
It is easy to cough in winter, how to expel phlegm from the lungs? Suggestion: 3 points to help smooth phlegm

author:Dr. Xu talks about popular science

The mystery of the cough in winter - the search for the secret of expectoration

As the cold winds blow and winter creeps in, many people find themselves plagued by a common discomfort – coughing. Especially among our middle-aged and elderly friends, the winter cough seems to be more stubborn, often accompanied by a thick phlegm sound. We have to ask, why is it easy to cough in the winter and, more importantly, how can we effectively expel phlegm from our lungs to alleviate this seasonal problem?

In the middle-aged and elderly population, cough is not just a simple physical phenomenon, but a health alarm. The vibration of the lungs when coughing, the heavy phlegm, is not only a physical discomfort, but also a health signal that needs our attention. Effective expectoration can not only reduce coughing, but also be an important step in maintaining lung health.

It is easy to cough in winter, how to expel phlegm from the lungs? Suggestion: 3 points to help smooth phlegm

Demystifying the winter cough: the mystery of phlegm formation

During the winter months, many people experience cough and phlegm, which not only affects daily life, but is also a major challenge for health management. Understanding the mechanisms by which cough and phlegm form is essential for proper prevention and treatment.

Physiological effects of cough

Coughing is a complex physiological response designed to protect the airways from foreign bodies and secretions. When the airways are irritated, such as dust, smoke, or pathogens, the body naturally produces the cough reflex. This reflex helps to remove foreign bodies from the respiratory tract by rapidly expelling gas, thereby maintaining the normal function of the respiratory system.

Why coughs are more frequent in winter

In winter, cooler temperatures and dry air are common causes of coughing. Cold air can irritate the throat and bronchial tubes, causing inflammation of the respiratory tract, which can induce coughing. In addition, indoor heating in winter can lead to a decrease in air humidity, further drying and irritating the respiratory tract.

The process of phlegm formation

Phlegm is a viscous substance secreted by the respiratory tract and is mainly composed of water, mucus, cellular debris, and microorganisms. When the respiratory tract is irritated or infected, mucosal cells increase the secretion of mucus to block and expel foreign substances. This increased secretion can lead to a buildup of phlegm, especially when it cannot be coughed up effectively.

How to prevent and alleviate cough and phlegm

Keep indoor air moist: Use a humidifier or ventilate regularly to prevent the air from getting too dry.

Avoid respiratory irritation: Stay away from smoke, dust, and other environments that may cause respiratory irritation.

Strengthen immunity: Strengthen the body's resistance to respiratory infections through a balanced diet and proper exercise.

It is easy to cough in winter, how to expel phlegm from the lungs? Suggestion: 3 points to help smooth phlegm

How to Expel Expectoration: Three Key Strategies

Diet and Hydration: The Power of Natural Remedies

For the problem of cough and phlegm in winter, the first thing to pay attention to is diet and water intake. In terms of diet, foods rich in vitamin C and water, such as oranges and pears, are recommended. These foods not only help moisten the lungs but also boost immunity. Also, avoid spicy and greasy foods, which may worsen cough symptoms. Regarding water intake, it is recommended to drink enough water every day. Water dilutes the phlegm, making it easier to drain. An easy way to do this is to drink warm water, or warm water with lemon slices added to it, which will both add flavor and help soothe the throat.

Gentle exercise: activates lung function

Proper physical activity is essential for maintaining good lung health. Especially for middle-aged and older adults, it is important to choose a gentle and consistent way of exercising. For example, walking for 30 minutes a day can help improve heart and lung fitness and promote blood circulation, which can help with the discharge of phlegm. In addition, low-impact exercises such as tai chi are also great for them, as they not only strengthen the body but also reduce inflammation in the airways.

Breathing & Expectoration Techniques: Simple and Effective Methods

Teaching some simple breathing and expectoration techniques can greatly improve the efficiency of expectoration. Deep breathing exercises Xi very helpful in improving lung function. When taking deep breaths, try to expand your lungs as much as possible, which helps loosen the phlegm. There are also specific expectoration techniques like chest taps and vibrations, which can be easily practiced at home. Simply placing the palm of your hand on your chest and patting it gently can help loosen the phlegm that has accumulated in your trachea and lungs.

It is easy to cough in winter, how to expel phlegm from the lungs? Suggestion: 3 points to help smooth phlegm

Precautions in daily life: Deal with winter cough easily

Avoid smoke and harmful environments

In daily life, keeping the air fresh is key to reducing cough and promoting phlegm expulsion. Smoke and other pollutants can irritate the respiratory tract and worsen cough symptoms. Therefore, try to avoid smoking environments, especially secondhand smoke exposure in enclosed spaces. In addition, the home should be ventilated regularly, and the use of an air purifier can further improve indoor air quality.

Maintain proper indoor humidity

In winter, it usually gets dry indoors, which can lead to dry airways and make it harder for phlegm to drain. Using a humidifier or regularly placing a basin of water in your home can help maintain proper indoor humidity, which can reduce coughing and promote the passage of phlegm. At the same time, make sure the humidifier is clean to prevent bacteria and mold growth.

It is easy to cough in winter, how to expel phlegm from the lungs? Suggestion: 3 points to help smooth phlegm

Pay attention to personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene Xi are essential to prevent colds and respiratory infections, which tend to worsen cough symptoms. Regular hand washing, especially after touching public objects, can be effective in reducing the spread of viruses and bacteria. In addition, avoiding touching the face, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth, is also an important precaution.

Have regular pulmonary function tests

For middle-aged and elderly people who often have cough and phlegm, it is very necessary to have regular pulmonary function tests. This not only helps in the early detection of underlying respiratory diseases, but also assesses the current state of lung health. If you have persistent cough or phlegm problems, you should seek professional advice promptly.