
The height of the child, parents don't need to be too anxious, distinguish what kind of wish they have, don't be entangled!

author:Professor Ju's Growth and Development Studio
The height of the child, parents don't need to be too anxious, distinguish what kind of wish they have, don't be entangled!

In the face of height, in fact, the child's health is the most important, about the child's height, parents can not be too anxious, whether the child wants to intervene, mainly depends on the wishes of parents and children.

Should the child intervene in height? There are 3 situations

1. If you think your child grows as tall as you want

Then you don't have to worry too much about height, but I want to remind you that height is an important indicator to measure whether a child is healthy, if the gap is too large, it means that there may be some problem with the child's health, height is not important, but the child's health problems cannot be ignored.

2. If you want your child to be as tall as possible

Many times parents bring their children to me to see the growth and development, but I ask her, how much do you want your child to grow up? Parents do not have a specific concept, they will only say in general terms, "the higher the better".

"The higher, the better" is our pursuit of a better life, if you have this will, then you should have more snacks than others, Xi learn more about children's growth and development, so that children can eat, drink, pull, sleep, have good physique and get sick, and help children give full play to their acquired growth potential.

3. If you have very strict requirements for your children

Children will take the road of sports, dance, modeling, broadcasting and hosting in the future, colleges and universities have strict standards for height, or one of the parents is particularly short, then parents need to pay more attention.

The most basic 3 points: weight measurement once a week, height measurement once a month, bone age measurement once a year for children over 3 years old, and bone age measurement once every six months for adolescent children.

In this way, the child's growth and development can be well understood, and when the child grows slowly, the doctor can find the problem more quickly.

Every parent should learn to look at these 2 tables

How tall can the child grow in the future and how to look at the child's growth curve, we have a reference standard, that is, the following two "Children and Adolescents Height and Weight Percentile Value Table", every parent must learn to read.

This table is based on a sample of children and adolescents from nine provinces across the country, and is currently used by growth and development physicians across the country, and is suitable for most children.

The height of the child, parents don't need to be too anxious, distinguish what kind of wish they have, don't be entangled!
The height of the child, parents don't need to be too anxious, distinguish what kind of wish they have, don't be entangled!

By default, bone age control

The blue table is the boy's version, the red table is the girl's version, the left column is the child's age, the first column above is the child's percentile, the 50th is the average height, the 97th means that the child is already super tall, and the less than the 3rd means that the child is in the short stature category.

Of course, the child's growth is always in the "ongoing", this table only represents the current stage of growth, through the intervention and efforts of the day after tomorrow, the child's growth curve can go up.