
If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

author:Unstoppable dragonfly wY

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

In the emotional world, middle-aged men often give people a mysterious and unpredictable feeling. They are mature and steady, have successful careers, and have rich life experiences, which attract many women. However, it is not easy to get into their inner world. In the process of pursuing middle-aged men, many women are often helpless, and even entangled, which makes the other party disgusted. So, how can you get middle-aged men to take the initiative to contact you? Actually, the key is to learn some routines.

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

Keep it mysterious and make him curious about you. Middle-aged men have been through a lot, and they have lost interest in things that are too straightforward and simple. Therefore, you need to maintain a certain sense of mystery so that he can't guess you and thus become curious about you. Specifically, you can show your strengths and specialties appropriately, but don't expose them all at once, and let him discover your charm layer by layer like peeling an onion. At the same time, you must also learn to say no at the right time, so that he feels that you will not get it easily. In this way, he will naturally take a keen interest in you and reach out to you.

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

Caring about his life became indispensable in his life. Middle-aged men have been working hard in their careers for many years, and the trivial things in life have become a burden for them. Therefore, you can take care of his life at the right time and share some of the stress for him. For example, remind him to warm up when the weather changes, give him a bento box when he's busy, and listen patiently and give advice when he has a problem. These seemingly insignificant gestures can make him feel your warmth and love, so that he can see you as an indispensable part of his life. At that time, he will naturally reach out to you and share his joys and sorrows with you.

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

Thirdly, cultivate common interests and hobbies and increase the topics of communication. When choosing a partner, middle-aged men often consider whether the other person has interests in common with him. Because common interests not only make it easier for both parties to resonate, but also provide each other with a constant source of conversation. So try to get to know his interests and try to develop common ground. For example, if he likes to watch movies, you can watch them with him and share your feelings, or if he loves to travel, you can ask him about his travel experience and plan a trip together. As you have more and more topics in common, he will naturally reach out to you and share these good times with you.

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

Learn to praise and worship and satisfy his self-esteem. Middle-aged men have a wealth of life experience, and they want to show their charm and strength in front of the women they want. Therefore, you can praise him at the right time and make him feel worthy. For example, you can praise him for his ability to get things done when he completes a job, and you can show your admiration for him when he shares his story. These adorations and compliments can greatly satisfy his self-esteem and make him feel that you are a person to be cherished. In this case, it is natural for him to reach out to you to share his success and joy with you.

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines

In short, the key to getting middle-aged men to take the initiative to contact you is to learn some routines. Keep a sense of mystery and make him curious about you, care about his life and become indispensable in his life, cultivate common interests and hobbies to increase the topic of communication, learn to praise and worship to satisfy his self-esteem. When you do this, you will naturally attract his attention and let him reach out to you.

If you want a middle-aged man to take the initiative to contact you, not by entanglement, but by learning routines