
Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!



Pregnancy is an exciting time for every expectant mother, but many people usually feel anxious and restless before taking a pregnancy test outright. However, some early "signs" may hint at success in trying to conceive. In this article, I will share three common "signs" that can give you more confidence that you have successfully conceived.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

Changes in the body

1. Breast changes: After pregnancy, there may be some noticeable changes in the breasts. You may notice that your breasts become more sensitive and your nipples may become darker. The breasts may become fuller and firmer, and the veins around the nipples will be more visible.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

2. Fatigue: If you suddenly feel unusually tired, even without strenuous exercise or exertion, then this could be one of the signs of pregnancy. After pregnancy, many women experience exhaustion due to changes in hormone levels in the body.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

3. Morning sickness: Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy that many expectant mothers experience during their first trimester. This feeling of nausea and vomiting usually occurs in the morning, but it can also occur at other times of the day. While not all expectant mothers experience morning sickness, if you experience this symptom, then there is a good chance that you are already pregnant.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

Physiological changes

1. Delayed periods: After pregnancy, your menstrual cycle may change. Often, a delayed menstrual cycle can be one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy. If you have a longer than usual menstrual cycle and still don't have a period within a few days of the test, there's a good chance you're pregnant.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

2. Frequent urination: In the early stages of pregnancy, you may go to the toilet frequently. This is because blood flow in the body increases after pregnancy, and the kidneys filter waste more actively, causing you to need to urinate more often.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

3. Dietary preferences: You may find yourself having particular preferences for certain foods or feeling disgusted by the taste of certain foods. This is due to changes in hormone levels after pregnancy.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

Changes in emotion

1. Mood swings: In the early stages of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience mood swings, including anxiety, excitement, low mood, etc. These mood changes are caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Who says you don't feel like you're pregnant? If you have these 3 "signs", congratulations on your successful pregnancy!

2. Stress Reduction: If you've experienced stress and anxiety for a long time trying to conceive but now feel a little relaxed, chances are you've had a successful pregnancy. This is because after pregnancy, changes in hormone levels in your body may make you feel more calm and relaxed.

3. Maternal instinct: Some expectant mothers experience maternal instinct early in pregnancy. They may be more attentive and caring for other children, and they may become more able to care for and protect them.


Pregnancy is a wonderful moment that every woman craves, and it's natural to worry about whether or not you will be able to get pregnant. However, by being mindful of our physical, physiological, and emotional changes, we can have some signs of success before we take a pregnancy test. Changes in breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, delayed periods, frequent urination, dietary preferences, mood swings, reduced stress, and maternal instincts can all be "signs" of pregnancy. Of course, not every expectant mother will show these signs, and everyone's experience is unique. If you suspect you are pregnant, get tested and consult your doctor promptly. I wish every expectant mother a healthy and happy pregnancy journey!


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