
Steam will no longer support win7 in the future, and the V company announcement used 2 reasons to dump the pot to Google and Microsoft


Recently, the Steam platform client will no longer support win7 and win8 operating systems from 2024 onwards, the client cannot run in the above Windows versions, and the old games cannot be run on the old system through Steam.

Steam will no longer support win7 in the future, and the V company announcement used 2 reasons to dump the pot to Google and Microsoft

One is the reliance on Google Chrome, which no longer supports running on older versions of Windows. In fact, Google Chrome no longer supports win7 and win8 systems in the new version released in February last year, but the old version of Google Chrome can continue to be used on the old system, which means that V no longer wants to spend energy specifically for win7 and win8 system users to make a Steam that relies on the old version of Google Chrome.

Steam will no longer support win7 in the future, and the V company announcement used 2 reasons to dump the pot to Google and Microsoft

This is not unreasonable,According to the results of the hardware survey announced by V Society in August last year,Users who use win7 and win8 systems add up to less than 2% of the total share,Almost all players on steam use win10 or win11 system,Very few players will use the old system to open steam to play games。 Another is that the games owned by game manufacturers are also gradually giving up support for the old system, such as R Star, which issued an announcement on the official website, making it clear that from January 30, 2024, the game products launched will no longer be compatible with win7 and win8 operating systems, and urge players to upgrade to supported operating systems as soon as possible, as well as "Fortnite" and Riot's "Valorant", which means that Windows 10 will become the minimum requirement for players to play.

Steam will no longer support win7 in the future, and the V company announcement used 2 reasons to dump the pot to Google and Microsoft

Okay, let's go back to the announcement of V Society. The second reason is that Microsoft has not continued to provide security updates and technical support for older versions of Windows, and the security flaws in the system itself will prevent the game from fully performing and risk stealing Steam accounts. Microsoft abandoned the old system and users in January last year, stopped updating and supporting win7 and win8, and had a mandatory obligation for users to update the system or directly replace the device. In line with the principle that more is better than less, V Society has abandoned the users of the old system.

Steam will no longer support win7 in the future, and the V company announcement used 2 reasons to dump the pot to Google and Microsoft

In general, V used this announcement to directly dump the pot on the two giants of Google and Microsoft,In fact, he can't be blamed completely,It's the general trend to stop supporting the old system,After all, win7 is already an operating system almost 15 years ago,Before that, the older systems Windows XP and Windows Vista were also abandoned by the times,V Society gave almost the same reason in 2019 as now。

Steam will no longer support win7 in the future, and the V company announcement used 2 reasons to dump the pot to Google and Microsoft

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