
"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?

author:Erudite, self-improvement, and understanding of life

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In the family, family affection is one of the most important bonds. Therefore, I was shocked and saddened when I realized that my uncle-in-law had blocked the entire family after he was promoted to the head of the army. Below, I will describe this puzzling situation in detail.

1. A close family

Our family is a close family, and caring for and helping each other is the norm between us. My uncle has served in the army for many years, and we have great respect and expectation for him, and we hope that he will succeed in his position and help his family.

"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?

2. Incredible findings

One day, I tried to hook up with a close family uncle and asked him to help me solve some problems. However, I found that my brother-in-law blocked me, whether it was through phone calls, text messages, or social media. I was so shocked by this discovery that I began to wonder if there was a misunderstanding.

3. Explore the truth

I realized that I wasn't the only family member who was blacklisted. Through communication with other family members, I found that they could not get in touch with my uncle. Confused and saddened by why he did what he did, we decided to explore the truth together.

"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?

4. Unravel the mystery gradually

First, we decided to find out the reason for the antagonism with our uncle. We learn that after being promoted to chief, my uncle-in-law became different from what he used to be, and he began to pursue power and status, developing an arrogant and distrustful attitude towards others. This change confuses us even more because we never thought he would betray the family.

"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?

5. The hope of the family

Before he joined the army, his uncle-in-law was the pride of our family. He is a smart, brave and responsible man, and we have great expectations for his future. However, his promotion in the position seems to have changed his values and behavior.

6. The power and arrogance of the uncle

We gradually understand that the uncle-in-law began to be corrupted by power after becoming the chief. He gradually became arrogant and arrogant, and regarded his family as a fetter to his development. This is something that is difficult for us to understand, because we never thought that he would deviate from his responsibility and care for the family.

"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?

7. Seek solutions

Although we were angry and saddened by our uncle's actions, we decided not to give up trying to repair our relationship with him. We first communicate with the elders of the family and hope that they will persuade them. We also send representative family members to have a dialogue with my brother-in-law and try to restore his love and trust in us.

"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?

8. Let go of your uncle's expectations

However, the attempt with the uncle-in-law was unsuccessful. We have come to understand that if he is unwilling to open his heart, we cannot force him to accept our help and care. Therefore, we decided to let go of our expectations for our uncle, although we still felt regret and disappointment in our hearts.

"The head of the family actually blacked out his family?


As a member of the family, my uncle's behavior of blocking all of us makes us sad. As much as we try to understand his changes, we must also accept reality and let go of expectations of him. Although the family bond has been hurt, our family bond is still not broken, and we will continue to unite and pray for him.