
The man went on a blind date, and the woman on the blind date asked the man to build a house for his 6 younger brothers, which simply treated the man as a big injustice


In the far-reaching cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, there is an ancient proverb - "men should marry, women should marry", which has become one of the deep-rooted social values. For many young people of marriageable age, the big decision that determines their marriage partner is undoubtedly a key link in the road of life. As the river of life flows quietly and time flies, when you are at that age when you have to face marital problems, you will naturally devote yourself to the journey of finding that person who belongs to you. Some people are full of luck and have met that deep soul fit in their love journey, so it is natural to talk about marriage next. On the contrary, if you have not been lucky enough to experience the sweetness of love, then trying a blind date may open a convenient path to marriage for you.

The man went on a blind date, and the woman on the blind date asked the man to build a house for his 6 younger brothers, which simply treated the man as a big injustice

At the end of the year, blind date activities have sprung up. In order to solve their lifelong problems, many young men and women have returned to their homeland and actively participated in various dating and blind date activities. Although there is still about a month before the Spring Festival ceremony, many people have already started preparations early. There are even people who successfully make a marriage contract at the moment of the New Year and start a new chapter in their lives. Most of the people who choose to go on a blind date are because they take into account the actual situation. They may not be able to meet the person they like in their work environment or academic circle, or they may not be able to focus on their personal emotional world due to the busy pace of their lives. Although blind date is controversial as a traditional form of marriage, it is undeniable that it does provide a valuable platform for single men and women to meet new people and find marriage.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that in some parts of the mainland, such as Henan Province, the custom of blind date is particularly strong. Local residents often hold the belief that the success of a blind date does not depend on how valuable the gifts are when they first meet, but on whether there is a mysterious and precious marriage between the two parties. Even if the first blind date doesn't go well, there is no need to be frustrated or disgraced. Because throughout the process, people are more concerned about taking the opportunity to learn more about themselves and the opportunities and opportunities of their potential partners.

The man went on a blind date, and the woman on the blind date asked the man to build a house for his 6 younger brothers, which simply treated the man as a big injustice

On a sunny afternoon, a gentleman elegantly drives a luxury sedan into a park in the middle of the city, where he has a first date with his marriage. It is worth noting that this blind date was arranged by the words of the matchmaker in the past, in order to ensure that the two can establish a good communication atmosphere, the matchmaker specially emphasized to the woman before the invitation that the man's illustrious family background - rich second generation background, superior family background. At the same time, the matchmaker subtly hinted that if she could marry the wealthy young man, she would not only be able to receive her husband's love, but also solve the problems of her six brothers' future lives.

After meeting the man, the woman did not deeply observe his personality, behavior and Xi, but directly asked him about the basic situation of family life. The man replied in a calm and unhurried manner, detailing the many properties he owns and the two top luxury cars he owns, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Finally, the man promised to give her a personal car as a souvenir if she could become his wife.

The man went on a blind date, and the woman on the blind date asked the man to build a house for his 6 younger brothers, which simply treated the man as a big injustice

Although the woman is satisfied with the man's financial situation, she is more concerned about the number of brothers in the man's family and the details of the future distribution of the family's property. In response to this question, the man frankly responded that there were two older sisters and one younger sister in the family besides him, but the main property in the family belonged to him alone. However, the woman did not stop there, and she further asked the man about the exact amount of the annual income of the family. The man said in a relaxed tone that he has an annual income of about 20 million yuan.

After hearing these words, the woman seemed to see the dawn of hope, and immediately put forward a harsh request: since the woman has six brothers who have not yet started a family, the man is required to buy a house for each of her six brothers on the date they enter the marriage hall, so as to assist them in solving the housing problem required for marriage. Faced with such an excessive request, the man was obviously shocked, he looked at the woman with confusion and asked, "Excuse me, how do you want me to help you realize such a wish?" The woman gave the answer without the slightest hesitation: "First build a new house for each of my six brothers, and we can talk about the rest later." After all, they are about to marry the bride, how can they do without their own house?" The man couldn't help but take a deep breath when he heard this, trying to calm his emotions: "Even if my family has a lot of money, I can't do everything and make every younger brother feel happy."

The man went on a blind date, and the woman on the blind date asked the man to build a house for his 6 younger brothers, which simply treated the man as a big injustice

Now I really can't afford to pay that huge amount of money to build a house for them. And the woman seemed a little restless: "Since you keep saying that your family has hundreds of millions of assets, why can't you take a part of it to support my brothers? As a dowry for me, is only two million too little?" When the man heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore, and finally said: "Wishful thinking! Although I am not a rich person, I am by no means a fool and a person with a lot of money. I would like to offer you a modest dowry, but it is difficult to build a house for your brother. You are really a "brother demon", even if it is excusable to take care of the family, but the six younger brothers have become a bottomless pit?"

After the date, the matchmaker went out of her way to find the woman and harshly criticized her for not making such outrageous demands when she first met the man. The matchmaker warned the woman that what she was looking for now was not a real husband and good companion, but a "wronged head" who was allowed to be slaughtered! It was precisely because of these excessive demands that the rich second generation who originally seemed to be solid chose to turn around and leave. The woman felt aggrieved and cried: "I just hope to pave a better future world for my younger brothers." After hearing this, the matchmaker sighed: "Your Excellency can't open your mouth, there is no free dinner in the world."

The man admired the woman's appearance, but her demeanor and speech made her unhappy. He knows that if he chooses to start a relationship with this woman, he may be under all kinds of financial pressure in the future. As a sensible and rational man, he would never allow himself to find himself in such an embarrassing situation. Therefore, he resolutely decided to give up the idea of building a relationship with this lady. With a serious expression, he said to the lady, "There must be more attractive women between the Three Realms, and you don't need to be unrequited in love with me. These words not only clearly expressed his unwavering determination, but also indirectly revealed that he did not want to be fooled by the lady's gorgeous face, and ignored more important factors such as her personality quality and attitude to life.

The man went on a blind date, and the woman on the blind date asked the man to build a house for his 6 younger brothers, which simply treated the man as a big injustice

When two people enter the critical stage of marriage, both parties should meet each other sincerely, rather than using those compromise terms as a bargaining weight. Marriage is by no means the same as a business transaction, and cannot be accurately measured by money or other statistical data. The lady clearly placed too much emphasis on material gain, and even made her true motives clear. This made her miss out on a marriage that was expected to be fruitful. In our daily lives, each of us should know how to cherish the people around us and avoid being confused by the appearance or the aura in the eyes of bystanders. At the same time, we must deeply understand that the true meaning of marriage is not to pursue some kind of personal interest, but is based on deep emotional resonance and comprehensive understanding and respect for each other. Only in this way can we find the partner who best suits our needs and start a journey of life full of joy and happiness together.

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