
Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was assassinated, but fortunately there was no danger of his life?

author:Chengjun is talkative
Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was assassinated, but fortunately there was no danger of his life?

South Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myung was assassinated

According to reports from several South Korean media, on the morning of January 2, 2024, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was attacked while visiting the construction site of a new airport in Busan, South Korea.

According to bystanders, the attack came from a man aged 5 to 60 wearing a paper hat that hit Lee Jae-myung's supporters. The man, pretending to be a supporter, approached Lee Jae-myung to ask for an autograph when he suddenly took out a knife about 20 centimeters long and stabbed Lee Jae-myung in the neck.

After the assassination, Lee Jae-myung immediately fell to the ground, and the staff next to him pressed a scarf on Lee Jae-myung's injured neck, and there was no sign of blood oozing from the pressure site.

He was then rushed by ambulance to a nearby university hospital for treatment, where Lee Jae-ming was conscious.

The suspect in the assault was restrained by the police on the spot.

There doesn't seem to be a threat to your life

According to the video broadcast by the local YTN television station, after the assassination, Lee Jae-myung had only a small amount of bleeding from his neck, and after the wound was pressed, there was no local sign of bleeding.

During the process of being sent to the hospital, Lee Jae-ming was conscious.

Importantly, according to a source in Lee Jae-myung's opposition party, Lee Jae-myung's stab wound was located on the right side of his neck, and the wound was about 1 centimeter.

Judging from the above indications, the circumstances of Lee Jae-myung's assassination this time were not serious, and it obviously did not hurt the main blood vessels in his neck, so there should be no danger of his life.

I saw media reports that Lee Jae-ming was "not in danger of life for the time being".

In fact, from the situation at the scene of the assassination, we can make a relatively definite judgment that Lee Jae-myung's assassination this time did not have the problem of threatening his life at all.

Why is neck trauma so lethal?

The neck is one of the most frequently attacked parts of the human body.

This is because the neck is home to many important structures, including the main blood vessels leading to the head and bilateral upper extremities, the nerve-brachial plexus to the bilateral upper extremities, the trachea, the esophagus, the apex of the lungs, and the thoracic ducts of the forest system.

Visible damage to any of these structures can have serious consequences, even fatal in a short period of time;

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was assassinated, but fortunately there was no danger of his life?

In particular, open injuries to major blood vessels.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died of a blood vessel injury in his neck

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was assassinated, but fortunately there was no danger of his life?

Everyone still remembers, in July 2022, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe was shot and killed, although the shooting site was in the shoulder, the real fatal wound was the bullet through the shoulder tissue that caused the rupture of his right subclavian artery, causing massive bleeding, leading to shock → death →from multiple organ failure.

Is the attacker trying to choke Lee Jae-myung's neck?

Judging from the situation of Lee Jae-myung's attack, the attacker was aiming to kill Lee Jae-myung, and the long knife directly stabbed Lee Jae-myung in the right neck, which was to kill Lee Jae-myung's neck.

Assassination by choving the neck, with the main goal of slicing open the common carotid artery located on both sides of the neck.

Because the common carotid artery is large in diameter and comes almost directly from the aorta, blood pressure is high, and even a small wound can cause a "blowout" of bleeding if a puncture is made.

For this kind of bleeding, first aid can only be done by the staff at the scene of Lee Jae-myung's assassination, using multi-layer cloth excipients to stop the bleeding from the outside.

For this kind of bleeding of common carotid artery injury, this compression can only partially slow down the amount of bleeding, if the bleeding cannot be stopped by surgery in a very short time, it is difficult to effectively stop the bleeding, and it will soon cause hemorrhagic shock and death.

Pictures of the scene of Lee Jae-myung's attack show that his injured neck showed no signs of bleeding or oozing blood at all after being compressed, which is enough to show that the main blood vessels in the neck were not injured, so there should be no danger to his life.

Another fatal wound to the neck assassination is an open injury to the main veins of the neck.

Because the venous pressure is very low, it is easy to stop the bleeding by pressure fear. Therefore, the main danger of this open injury is not bleeding, but air embolism that can cause blood circulation.

This is because the main veins in the neck are close to the superior vena cava and the right atrium, and during diastole, there can be negative pressure.

In this way, once these major veins are open and damaged, the heart can "breathe" air when it relaxes. When a certain amount of air is inhaled, an air embolism forms in the blood vessels, causing circulatory failure and death.

Fortunately, although Lee Jae-ming was assassinated on the right side of his neck, the current situation seems to have caused only a small cut wound on the local skin, and did not hurt the main blood vessels in the neck at all, so it will not be fatal.

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