
In "The World", the person with the bleakest ending is not Zheng Juan, but Feng Yue

author:Huan Huan Zhen is emo again

In the story of "The World", each character bears the vicissitudes of life and faces their own fate. However, on this stage of deep suffering, the most thought-provoking and heartbreaking story does not belong to Zheng Juan, but to Feng Yue. Her ending, like a poignant picture, reveals the most inescapable loneliness and desolation in life.

First Love and the Beginning of Tragedy:

Zhou Nan's sudden death was like a storm, caught off guard, destroying all the good things in Feng Yue's life. She fell into deep grief, as if she had lost the meaning of her life. At this moment, her heart was like a barren land, and she could not find any hope to grow.

In "The World", the person with the bleakest ending is not Zheng Juan, but Feng Yue

However, Feng Yue was not only emotionally hit, she was also burdened with the heavy burden of her family. Her mother's selfishness and indifference made her appreciate the cruelty of life early. Her mother left her to be raised by her uncle, and although the love of her uncle and aunt was warm, it could not replace the warmth of her biological parents. Feng Yue seems destined to grow up in loneliness, with a desire for family in her heart.

As time passed, Feng Yue entered the society, but found that life was not as warm as she imagined. The economic pressure and employment difficulties are like a towering mountain, and she feels breathless. However, instead of choosing to sink, she gritted her teeth and made a difficult decision - to marry a wealthy man.

However, this is not the destination of her soul, but a compromise between herself and herself. Her marriage is not a happy one, although it is glamorous on the surface, but in fact it hides too much unspeakable helplessness. Feng Yue exchanged her body for economic security, but lost the peace of mind. She is like a pawn played by fate, although her life has improved somewhat, but under the surface of happiness hides deep pain.

In "The World", the person with the bleakest ending is not Zheng Juan, but Feng Yue

Feng Yue's fate is like a realistic picture, outlining the bitterness of countless women in real life. Her heart matures in the midst of ups and downs, but her soul is always trapped in the shackles of fate. In this story, she is both a victim and a struggler, and her life is like a tragic symphony, evoking people to think deeply about life.

Break free:

Leaving the family that once made her mentally tired, Feng Yue embarked on the road of finding happiness. Her heart is like a strong flower, gradually unfolding in the sunshine and rain of life. The first challenge is economic independence, and she knows that only through her own efforts can she truly get rid of the shadow of the past.

In the workplace, Feng Yue has encountered many setbacks. The helplessness and dependence she once had made her a little timid at work, but she didn't give up. She used perseverance and wisdom to overcome difficulties one by one, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the workplace. She is no longer the woman who passively accepts, but a professional warrior who rises to the challenge and bravely faces challenges.

In her career, Feng Yue has put in countless efforts and efforts. She learned a lot, not only professional knowledge, but also the power of perseverance and perseverance. Every moment of success is the result of her hard work. What she pursues is not only material independence, but also spiritual freedom.

In "The World", the person with the bleakest ending is not Zheng Juan, but Feng Yue

However, the path to a career has never been easy. She has experienced all kinds of twists and turns, competition at work, and complicated interpersonal relationships, all of which have made her feel tired and troubled. But Feng Yue knows how to find opportunities in difficult situations and solve problems with wisdom and courage. Every setback is a catalyst for her growth, making her more determined to move towards her dreams.

In the end, Feng Yue achieved an economically independent and autonomous life. She is no longer attached to others, no longer constrained by the drag of her family. She has her own space and choices, and life is no longer a puppet of fate, but a masterpiece she has shaped with her hands. In the process, her smile became brighter, and her eyes were full of confidence and calmness.

Feng Yue's choice:

Feng Yue's rejection of new feelings does not come from despair of love, but a kind of adherence to the purity of his heart. She knows very well that the past feelings are like an unforgettable melody, although they have passed, they have left a deep imprint in the depths of her soul. After experiencing the pain of losing her first love, she cherishes her inner peace even more and is reluctant to surrender her heart to the unknown risk again.

Rejecting a new relationship is not a weakness, but a brave choice. She understands that life is not determined by how many emotional experiences we have, but that in the face of every choice, we can choose how to become a better version of ourselves. In her heart, the uncertainty and twists and turns that a new relationship may bring are not what she needs now.

In "The World", the person with the bleakest ending is not Zheng Juan, but Feng Yue

However, Feng Yue did not become a lonely traveler because of this. Through hard work, she constantly enriches herself and pursues inner improvement. Becoming a strong, independent woman is not about escaping the shackles of feelings, but about moving towards the life you desire with a firmer step.

She fills the gap in her heart through Xi learning, work, and achievements, and proves her worth with practical actions. Her success in her career is not only a personal affirmation of her, but also a response to life. Such Feng Yue is no longer the woman who was attached to others in the past, but a model of a woman who can stand alone and choose independently.

Feng Yue's choice is like a quiet melody on the big stage of life, her heart is more noble because of purity, and more powerful because of persistence. In the picture of her life, the rejection of a new relationship is not a regret, but a new beginning. With her persistence and hard work, she paved a broad road to happiness for herself and became the most beautiful scenery in her life.