
Zhao Shaokang was invited to join the Tainan dark green group, sounding the death knell of the DPP!

author:He Jiaojiao

【Tweet】"Power Scheme: The Political Situation of the Tainan Association"

In Taiwanese politics, an exciting power plot is quietly unfolding, and the key to it all seems to be closely related to a banquet at the Tainan Association in Taipei.

Zhao Shaokang was invited to join the Tainan dark green group, sounding the death knell of the DPP!

The Tainan Association used to be a solid vote base for the DPP, but the latest gathering showed an unexpected change. This organization, which has always excluded non-green camp people, went so far as to invite Zhao Shaokang, a non-green camp politician, and attracted widespread attention by toasting table-by-table.

Zhao Shaokang's participation is not only the appearance of a political star, but also seems to carry a deliberate political intention. His background encompasses both the New Party and the Kuomintang, and this complex identity is vividly expressed in the gatherings of the Tainan Association.

The Tainan Association has always been a symbol of dark green, however, this invitation seems to announce the loosening of Tainan's ticket source. For a long time, they only worked with the Green Battalion, and now the change seems to herald a subtle change in the direction of the political wind, a political indicator to keep an eye on.

Zhao Shaokang was invited to join the Tainan dark green group, sounding the death knell of the DPP!

As Lai Qingde's natal district, the Tainan Association has always been a staunch supporter of the DPP. However, the change in this gathering may be a sign of a change in voters' expectations of the DPP. The stability of the past may face a new challenge.

The arrangement of the party showed some surprises, not least that Zhao Shaokang became Hou Youyi's deputy. This seems to be a well-thought-out plan, and whether the intentions of these bigwigs can affect the DPP's base is a matter of great concern.

Finally, this series of changes is undoubtedly a test of the DPP's trust. This change in the Tainan Association may be a new expectation of voters for the political landscape. If the DPP cannot deal with it effectively, the political map of Tainan City may undergo new changes.

Zhao Shaokang was invited to join the Tainan dark green group, sounding the death knell of the DPP!

In the arena of political games, a small gathering may reveal new variables in the future political landscape. The vagaries of the conspiracy game are unpredictable, so let's wait and see the sequel to this political storm.

Zhao Shaokang was invited to join the Tainan dark green group, sounding the death knell of the DPP!