
Gu Yitang Zheng Sugar Master: Why do people sneeze?

author:Dignified Health said

Sneezing, as a common physiological phenomenon, is experienced by almost everyone. However, the reason behind this is little known. In this article, we'll take a closer look at why people sneeze and provide health advice.

Gu Yitang Zheng Sugar Master: Why do people sneeze?

Sneezing is usually caused by irritation of the nasal mucosa. This irritation can come from a variety of factors, such as airborne particles, allergens, strong odors, or infection. When these irritants enter the nasal cavity, they bind to receptors on the nasal mucosa, triggering a series of physiological responses.

There are abundant nerve endings under the nasal mucosa that, when stimulated, quickly transmit signals to the brain. After receiving the signal, the brain sends instructions to the relevant muscles through the coordinated action of the nervous system. These muscles contract rapidly, creating a strong airflow that expels irritants from the nasal passages in the form of sneezes.

Gu Yitang Zheng Sugar Master: Why do people sneeze?

Sneezing is a self-protection mechanism of the human body, which helps to remove foreign bodies and harmful microorganisms from the nasal passages, keeping the respiratory tract open and clean.

Sneezing can also be affected by environmental factors. For example, sudden changes in temperature, dry air or pollution can increase the risk of sneezing. Therefore, maintaining a good living environment and avoiding prolonged exposure to bad environments is of great significance to reduce the occurrence of sneezing.

Gu Yitang Zheng Sugar Master: Why do people sneeze?

Gu Yi Tang Zheng Sugar Expert Tips:

  1. Pay attention to maintaining indoor air circulation and avoid being in a closed and dirty environment for a long time;
  2. In seasons or environments with more allergens such as pollen and dust mites, you can wear a mask when you go out for protection;
  3. Keep the nasal passages clean, which can be cleaned with saline to reduce the adhesion of irritating substances;
  4. Strengthen exercise and eat a balanced diet to enhance the body's immunity and prevent respiratory diseases such as colds;