
Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

author:Sister Yan said classic

Weng Hong was born in Hong Kong in 1968, and her parents were both professors at Tsinghua University. Growing up in a warm and peaceful family environment, her parents paid attention to cultivating her ladylike manners, hoping that she would become a well-informed and dignified woman in the future.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

Xi began to dance at the age of 5, which became the greatest joy of Weng Hong's childhood. She dreamed of becoming an elegant dancer when she grew up, so with the encouragement of her parents, she left for Beijing at the age of 13 to study Xi dance performance.

Although her life in Beijing was hard, her love for the art of dance and her vision for the future became the source of motivation for Weng Hong. A few years later, Weng Hong returned to her hometown of Hong Kong to continue her studies at the Hong Kong Art School, focusing on training and improving her dancing skills.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

At the age of 19, the enthusiastic young Weng Hong cooperated with several classmates to set up a dance studio, where she was responsible for choreographing the dances and personally instructing the students. Taking classes during the day and choreographing and teaching dances at night, Weng Hong's life is very busy, but she feels happy and satisfied.

Two years later, the studio had to close, ending the first chapter of Weng Hong's career as a dancer. She was 21 years old at the time, at the best of her youth.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

It was at this critical moment that the 1989 Miss Hong Kong contest gave Weng Hong a chance, an opportunity to change the trajectory of his life. She mustered up the courage to sign up for the race and eventually won the championship.

From then on, Weng Hong walked out of the classroom and walked to the stage under the flashing lights. But becoming an actor is just the beginning for Weng Hong.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

After stepping into the showbiz, Weng Hong has starred in several TV series, but she has always been stereotyped as a "jade girl" and has never been able to break through this framework. Despite his glamorous appearance, Weng Hong is not satisfied on the inside.

In 1993, a large-scale movie called "Unstoppable Madness" gave her a chance. Weng Hong plucked up the courage to challenge herself and starred in this movie that subverted her image.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

After the film was released, the outside world had mixed reviews of Weng Hong. However, the attention gained by this role transformation was still very important to Weng Hong at that time. This movie is undoubtedly her announcement to the public that she is no longer a "jade girl" who follows the rules, but an actor who is multifaceted and dares to break through.

It's a pity that this breakthrough took a heavy toll on her - her family couldn't accept it and cut off contact with her. After that, perhaps out of rebellious psychology, Weng Hong continued to star in several large-scale costume films.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

During this period, she did achieve career success and became more and more famous, but her reputation was declining day by day. When she was popular, Weng Hong was not very happy in her heart, and she was reflecting on whether her decision was correct.

But she did not flinch when she was young and vigorous, and was determined to make a career in the entertainment industry and prove that her strength and charm were far more than a framework.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

In 1998, Weng Hong returned to Hong Kong to star in the comedy "Spring Splendid Pig Bajie", playing a charming and moving cat demon in the play. This time the role transformation was unexpectedly successful, and Weng Hong's vivid and witty interpretation won the audience's love, and also washed away her previous negative impressions.

Since then, Weng Hong has not only established the positioning of ancient costume beauties, but also reached a new peak in her career. In the next few years, Weng Hong starred in a number of costume dramas, such as "Emperor Qianlong", "Song Shijie", etc., these works have very high ratings in the mainland, her popularity is increasing day by day, and she tasted the joy of popularity for the second time.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

When her career was in full swing, Weng Hong encountered another challenge in her life - marriage. Her first husband, Ng Weijie, was an American casino executive, and the two married in a short courtship.

However, the good times did not last long, and Wu Weijie's perversion of his heart brought a shadow to this marriage. After repeated compromises, Weng Hong finally mustered up the courage to divorce Wu Weijie. This failed marriage experience caused Weng Hong a lot of pain, and she chose to return to Hong Kong to reunite with her family and slowly heal her wounds under the care of her loved ones.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

In 2007, under the introduction of a friend, Weng Hong met Liu Guanting. The two fell in love at first sight and soon entered into marriage. Unlike her first husband, Liu Guanting doted on Weng Hong considerately and gave her an unprecedented sense of security.

In 2012, the two held a grand wedding and have lived a sweet and happy life ever since.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

Today, 53-year-old Weng Hong lives in Shanghai with her family, leaving the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong and living a life of idle clouds and wild cranes. She will share the bits and pieces of her life with fans on social media, post photos with her daughter, and post the food the two cook together.

Occasionally, Weng Hong also expresses her social views on the platform, such as recently calling on Hong Kong citizens to unite and help each other, and thanking mainland medical staff for their support for Hong Kong.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

Time seems to have stood still on Weng Hong, and at the age of 53, her skin is still firm and fair, and she is radiant. This is all thanks to a happy family life, which makes her look radiant.

After getting married and having children, Weng Hong faded out of the entertainment industry and devoted all her time and energy to her family. She will accompany her children wholeheartedly to grow up and also do her best to take care of her husband.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

Even if she occasionally goes out to work, Weng Hong misses her family and hopes to be reunited with them as soon as possible. Weng Hong said that women should find a balance between career and family, strive to be a good wife and mother, and at the same time use their influence to transmit positive energy and help more people.

Weng Hong's growth path was not smooth, she experienced career ups and downs, and also suffered failed marriages. However, Weng Hong was not crushed by these difficulties and setbacks, on the contrary, he was stronger than before every time he rose up.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

In the end, she found the pinnacle of her career and the other half of her life. Weng Hong's story shows that only by experiencing the pain of the trough can we cherish the hard-won happiness even more.

She is not limited by the environment, but takes the initiative to change the environment; She loses a relationship, but bravely goes to find a new love. After every fall, Weng Hong will fight again, in exchange for today's fruits.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

Now she has achieved great success in her career and has built a warm home. Weng Hong has found a balance in her life, and while she shines, she also fulfills her responsibilities as a wife and mother.

Her story is inspiring: don't be knocked down by fate, and maintain positive energy in the face of adversity; Abandon the past, live in the present, and live a simple and happy life with a positive and grateful attitude.

Well-known actress Weng Hong: I have never regretted the past, and I am trying to be a good wife and mother

Weng Hong conveys positive power with her own experience, and she will continue to use her actions to help and encourage more women to move towards happiness.

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