
90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

author:Separate fish

Nude shots have always been regarded as a flood beast in China.

When it comes to private parts, there is always no escape from the risk of coding.

In "The Shape of Water", the "little black dress" that was ridiculed by netizens in the sky.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

In Oppenheimer, whether it is wrinkles or textures, the progress of technology can be clearly felt.

In terms of the level of coding, internal entertainment is indeed unmatched.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Just when we were trying our best to hide, Uncle Yu recently watched a documentary that refreshed the three views.

All the participants face the camera naked.

Exciting, right?

Without further ado, let's talk about it today-

"Women's Whispers in the Sauna"

Savvusanna's sisters

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here
90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Nestled in a wooden house in the snow, the wood of the fireplace crackles.

In the mist, several loomed.

This is where the documentary takes place, the sauna.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

As director Anna Hunts' first feature documentary, this film is inspired by her own personal experiences.

At that time, her grandfather had just died, and she accompanied her family to the sauna.

In the naked and private space, my grandmother spoke something that had been hidden from her heart for a long time.

It turned out that my grandfather had actually been having an affair all along.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

This made the director realize that in addition to physical enjoyment, the sauna also provides an intimate space to share thoughts and emotions.

She believes that this place not only cleanses the body, but also washes away the emotional "dirt".

That's when I came up with the idea of making a women's documentary here.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

The question is, who wants to bare-chested in front of the camera the whole time?

And the women in the film are not actors, but just ordinary people.

In order to better capture natural and authentic stories, directors must first build trust with them.

This preparation took seven years.

It is precisely because of this attitude that such a bold and avant-garde documentary has been created.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Interestingly, although the subject showed his body without scruples, the picture did not make Uncle Yu feel any color emotion at all.

The camera's non-offensive observation allows the viewer's attention to be fully focused on listening to what they have to say.

At the same time, the film uses a lot of close-ups, allowing the camera to wander between their skin.

The subtle texture on the back, the sweat stains on the legs that slowly slide down.

Against the backdrop of water vapor, the presentation of the female body has a kind of poetry.

In the fluid picture, their emotions are extended.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

In addition to the flesh, the film does not hesitate to show religion with nudity.

The most terrifying thing about Uncle Yu is a mysterious ritual called "Removing Bad Luck".

When one woman finished telling her story, the others began to murmur.

First, he slapped her back with a huge leaf, and kept muttering: Leave quickly, purify this child.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Immediately afterward, he washed her body with coarse salt to remove the pain she had suffered.

In the continuous chanting, the women counted the beats, stamped their feet, and clapped their legs.

Trying to use this ritual to expel the curse of bad luck once and for all.

The naked body of women, coupled with a very mysterious religious ceremony.

Each element gives the film a unique touch.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here
90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

The nakedness of the body is still the scale of the picture.

The scale of the topics that the women talk about in the film is even more surprising.

Being in an unguarded environment with people of the same sex, they began to speak freely.

At first, their topic was only to complain about the men they had dated.

For example, a lewd man who always sends indecent photos.

Or, under the trend of conquest, the "Puxin man" who always asks girls to pretend to plead in passionate moments.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

As the conversation deepened, the topic gradually became sharper.

The first thing I talked about was the self-plight of being a woman.

One of the women said that because she was not a beauty in the traditional sense, she was repeatedly denied since she was a child.

In getting along with their families, they clearly favor their more beautiful sisters.

Even if she goes to the barbershop, she will be sympathized with by the barber, worried that no man will want her.

Growing up in this environment, she was swallowed up by low self-esteem for a long time.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

It's not just her trouble.

Another woman said that her mother would often look at her figure in front of the mirror.

She hopes to have big breasts and a proud body that will make all men lust for her.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

But at the same time, he was harshly reprimanded for his chastity.

In the traditional concept, girls can be in love, but they can't give themselves to each other.

If a girl gives birth out of wedlock, it is a great shame.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Immediately afterward, a woman shared her story of miscarriage.

She was in her early 20s at the time, and when she learned that she was pregnant, she happily shared the news with the man.

Disappointingly, the other party was indifferent and even said that he didn't want to see the child.

These absurd and cruel treatment of them by society has always been an insurmountable burden in my heart.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

With the sharing, the topic came to "motherhood anxiety".

Under the discipline of traditional society, marriage is an inevitable choice for women.

If you reach a certain age and do not get married and have children, you will inevitably be treated differently by others.

The reason behind this is that women are treated as resources like land.

The land produces food, and women reproduce.

All of this is taken for granted.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

To make matters even more terrifying, one woman said that her grandmother was often brutally beaten by her grandfather.

The ribs were broken, the mental health was worried, and the other party brought other women to the house to mess around.

Grandmother still had to swallow her anger and not make any resistance.

And all this is only because in their traditional perception, divorce is a big sin.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Under the topic of nudity, they did not blindly accuse the patriarchal society.

Some are just free to share the problems they face.

There is also some self-reflection and a debt to oneself in the past.

It is this kind of spiritual boldness that strikes people's hearts more directly.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here
90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

In the context of hearing the "naked" color change, the nude scenes in film and television dramas have always been easy to cause controversy.

In "Dark Glory", Cui Huiting's two nude scenes were accused of consuming women.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

In "Lust and Caution", Tang Wei's large-scale bed scene also made many viewers express discomfort.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Even in this documentary that desexualizes women's bodies, there are still people in the comment section who only focus on their bodies.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

This can't help but make Uncle Yu think about a question-

Does nudity in movies and television really only bring shame and erotic feelings?

In Uncle Yu's opinion, the answer is, of course, no.

Under the influence of traditional conservative thinking, people will always assume that nudity is shameful.

Many people associate clothing with character in a simple and crude way, and as long as a girl's clothing is "revealing", she will be accused of immorality.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

Reyiza responded with scantily clad clothes

At the same time, the objectification of women's images in many film and television works has further deepened this stereotype.

When women are repeatedly used as objects of gaze, nudity evolves into a reference to pornography.

There is more stigma, and by extension, the public media will naturally prohibit discussion.

Thus, the immorality became a unanimous judgment.

People no longer think about whether nudity has other profound meanings.

As long as the camera is aimed at a woman's breasts, there is no problem with a one-size-fits-all approach.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

But this documentary gives a completely different answer.

Under the complete nakedness, the audience ignores the flesh and faces their plight as human beings.

No pornography and no shame.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

For example, in the film, a woman confides in everyone about her painful past.

At that time, she was just sixteen or seventeen years old, but she was accidentally sexually assaulted by three strange men while hitchhiking.

When she came home and confided in her mother, she didn't believe it at all.

even thinks that she is just trying to win everyone's attention.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here

As the woman became more and more emotional, the woman next to her reached out to reassure her.

In this emotional moment, who would associate their nudity with lust.

90 minutes are all nude scenes, and the annual shame ceiling is here