
On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...


0:00 on January 1, 2024

Wuhan Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street

On New Year's Eve, a large number of balloons are released

A hydrogen balloon touched the high-voltage line twice, causing a deflagration

, duration 00:15

Eyewitnesses claimed

At first, I thought it was fireworks

No stampede was caused

On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...

Shown in the video

The scene has been crowded on Chinese New Year's Eve and filled the entire Jianghan Road

Most of them are young faces of young men and women

When the balloons are released, the sky is full of colors

Suddenly there was a flash of fire

This was followed by two thumps

There were exclamations from the crowd


On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...
On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...

At the time of the incident

Xiao Feng and his girlfriend were at the scene

He told reporters

"The first explosion was heard,

There is a fire on the other side of the street,

There was also a large cloud of smoke, followed by another sound.

"At the time, I thought it was fireworks.

Later, I learned that it was the balloon that hit the high-voltage power line.

The crowd was crowded,

They all look over there, and there is crowding,

In the end, no stampede occurred. ”

On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...

Nearby residents told reporters,

"The house with lights on both sides tripped in an instant.

general balloon release time,

Traditionally, in previous years, it started at 0:00 in the morning. ”

There are also witnesses at the scene who said:

The New Year's Eve bell rings,

You can feel the spectacular scene of balloon release

and the warm atmosphere of young people,

Suddenly two explosions on the opposite pole,

There was a thunderous sound, and the surrounding red light reflected in the sky.

"My cousin and I were in a frightening moment,

There is no danger, get up from the ground,

Flee the scene,

When I got home, I found that my knees were broken,

Thanksgiving, thanksgiv ”

On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...

One girl said, "My friend and I were under this high-voltage power line, and my soul was going to be lost at the first blow of the explosion, and people were really scared to run like crazy." My friend and I hid in front of the store and blew it up again......"

A stall holder said, "On Chinese New Year's Eve, there was a power outage on the entire Jianghan Road, but fortunately, the mobile power supply I used to set up my stall was lit up by my family, and other businesses were crying." ”

The reporter learned that Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street is a famous century-old commercial street in the country.

According to official information, in December 2018, Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, as the only pedestrian street in Central China, was selected as the first batch of 11 pilot reconstruction blocks in the country. After the renovation in 2020, a total of 83 first-store brands have been introduced in the block. In 2021, Jianghan Road was approved as a national-level cultural and tourism consumption cluster.

Regarding this incident, the customer service staff of the local power department told reporters that in the early hours of this morning, there was a power outage here, and the repair time was seven o'clock this morning.

On Chinese New Year's Eve, 10,000 people released balloons to cause explosions! Witness: I thought it was fireworks...

The staff of the Jianghan Street Pedestrian Street Comprehensive Service Center responded to reporters, "We saw this situation on the Internet, but that place is at the intersection and does not belong to the management of the pedestrian street."

"When the pedestrian street was renovated in 2000, all the pipelines were already in the ground, and there were no overhead wires in the pedestrian street. According to the staff, a similar video is that the hydrogen balloon encountered the wires of the transformer at the intersection. In addition, the incident also belongs to industry management, and there are power departments, public security, and urban management to deal with it.

Regarding the casualties, I was not notified of this, and there were indeed too many people at the time to go to the scene immediately. Later, the power department sent someone to deal with it in time. The service center also said that the Chinese New Year's Eve pedestrian street has a lot of people, and the hourly passenger flow should be 30,000 or 40,000.

Two days before Chinese New Year's Eve

Wuhan police have released information

Two days before Chinese New Year's Eve, the Wuhan police issued news: strictly control Kong Ming lanterns, flying balloons and drones!

The police said that the public security department will organize police forces to set up three circles of "core, control, and guidance" from the inside to the outside in the area from Yiyuan Road to Minsheng Road along the Yangtze River Avenue and from Hankou Jiangtan to Jiefang Avenue to orderly disperse the crowds.

At the same time, strict control will be taken on "low, slow and small" flying objects such as Kong Ming lanterns, flying balloons and drones, and those who violate relevant regulations will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law.

The police also reminded that on December 31, 2023, no large-scale mass activities of any kind were organized in public places such as Jianghan Customs, Hankou Jiangtan and Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, "For your safety, please try not to go to public places where these crowds are highly gathered." ”

The police will work with market supervision, urban management and other departments to jointly enforce the law in the Yanjiang Avenue, Zhongshan Avenue, Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street and Jiangtan area, and investigate and punish the illegal sale of empty balloons and Kong Ming lanterns in accordance with the law.

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