
Is cabbage suitable for gastritis patients?To protect stomach health, it is recommended to stay away from these three foods

author:Dr. Sun, Department of Cardiology

Imagine sitting in a warm room on a cold winter day with a bowl of hot, fragrant cabbage soup in front of you. Cabbage, as one of the most common vegetables in our daily life, is not only delicious, but also nutritious, and is loved by everyone. But for gastritis sufferers, every bite of food can be a challenge to the stomach. So, what does such an ordinary bowl of cabbage soup mean for gastritis patients?

Is cabbage suitable for gastritis patients?To protect stomach health, it is recommended to stay away from these three foods

Cabbage and gastritis: an amazing truth

Effect of cabbage on patients with gastritis

Cabbage, common but extraordinary. Many gastritis patients are often confused about whether cabbage is a safe choice when choosing food. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and fiber, as well as a small amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, which are indispensable nutrients for gastric mucosal repair. However, the crude fiber in cabbage can be a challenge for some people with gastritis, especially those with excessive acid secretion or severe damage to the gastric mucosa.

For this group, excessive consumption of cabbage may cause stomach upset. But this does not mean that all people with gastritis should avoid cabbage altogether. Eating properly cooked cabbage in moderation, such as simmering until soft, can reduce its irritation while still providing the body with essential nutrients. The key lies in the mastery of quantity and the choice of cooking method.

Is cabbage suitable for gastritis patients?To protect stomach health, it is recommended to stay away from these three foods

Principles of diet for patients with gastritis

Diet is an important part of the treatment and health care of gastritis patients. A sensible diet can not only reduce stomach symptoms, but also promote the healing of the gastric mucosa. Here are some basic principles:

Mild and easy to digest: Choose foods that are easy to digest, such as cooked vegetables, lean meats, and tofu, and avoid raw, cold, hard foods.

Small, frequent meals: Small, frequent meals can reduce the burden on the stomach and avoid excessive stomach acid.

Avoid irritating foods: Spicy, salty, and acidic foods can irritate the stomach lining and should be avoided as much as possible.

Moderate fiber intake: Proper fiber can help with digestion, but too much can cause discomfort.

The diet of gastritis patients should be mild and balanced, and adjusted according to the specific situation of the individual. Everyone's stomach condition is different, so the diet plan should be personalized as well. It is recommended to develop a suitable diet plan under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Is cabbage suitable for gastritis patients?To protect stomach health, it is recommended to stay away from these three foods

Avoid these three foods and take care of your stomach!

1. Highly acidic foods: the invisible killer of the stomach

Highly acidic foods, such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, are rich in vitamins, but excessive intake may aggravate gastric acid secretion and irritate the already damaged gastric mucosa.

For patients with gastritis, it is recommended to consume it in moderation and avoid eating this type of food on an empty stomach to reduce direct irritation of the stomach.

2. Greasy and heavy taste: the "culprit" that aggravates gastritis

Fried foods and fatty foods, such as fried chicken and chips, can put a strain on the stomach, prolong the time food stays in the stomach, and worsen stomach upset.

People with gastritis should try to avoid these foods and turn to more digestible cooking methods, such as steaming or roasting.

3. Spicy and stimulating food: a "no-go zone" for gastritis patients

Spicy foods, such as chili peppers and mustard, can stimulate excessive gastric acid production, causing further damage to the damaged gastric mucosa.

Patients with gastritis are advised to reduce or avoid the intake of these foods to reduce stomach discomfort and the risk of inflammation.

Is cabbage suitable for gastritis patients?To protect stomach health, it is recommended to stay away from these three foods

Nutritious Menu for Patients: Practical and Nutritious!

1. Food preferred: Gentle and nutritious

Eat easy-to-digest, low-fat, high-fibre foods such as oats, lean meats, fish and fresh vegetables.

These foods help to reduce the burden on the stomach while providing the necessary nutrients.

2. Healthy Cooking: Stomach Nourish and Delicious

It is recommended to use gentle cooking methods such as steaming, simmering, or boiling.

These cooking methods not only help to preserve the nutrients of the food but also ensure that the food is easily digestible.

3. Eating Xi habits: small meals, multiple meals

Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help you avoid overloading your stomach.

Maintaining a regular mealtime can help stabilize stomach acid secretion and reduce stomach discomfort.

With these specific, practical dietary recommendations, gastritis patients can better take care of their stomach health in their daily lives. Every meal is an investment in stomach health, and choosing the right food and cooking methods are key to maintaining stomach health.