
At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a racing horse was immediately "euthanized" because of a broken leg

author:Serious beaker

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a racehorse was immediately "euthanized" because of a broken leg, and industry insiders said: horses with broken legs must die, which is not only not cruel, but also the most humane method. Why does a horse with a broken leg have to die?

All statements in this article are based on reliable sources

At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, there was a controversial incident: a racehorse had to be "euthanized" because of a broken leg, which sparked widespread discussion and reflection, but in the racing industry, people in the racing industry said that this decision was not cruel, but the most humane way to deal with it.

Pet owners may know that even if a cat or puppy has a broken leg, it is usually able to recover through a complex treatment process, but the situation of horses is very different, not because of the lack of medical skills, but because of the special anatomy and large weight of the horse.

Horses usually weigh around half a ton, which makes it difficult for humans to effectively control their behavior during surgery and early treatment of fractures, while kittens and puppies weigh less and can more easily limit their activities.

The four legs of a horse need to bear a huge weight, and the gravity on each leg is quite large, just imagine that a horse is equivalent to a ballerina standing with only one toe to support, this special structure makes the horse's legs extremely precise and complex.

Once a horse's leg is broken due to a severe impact, it causes the other three legs to bear more weight. The legs are unable to support the entire body, and walking can cause great pain to the horse, and even if the surgery is successful, the horse will hardly be able to safely survive the subsequent bone growth phase.

This was evident in the international Kentucky Derby-winning horse, whose condition deteriorated rapidly within 8 months of surgery and eventually passed away despite undergoing surgery to repair the broken leg.

Proposals to use slings to help horses stand and rest after surgery, or to use anesthetic drugs to keep horses in a lateral position to recuperate, are difficult to do in practice, as the nature of horses makes it difficult for them to cooperate with the veterinarian and may experience severe pain during treatment.

The use of a sling may make the horse feel restrained, and then struggle or escape, greatly increasing the difficulty of treatment, and the horse cannot maintain the position of lying on its side for a long time, which can lead to problems in many aspects such as eyes, muscles, nerves, etc., further aggravating the pain of the horse.

Although there have been some cases in history where horses have been successfully treated for fractures, the end result has not been satisfactory, recalling an incident in 1978, when a racehorse broke a bone in a race, and the doctor recommended that the treatment be waived and the horse should be euthanized, which would have made the horse less painful.

However, under the resolute opposition of the owner and fans, the doctor could only respect the owner's decision and finally performed the operation, but fortunately, the horse was very lucky to survive the operation, but the deterioration of the wound led to the occurrence of laminitis, a sharp decline in the quality of life, and finally unfortunately passed away.

The rescue of injured animals is usually out of reverence and protection for life, but the meaning of life is not just to "live", but to live with dignity and happiness.

This horse racing incident has triggered a deep reflection on animal ethics and protection, and it will be a long-term and ongoing challenge to establish a more equal and respectful relationship between humans and animals, and strive to reduce the harm of animals in various recreational and competitive activities.

Information sources: NetEase News,

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a racing horse was immediately "euthanized" because of a broken leg
At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a racing horse was immediately "euthanized" because of a broken leg
At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a racing horse was immediately "euthanized" because of a broken leg