
These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools

author:Lust Fire Sheng Portrait

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools. When I think back to that summer, I happily walked into the cinema with my friends. Our long-awaited movie is about to be released, and the plot and characters in the trailer have already piqued our deepest curiosity. However, as we sat down, ready to enjoy this cinematic feast, we were struck by a flurry of sloppy, superficial lines.

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools

On the big screen, an adult actress actually says to her assistant, "Do you know who you are? You're my good assistant, remember!" However, this is just the beginning. The next scene made us even more incredulous to our eyes. The dialogue between the protagonist and the villain is nothing short of foolish. Like two little children, they argue about who is the representative of justice and who is the embodiment of the devil. Such superficial lines plunged the entire movie theater into an awkward silence, with only the occasional joer coming from the audience.

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools

This film was supposed to be a baptism of the soul, a thought-provoking journey. However, we only see a superficial glimpse of the surface, without any deep thinking and emotional resonance. It reminds me of a similar problem in my own life. With the advancement of technology and the explosion of information, our lives are becoming more and more fast-paced and superficial. It's easy to get caught up in the glitz and glamour of social media and have little time to think about and savor the true meaning of life.

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools

Do we also use the lines of "treat the audience as a three-year-old" in our daily lives? Do we also insist on our own opinions when arguing with others, rather than listening to and understanding each other's thoughts? Thinking back to that movie, I began to reflect on my own behavior. I decided to reject superficial and meaningless conversations in favor of deeper human interaction and inner reflection. I decided that I wanted to create a quiet space for myself to have time to think and reflect. Whether it's a walk in the mountains or sitting alone at home, I give myself time to get away from the hustle and bustle and feel my inner voice. It is only when we pause and meditate that we can truly understand our heart's needs and desires.

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools

At the same time, I decided to listen more to others and respect their views and ideas. Everyone has their own unique experiences and perspectives, and we should learn to appreciate and embrace this diversity. Through communication and communication with others, we can broaden our horizons and expand our way of thinking. This film gave me a profound revelation about the existence of similar problems in my own life. I believe that it is only when we become aware of these issues and take the initiative to change them that we can truly derive deeper happiness and fulfillment from our lives.

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools

Now, I encourage you to think about whether there is a similar problem in your own life. It's time to stop and appreciate the beauty and depth of life. Let's ditch the superficial and meaningless conversations and pursue more valuable and meaningful interpersonal interactions and inner reflections. Only in this way can we truly experience the richness and fullness of life.

These lines of "treating the audience as three-year-old children" can't bear to look at them directly, and they are purely playing with fools