
In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

author:Department of Urology: Xing Naidong

Do you often feel your throat itchy, uncomfortable, or even sore during this cold winter? You may not be alone. With the drop in temperature and the use of room heating, pharyngitis is quietly becoming a 'winter guest' for our middle-aged and elderly friends. But don't worry, it's not inevitable.

Let's look back at a patient's true story. Mr. Lee, a retired teacher, loves gardening and reading in his daily life, but he neglected the initial throat discomfort and eventually had to face persistent pharyngitis. His experience is a cautionary tale, but it also provides us with valuable opportunities to learn Xi.

Through this article, we will delve into how to effectively prevent and respond to pharyngitis in winter, especially for people of our age group.

In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

Be alert to winter lurkers: a key step in self-testing to identify pharyngitis

Pharyngitis, a common throat problem in winter, is often overlooked for the subtlety of its initial symptoms. But early recognition and proper self-management can greatly reduce discomfort and even avoid worsening of the condition.

Identify the main symptoms of pharyngitis

Typical symptoms of pharyngitis include dry, itchy and painful throat, especially when swallowing. Sometimes, these symptoms may be accompanied by a slight cough or hoarseness. It is important to note the duration and intensity of these symptoms. If these symptoms persist for more than a week and get worse gradually, it may mean that pharyngitis is developing.

In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

How to perform a pharyngitis self-test at home

Visual examination: Using a flashlight and mirror, gently lower your tongue and observe the back of your throat for redness, swelling or white spots. Note that this needs to be done in full light.

Swallowing Assessment: Swallow gently a few times, noting if your throat feels uncomfortable or sore. Pharyngitis often causes difficulty or discomfort in swallowing.

In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

Voice changes: Watch for changes in your voice. Hoarseness or changes in the voice can be a sign of pharyngitis.

Global self-perception: Consider other associated symptoms such as fever, malaise, or swollen lymph nodes in the neck. These may be signs of further development of pharyngitis.

The next step when symptoms are noticed

Once you notice any of the above symptoms, it is important not to take them lightly. Initial pharyngitis can usually be relieved with simple home remedies. Staying well hydrated, avoiding irritating foods and environments, and using a mild throat lube such as honey lemonade are all effective ways to take care of yourself. If symptoms persist or worsen, prompt medical attention is recommended.

With these simple steps, you can better protect your throat and prevent pharyngitis from occurring during the winter months. Remember, early identification and proper self-management are key to keeping your throat healthy.

A key Xi to protect the throat and prevent pharyngitis in winter

In winter, the cold and dry environment is easy to induce pharyngitis, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. The key to maintaining throat health and preventing pharyngitis is to adjust your daily Xi. Here are a few important Xi tips to help you stay away from pharyngitis during the winter months.

1. Maintain proper indoor humidity

During the winter months, indoor air tends to become very dry, which can irritate the throat, leading to dry itching and pain. Using a humidifier can effectively increase indoor humidity and reduce throat discomfort.

Be careful not to let the humidity in the room get too high to avoid the growth of bacteria and mold. The ideal indoor humidity should be maintained between 40%-60%.

In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

2. Avoid irritating foods, tobacco and alcohol

Irritating foods such as spicy and fried foods can easily irritate the throat and aggravate the symptoms of pharyngitis.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are also common triggers of pharyngitis. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol not only reduces the risk of pharyngitis, but also contributes to overall health.

3. Boosts immunity

A balanced diet is essential to boost the immune system. Eating foods rich in vitamins C and E, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, can boost your body's defenses.

A moderate amount of daily exercise, such as walking and tai chi, can strengthen the body's resistance and reduce the occurrence of diseases such as pharyngitis.

In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

4. Ventilation is carried out regularly

Despite the cold weather in winter, it is necessary to open the windows regularly for ventilation. This helps to keep the air fresh and reduces the retention of viruses and bacteria.

When ventilating, take care to keep your body warm and avoid direct exposure to cold air.

5. Adequate hydration

It's easy to neglect drinking water in winter, but staying well hydrated is very important to keep your throat moist.

It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain the body's water balance.

In winter, the throat is dry and itchy, so avoid pharyngitis and stay away from these behaviors

With these simple but effective lifestyle Xi adjustments, you can effectively protect your throat and reduce the occurrence of pharyngitis during the winter months. Remember, a healthy lifestyle is key to preventing pharyngitis and other respiratory diseases.