
The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

author:Geyan emotion

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My name is Li Jingya, I am Chinese New Year's Eve two years old, and I live with my husband Li Wei in an ordinary Chinese city. I am a middle manager in a private company, and Li Wei is a programmer. We have a seven-year-old daughter named Li Xin.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

On that day, a small incident completely intensified the conflict in our family. Our family went to Li Wei's father's house for dinner. Li Wei's father, Mr. Li, is the kind of person with a strong traditional concept and always likes to follow the old rules. At the dinner table, Li Xin accidentally knocked over a bowl of pork rib soup, and one of the ribs rolled to the ground. This was a trivial matter, but Mr. Li suddenly broke out, pinched Li Xin's cheek, and scolded her for not knowing the rules. I hurriedly stepped forward to protect my daughter, while Li Wei stood aside, not daring to say a word.

It became a thorn in my heart. When I got home, Li Wei and I had a heated argument. I accused him of not being responsible and not being able to protect his daughter. He defended himself by saying that he did not want to conflict with his father. I said angrily: "His dad beat our daughter for a piece of ribs, you don't dare to fart!"

The next day, Li Wei's sister Li Mei came to our house. She is a straightforward woman, and after hearing about this, she bluntly criticized Li Wei's weakness. Li Mei said to me: "Sister, you have to be tough, don't let them think that you are a bully." I nodded, and I had a decision.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

That night, Li Wei's mother also came. She is a gentle woman, but she obeys Mr. Li's words. She tried to convince us that it was a child's business and that we didn't have to take it too seriously. Instead, I stood my ground and told her that it wasn't just about the children, it was about dignity and family education.

In the days that followed, the atmosphere at home became increasingly tense. I began to refuse to take care of Li Wei, and there was less and less communication between us. I started to focus more on my work, and Li Xin became reticent. In such a family environment, I felt an indescribable depression and exhaustion.

As time went on, the atmosphere in the house became more and more dreary. I found that the distance between me and Li Wei not only did not shorten, but became farther and farther. Our communication with each other has dropped to almost zero, and everyday life is like two strangers enduring each other under the same roof.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

One night, on my way home from overtime, I bumped into my old classmate Zhang Qiang. Zhang Qiang is now a creative director of an advertising agency, and we have known each other since we were in school, and we have a good friendship with each other. He saw the tiredness on my face and asked about me with concern. With Zhang Qiang's encouragement, I confided in him about the recent troubles of my family. After listening to this, Zhang Qiang gave me a lot of advice, which made me feel very useful. He said: "Jingya, you have to learn to live for yourself, and don't always be bound by family trivialities. ”

Zhang Qiang's words stirred up waves in my heart. When I got home, I started to re-examine my life. I realized that I couldn't always dwell on this negativity and that I needed to find a way out for myself and my daughter.

It was at this time that some changes took place in the company that gave me a chance to be promoted. This means that I will have more responsibilities at work, but at the same time it will be a good opportunity to show what I am capable of. I decided to take on this challenge, and I wanted to give my daughter a better living environment through my own efforts.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

Li Wei was a little surprised to see that I was starting to get busy. He tried to communicate with me, but I didn't have the gentleness and tolerance I used to have. I said to him, "I need some space and time, I'm going to focus on my work and my daughter." ”

Li Wei obviously didn't expect me to respond like this, he was a little at a loss. He began to try to ease our relationship by helping with household chores and taking Li Xin to school. However, it seems that the hurdle in my heart has become impossible to cross.

That's when my mother came to our house. She is a traditional Chinese woman who has always emphasized the importance of family harmony. When she saw the situation in our house, she was very worried. She persuaded me: "Jingya, a family needs two people to maintain together. Both you and Li Wei should take a step back and think about the child. ”

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

I listened to my mother's words and felt a little shaken in my heart. But when I saw Li Xin's little face that had become melancholy because of the family atmosphere, I strengthened my determination again. I said to my mother, "Mom, I know you're worried. But I can't just put up with it because I'm afraid of change. I want to give Li Xin a healthy and happy environment to grow up. ”

During that time, Li Xin's grades began to decline, and she became more and more introverted. I realized that I couldn't let this family atmosphere affect her anymore. I started spending more time with her, taking her to the park and attending her school activities. Gradually, Li Xin's smile returned to her face.

At the same time, I also take it at work

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

Got some accomplishments. Although my work after promotion was busy, I felt more fulfilled and satisfied than ever. I started to lead teams on more projects, and my leadership and expertise were recognized by my colleagues. These achievements make me appear more confident and powerful in front of Li Wei.

Li Wei is also trying to make a change. He began to focus more on the family and struggled to take on his responsibilities as a father and husband. He would take Li Xin out on weekends and cook her the food she liked to eat, trying to make up for her past negligence with these actions. I saw it in my eyes, and my heart gradually softened a little.

However, the family's problems have not been completely solved because of Li Wei's change. I still have a shadow in my heart that is hard to erase. Whenever I see Li Xin and Li Wei together, I always think of the scene where Li Xin was beaten that night, and that feeling of anger and helplessness will come back to my heart.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

One night, Li Wei offered to talk to me after dinner. We sat in the living room, and Li Wei's expression looked very serious. He began to apologize, expressing deep remorse for his past weakness and inaction. He said: "Jingya, I know I didn't do well enough in the past, but I really want to change, for the sake of our family, for the sake of Shin Shin. ”

I listened to Li Wei's words, and my heart was mixed. I know he genuinely wants to change, but the wounds of the past don't heal so easily. I said to him, "I need time, Li Wei, I really need time to adjust myself slowly." ”

At this moment, my mobile phone rang, and it was a message from Zhang Qiang. He told me that his company had a big project recently and wanted to invite me to work with him. This is a very rare opportunity for me to take the next step in my career. When I told Li Wei the news, his expression was a little complicated. He asked me, "Does that mean you're going to be busier?"

