
Hu Xijin talked about Chinese netizens applauding the earthquake in Japan: the online public opinion field needs to remain rational and respectful

author:Size with fate

When the earthquake struck Japan, some Chinese netizens expressed their schadenfreude on social media. Behind this sentiment is a reflection of complex national sentiments and historical legacies. In this regard, Hu Xijin expressed his views, reminding the public to remain rational and respectful.

Hu Xijin talked about Chinese netizens applauding the earthquake in Japan: the online public opinion field needs to remain rational and respectful

Hu Xijin stressed: Although Japan has caused harm to China in the past, the times are progressing, and ethnic groups should transcend past grievances and face practical problems with a peaceful, rational, and constructive attitude. He pointed out that the "applause" of Chinese netizens for the earthquake in Japan did not stem from malice towards ordinary Japanese people, but a collective memory and emotional release of Japan's historical behavior. But that doesn't mean we can ignore respect for life and compassion for natural disasters.

Hu Xijin talked about Chinese netizens applauding the earthquake in Japan: the online public opinion field needs to remain rational and respectful

In today's era of globalization, countries are more connected than ever. Global crises such as earthquakes and epidemics are no longer isolated events in one country, but common challenges for all mankind. Against this backdrop, the international community needs to come together to address the challenges. As an important channel for information dissemination, cyberspace should become a platform for rational discussion and constructive dialogue, rather than a "battlefield" for emotional catharsis.

Hu Xijin talked about Chinese netizens applauding the earthquake in Japan: the online public opinion field needs to remain rational and respectful

In the face of complex historical issues and national sentiments, we cannot simply judge by "good" or "bad". But we can learn from history and try to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. At the same time, we should also look at other nations and countries with a more open and inclusive mind, and learn to engage in dialogue and exchanges on the basis of mutual respect.

Hu Xijin's point reminds us that the online public opinion field needs more rationality and respect. In the information age, every click and retweet we make may become part of the field of public opinion. As individuals, we should be responsible for our words and actions, and avoid blindly following trends or spreading irresponsible information. At the same time, we should also learn to listen to different voices and respect the views and positions of others.

Hu Xijin talked about Chinese netizens applauding the earthquake in Japan: the online public opinion field needs to remain rational and respectful

Of course, changing the status quo of online public opinion will not happen overnight. The government, the media and netizens all need to work together. The government should strengthen supervision of cyberspace and crack down on malicious rumor-mongering and incitement; the media should play a guiding role in public opinion to enhance the authority and credibility of information dissemination; and netizens should improve their media literacy, not blindly follow trends, and look at problems rationally.

In short, we should go beyond emotional expressions and face the earthquake with reason and respect. Only in this way can we truly achieve reconciliation and harmonious coexistence among peoples and move forward together towards a better future.

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