
Her mother set her a marriage, and she said: I don't want to be a concubine! After seeing the man, she changed her words: I will marry


Title: "Marriage Contract: The Legend of Ye Qiuxin's Times"

Dear historical explorers, today we will travel back to 1913 to explore a marriage story in the Republic of China era, which is the legendary life experienced by Ye Qiuxin in the vicissitudes of history.

The burden of marriage: the Ye family in Xinzhou, Hubei

In that era when the traditional concept of marriage was precipitated, Ye Qiuxin was born in a wealthy family in Xinzhou, Hubei. Her family focused on the dignity and prestige of the marriage, but did not give much thought to the character of the bride and groom. It is the mark of an era and the beginning of a marriage contract.

Her mother set her a marriage, and she said: I don't want to be a concubine! After seeing the man, she changed her words: I will marry

The first dream of the movie: Ye Qiuxin's style rises

In 1913, the film industry was still in its cradle, but Ye Qiuxin had a deep interest in it. Her appearance in the movie "Shichahai" made her famous, and since then she has embarked on the road of a bright star.

The Seeker of Cinema: Wan Yiwu's Ardent Follower

Wan Yiwu, a graduate of the special class of the Army University, fell in love with Ye Qiuxin at first sight. Wealthy and academically excellent, he became the ideal suitor. But behind this pursuit lies a sad reality.

Family Shadow: Wan Yiwu's existing marriage

Her mother set her a marriage, and she said: I don't want to be a concubine! After seeing the man, she changed her words: I will marry

The fly in the ointment is that Wan Yiwu has already married a wife, which means that Ye Qiuxin can only become a concubine. Faced with this reality, Ye Qiuxin's mother was worried and did not want her daughter to be wronged in her marriage. But the Ye family's parents thought that they could not find an outstanding son-in-law like Wan Yiwu, and finally agreed to the marriage. Before deciding, the Ye family's parents did not inform Ye Qiuxin, and when she learned about it, everything could not be changed.

Family Confrontation: Ye Qiuxin's Persistence and Despair

Knowing that she would become a concubine, Ye Qiuxin was furious, but her resistance was to no avail. Her wayward personality made the Ye family's parents worry that she might do something worrying. However, when she saw the true face of Wan Yiwu Lushan, her anger dissipated, and ripples rippled in her heart.

Pursuing Dreams: Ye Qiuxin's Shanghai Years

Married life was not as she wanted, she didn't get along well with other concubines, and Wan Yiwu couldn't accompany her often. Eventually, she decided to leave and embarked on a journey to Shanghai. In this strange city, she soon became a famous movie star, and cooperated with Hu Die and others to shoot "Double Mandarin Ducks in the Sea of Evil". In 1934, she was named one of the eight stars in the country and was known as a "model beauty".

Her mother set her a marriage, and she said: I don't want to be a concubine! After seeing the man, she changed her words: I will marry

The ups and downs of old age: the haze of history

However, the outbreak of war made Ye Qiuxin's life upside down. In her later years, her life was miserable, and Wan Yiwu was executed in Huanggang, Hubei Province, in 1951.

Conclusion: The trajectory of fate, the brilliance of dreams

Although the story of this marriage contract is tortuous and bumpy, it shows the spirit of a woman's tenacity and struggle in the face of fate. Over the course of history, she has created a legend in her own way.

Through Ye Qiuxin's experience, we see the pressure of women in their families, marriages, and careers in that era, as well as their persistence in working hard for their dreams. Her story invites us to reflect on the true meaning of marriage and the banter of individual fate in the midst of great changes in history.

Her mother set her a marriage, and she said: I don't want to be a concubine! After seeing the man, she changed her words: I will marry

May we draw strength from Ye Qiuxin's persistence and radiate our own light in the long river of history. Because everyone's life is a legend that cannot be replicated.