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

I nodded. Yes, that means I'll be busier and it means I'll have less time with my family. But it was a very important step in my career and I didn't want to give up. I said to Li Wei, "I need to make this decision, for my own sake." ”

During that time, I put a lot of time and effort into this project. I often work late into the night, sometimes even on the weekends. I know it's a test for families, but I also believe it's worth it.

Li Wei began to take on more family responsibilities, and he learned to cook and take care of Li Xin's daily life. He tried to support me in this way, although he didn't fully understand why I was trying so hard.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

Over time, I have achieved remarkable results in my work. The project has been highly praised by the customer, and my efforts have also been recognized by the company's leaders. I felt a sense of accomplishment that I had never felt before, and I was proud that I was able to persevere.

But at the same time, I

I also began to realize that while I was successful professionally, there were cracks in my family life. Although Li Xin is very strong, I can feel her desire for family warmth. Whenever I work late at night and occasionally see her sleeping face, my heart is filled with guilt.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

One day, when I came home from overtime at the company, I found Li Xin sitting alone in the living room with slightly red circles under her eyes. When she saw me return, she tried to squeeze out a smile: "Mom, you're back." I sat down, hugged her, and asked heartache, "Xinxin, what's going on?" Li Xin sobbed and told me that she felt lonely and that she wanted a complete home, a home where we could eat and talk together.

At that moment, I deeply felt my responsibility as a mother. I realized that no matter how successful the profession is, if the family is sacrificed, everything is empty. I decided to re-examine my life and find balance in my family.

The next day, Li Wei and I had an in-depth conversation. I told him how I felt about my family and listened to his thoughts. Li Wei said he is willing to make more efforts to help the family restore warmth and harmony. Together, we decided to give Li Xin more time and attention to rebuild our family life.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

Over the next few months, we began to adjust our work-family balance. I cut back on some unnecessary overtime and try to keep time for my family. Li Wei also tried to adjust his attitude and become more involved in the family. We started cooking together, doing homework with Li Xin, and going out on outings as a family on weekends.

Although this change was difficult at first, gradually we felt the warmth and joy of the family. Li Xin's smile has become more and more, and her grades have improved. Our home is slowly restoring its former harmony.

In the process, my communication with Zhang Qiang gradually decreased. He is still a good friend of mine, but I know that my family is the most important part of my life. Zhang Qiang understood this and encouraged me to stick to my choice.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

Over time, my career and family have finally found a point of relative balance. Although the pressure at work remained, I learned how to manage my time and energy more effectively. My team trusts and relies on me even more, and they know that I can stay productive even when I find a balance between family and work.

One day, Li Wei suggested that the family go on a trip. We chose a small town with a beautiful scenery with clear lake water, green hills. On that weekend, we let go of all our work and worries and just enjoyed each other's company. We walked together, played in the water together, and in the evening sat around the lake and chatted with the stars.

That trip made me profound

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

I felt the importance of family. Watching Li Wei and Li Xin frolicking by the lake, the worries and stress in my heart seemed to flow away with the lake. I began to reflect on whether I had neglected the most important people around me in my pursuit of professional success over the years.

When I got home, I decided to make more changes. I communicated with the company's leaders and adjusted my work mode to ensure the balance between work and family life as much as possible. The company leaders were very receptive to my ability to work, they supported my decision and provided me with more flexibility.

Li Wei is also working hard, starting to learn Xi cooking, and on weekends he takes us to explore new restaurants in the city. Our family life has become more colorful. These changes in Li Wei have filled me with confidence and love for him again.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

Li Xin saw the change in her parents, and she became more cheerful and confident. Her school grades have steadily improved, and her teachers and classmates have praised her for her great change. Seeing my daughter's happiness makes me feel extremely satisfied and happy.

At the end of the year, our family participated in Li Xin's school activities together. During the event, Li Xin performed on stage, and I was touched by her confident eyes and bright smile. Li Wei and I held hands, and our hearts were full of pride. At that moment, I deeply felt the power and importance of family.

As time went on, our family's relationship became more and more harmonious. We began to plan for the future together and discuss how to improve our quality of life. Li Wei came up with the idea of doing long-term family planning together, including children's education, our retirement life, and even some travel plans. These programs give our lives more purpose and anticipation.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

In my work, I have also made new breakthroughs. My project was recognized at a higher level by the company, and I was promoted to a more important position. This new position not only brings greater challenges, but also gives me more flexibility to balance my family life.

At the same time, Li Wei has also made progress in his work. His programming skills were recognized by his colleagues, and he began to take charge of more important projects. At home, we share the joys and challenges of our work with each other and become each other's best listeners and supporters.

Although our lives are still busy, we have learned how to find joy and fulfillment in busyness. Our relationship has been strengthened by mutual understanding and support. I feel that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as we are together as a family, nothing is impossible.

The woman refused to take care of her husband: "His father beat my daughter for 1 piece of ribs, and he didn't dare to fart"

In this journey full of changes, I have deeply understood the importance of balance between family, career, and self. I also learned how to find happiness and fulfillment in my busy life. I believe that as long as we have love and hope in our hearts, no matter what happens

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!