as if a storm was coming. I understand that this decision was not easy for both parties, but I firmly believe that it was the right choice in my life.

Personal reflections and insights

Through this experience, I deeply realized that the choices in life are often not just based on superficial numbers and events, but also contain deeper meanings and pursuits. The 500 yuan incident made me re-examine my career and think deeply about my expectations and pursuits for the future.

The first time I asked my father to resign, it was a matter of 500 yuan, and it was not a matter of 500 yuan.

No matter what position we are in, we should stick to our beliefs and pursuits, and bravely face life choices. It is only on the path of pursuing freedom and meaning that we can find happiness and fulfillment that truly belong to us.

Summary and opinions

In retrospect, although the decision to resign this time was due to a small number, it represented my thinking and determination about my future development. This number triggered me to re-examine my career and make me understand what I really aspire to pursue.

Choices in life are not just a job choice, but a process of freedom and meaning. No matter how difficult and stressful it is, we should stand up for our inner voice and be brave enough to fight for our happiness and fulfillment.

The first time I asked my father to resign, it was a matter of 500 yuan, and it was not a matter of 500 yuan.

I hope everyone can find their own 500 yuan to make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful.