
Jianxing super heart-warming promotional video: let wealth and beauty in the same frame

author:Lab cabbage yes

My dear readers, I have a surprising message to share with you today. Recently, China Construction Bank (hereinafter referred to as CCB) released a super heart-warming promotional film called "Let Wealth and Beauty Be in the Same Frame". It is a work full of warmth and emotion, and through detailed descriptions and vivid scenes, the audience can feel the joy of reading.

Jianxing super heart-warming promotional video: let wealth and beauty in the same frame

In this promotional video, CCB not only demonstrated its strength, but also demonstrated its responsibility and responsibility to the society. The trailer uses a first-person narrative to allow the audience to better understand the events and their impact.

At the beginning of the film, the camera focuses on a child's face. It was a childish and innocent smile, revealing innocent joy and anticipation. As the story unfolds, we see the growth of this child from childhood to adulthood. From chasing parkour and exploring to composing music, daily life, this child is full of aspiration and desire at every stage.

Jianxing super heart-warming promotional video: let wealth and beauty in the same frame

However, at the same time, we also see that the children's family conditions are not wealthy. Living in an environment of poverty, they face tremendous economic pressure and hardship. However, it is against this backdrop that CCB's help gives them hope. By providing them with wealth management services, financial support and training resources, CCB helped make this child's dream come true.

There is a scene in the promotional video that stood out to me. The child learned Xi musical performance skills in CCB's training class, and was praised by the instructor as a potential stock. Then, the child used his talents to repay CCB's care. In a charity performance, he used his singing to warm more people in need. This scene is inspiring and inspiring, and it also shows us that everyone, rich or poor, can contribute to society.

This promotional film has caused great attention and controversy in society. Social hotspots such as the gap between the rich and the poor, education equity and other issues are involved. Some people believe that CCB is just using this child to brush up its presence and cover up its own problems. Some people believe that this promotional film reflects the importance of social welfare from one side, so that more people pay attention to the needs of poor children.

I believe that this promotional film is much more than that. First of all, it brings a touch of warmth and emotion to people. Whether it is the perseverance of the children or the support of CCB, it is the yearning and pursuit of a better life. Second, it has led to social thinking about wealth distribution and educational equity. What we need to think about is how to let more children enjoy equal opportunities for development, and how to let poor children realize their dreams.

Jianxing super heart-warming promotional video: let wealth and beauty in the same frame

In this age of information, we are surrounded by all kinds of advertisements every day. However, this promotional video of CCB stands out among them. It doesn't have flashy special effects and pompous language, but it touches the hearts of the audience with a true story. When the audience saw the last scene of the promotional video, the child stood on the stage and said "Thank you, CCB", and a wave of warmth and joy would surely swell up in their hearts.

CCB's super heart-warming promotional video brings wealth and beauty in the same frame, and with the joint efforts of everyone, it has brought positive energy to the society. In this winter, let's send warmth and love to those children in need. Let's create a better future together in the big family of CCB!

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