
Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

author:Kaixing Entertainment

#陪霍启山选媳妇: Huo Zhenting, who couldn't look down on Zhang Ziyi back then, will he fall in love with Zhang Yufei this time? #

40-year-old Huo Qishan has recently become a hot topic again, because of his love affair with Olympic champion Zhang Yufei, who is 15 years younger than him. This low-key big brother rarely shows his face in front of the media, which makes people have to sigh at the preferential treatment of time.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

Let's go back to a dinner in 2004, when Huo Qishan was invited to a charity dinner held by the Monaco royal family, and that night he met Zhang Ziyi. The reason for their breakup has become a hot topic among melon-eating netizens.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

At that time, it was rumored that the Huo family was against this relationship, and Zhang Ziyi responded in a show: "Their (Huo family's) request was a bit harsh, so I had to refuse." ”

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

However, nearly 20 years have passed, and now Huo Qishan has just stepped into middle age, but he still maintains a youthful appearance, and there is no greasy feeling common to middle-aged men at all.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

His eldest brother Huo Qigang and his sister-in-law Guo Jingjing gradually became well-known to the public after they got married. However, after his relationship with Zhang Yufei was exposed during this year's Asian Games, it once again attracted people's attention.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

This relationship seems to give people a feeling of history repeating itself, Huo Qishan, who once looked down on Zhang Ziyi, will he fall in love with Zhang Yufei this time? The two actresses have their own charms, and each represents the fashion trends of different eras. Zhang Ziyi has become a representative of the international film industry with her unique temperament and acting skills, while Zhang Yufei won the gold medal honor with her outstanding swimming performance.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

Of course, every romance has its own unique context and reasons. Perhaps, the similarities and attractions between Huo Qishan and Zhang Yufei stem from the similarities in their growth environments or their common hobbies. Regardless, their romance has sparked widespread discussion and attention, and also reflects the continued focus of modern society on celebrity love lives.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

At the same time, we can't ignore the news that Huo Qishan was previously exposed to pursue He Chaolian, the daughter of the gambling king. This time, he chose Zhang Yufei, perhaps because they have more resonance and tacit understanding with each other. Regardless of whether this relationship can last for a long time, I hope they can cherish the people in front of them and live a happy life.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

No matter what the turmoil is, let us wish Huo Qishan and Zhang Yufei can find each other's happiness in this relationship and create a better future of their own together. Let's wait and see if Huo Qishan will find his true love in this selection.

This is the current hot topic about accompanying Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law, so stay tuned for the follow-up development and news.

Accompany Huo Qishan to choose a daughter-in-law: Huo Zhenting didn't like Zhang Ziyi back then, will he take a fancy to Zhang Yufei this time?

The above is the report on the love affair between Huo Qishan and Zhang Yufei brought to you by this editor, and we will continue to pay attention to and bring you the latest developments. Stay tuned!#一人一条信息差#

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