
Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless


As far back as B.C., ancient humans lived in leafy, sunny primeval forests.

Like other animals in nature, they follow their instincts to produce offspring.

The pregnancy period was as long as 21 months for ancient human mothers, which was a great burden on their bodies, but they still endured the discomfort caused by the growth of the fetus in their bodies.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

The delivery after 21 months was relatively smooth for them, and the ancient human baby was born with a brain volume of about 1,350 milliliters, and basically had the ability to feed and move independently.

This was a guarantee for ancient human mothers, who could quickly regain their strength and prepare for their next pregnancy. Ancient human fertility was closer to the instinctive state of other animals in nature, and the mortality rate was relatively low.

In the memory of ancient humans, 21 months of pregnancy is considered a complete parenting process, and although it is hard, the result is a healthy baby, which is their greatest wish as a mother.

The sun shone through the leaves, and the ancient human mother stared silently at her high bulging belly, fantasizing about her first hug in a few months.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

However, over time, humans began to adapt to walking upright. This had a great change in human society at that time. In order to maintain balance and stability in the body, the pelvis of human females has narrowed during evolution.

This has caused unimaginable difficulties for mothers who are expecting to give birth.

The narrow pelvis prevents them from delivering babies with large head circumferences, and each birth carries a high risk of death. Pain and despair pervade the primitive wooden house, and the shadow of death hangs over every mother who is about to give birth.

For the sake of the continuation of the race, humanity had to make a compromise on the evolutionary path - to shorten the period of pregnancy and allow the baby to be born as soon as possible.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

Human mothers continue to painfully trial and error, from 19 months to 18 months, to 17 months, but each time it is shortened, at the cost of more mothers' deaths, life struggles at the crossroads of fate.

Finally, at the age of 10 months, humanity finally found a relatively balanced cycle. However, even after the 10-month deadline was found, the birth was still unimaginably painful under the circumstances, and without any medical treatment, the mothers had to give birth in endless torment.

Humans have paid unimaginable costs in order to walk upright. Every fruit of the tree of life is filled with the tears and blood of countless mothers.

For ancient humans, the 10-month pregnancy period was undoubtedly a painful compromise and choice. It retains the characteristics of babies with large head circumferences, because brain capacity represents a new evolutionary direction for humans; At the same time, the shortened pregnancy period also reduces the risk of dystocia during childbirth, the mortality rate is reduced, and the race is perpetuated.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

From an evolutionary point of view, this reflects the high level of intelligence of ancient humans. Premature birth ensures that the mother's physical strength can be restored after childbirth, so as to increase the number of births and continue more genes.

It also gives human babies more time to adapt to their environment through acquired Xi, which is an important strategy for successful human evolution.

An ancient mother caresses her 10-month-old baby in her arms, her eyes full of love. She understands that this is a choice that human beings have to make, in order to adapt to the environment, in order to survive, but she still feels distressed.

We should cherish our present life and thank our ancient mothers for their sacrifices and efforts.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

Choosing the length of pregnancy is an important part of the evolution of life. We must understand its necessity, but also respect life and try to avoid the pain of childbirth. The helpless choice of the ancient mother should become the driving force for our progress.

With the passage of time, the progress of civilization has brought about the development of medical technology. Various methods of painless and spontaneous childbirth have been gradually applied and popularized, greatly reducing the pain of expectant mothers during childbirth.

We must not forget that behind this progress are the tears and sacrifices of countless mothers in ancient times. It is their arduous choice that has promoted the progress of human reproductive technology.

Today, when the doctor comforts the expectant mother that "everything will pass quickly", we must remember that this relief is not easy to come by.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

Although pregnancy is no longer a test of life, childbirth still requires strength and courage. We must cherish the current conditions, and continue to promote the progress of fertility technology, so that every new life will be safer and more comfortable in this world.

We have come a long way from ancient times to the present day. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, modern mothers are free from the suffering of childbirth, but we must not forget the meaning of knowledge and progress, and respect life and every woman who is a mother.

We need to continue to work to make childbirth painless.

Today's medical research shows that 10 months is sufficient for a fetus to develop from a fertilized egg. If the pregnancy is prolonged, it will actually not help the growth and development of the fetus.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

Conversely, an excessively long gestation period can push the mother over the limits of the load. There is a limit to how much the fetus can absorb the nutrients provided by the mother on a daily basis. If the pregnancy period continues to prolong, the uterus will not be able to provide adequate nutritional support to the fetus, and both will eventually be at risk of early delivery.

It can be said that the 10-month gestation period reflects a balance - it not only meets the needs of the fetus's growth, but also ensures the health of the mother. This is not only the accumulation of the wisdom of the ancients, but also the conclusion of contemporary medical research.

As an expectant mother, you should cherish the gift that your body gives to a new life. A pregnancy that is too long or too short can have a negative impact on the health of both mother and fetus. Actively cooperate with the prenatal check-up, maintain physical and mental optimism, and let the new life come to the world at the most suitable time.

We need to respect the rhythm of life, but also respect the needs of mothers themselves. Only when the mother and the womb are in harmony can new life come to the world healthily and safely, and continue to continue the river of life.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

The evolution of life is a never-ending process. From unicellular to multicellular, from oceans to land, from gastropods to birds in the vast sky, life forms are constantly adapting to the ever-changing environment.

The history of human fertility is similarly uncertain. The 21-month pregnancy period in ancient times, which had to be shortened to 10 months, and today's technology has given life more security, all these adaptive choices eventually lead to the continuation of the diversity of life.

When the environment changes, so does life. In the face of an unknown future, we still need to retain wisdom and courage to adapt. But what needs to be passed on is the reverence for life.

Every newborn carries infinite possibilities, and we must respect life, love life, and let every fragile new life be treated gently.

Scientists: 21 months of pregnancy is full-term, and pregnancy in October is forced to be helpless

Perhaps one day, human technology will advance enough to completely solve the pain in the process of childbirth, and that will be another important milestone in the progress of civilization. But technology is not omnipotent, and we still need to inherit the hard-won wisdom of life.

Because all good new life deserves to be treated lovingly.

Let us continue to pass on hope, pursue progress, and cherish life and help each other on this long road of life.