
On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

author:Art Scene 1970


The years turn into songs, and time passes like flowers.

Time is a thing that never asks us if we want it or not.

At the end of 2023, there are still people who can't survive the last days.

At 11 o'clock in the evening on December 27, Haizhu District, Guangzhou.

The chirping of an ambulance suddenly broke the silence near the Lujiang Bridge.

It wasn't that someone had a sudden illness, it turned out that a man was found hanging himself.

The arrival of an ambulance failed to save his life.

On that winter night that is close to the new year, close to the new day, it will stay in 2023 forever.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

The specific reasons for choosing suicide have not yet been announced.

A merchant who met the man nearby said: Maybe you have a debt and no job, so you can't think about it.

Even though I don't know all my life, I still chuckle in my heart, such a tragedy is still too sad.

Under the pressure of life, he had come a long way, and it was about to be the new year, but he still fell on the eve of dawn.

Many people in the comments are puzzled, they are not afraid of death, what are they afraid of?

But when I grew up, the world seemed to have always been like this.

I don't know which thing became the last straw.

I don't know which moment, I can no longer hold back the sudden collapse of thousands of emotions.

December 14, Chengdu, Sichuan.

A young woman stands on the guardrail of a bridge.

Below, her one-and-a-half-year-old child, screaming "Mommy" in fear while banging on the stone bridge.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

The woman on the high platform, she wanted to leave with the child.

After all, he still couldn't bear it, and after bowing his head and comforting him softly, he jumped directly into the river at the moment when the child turned around.

No one knows what she's been through, no one knows how desperate it was to get there.

The person she loves the most is next to her, but she does not hesitate to fall into the biting and cold of winter.

Thankfully, the firefighters managed to save the woman.

I guess I've died once in such a jump.

I only hope that this rebirth, she can be one or two with the past and live well.

I just hope she can understand it soon:

In this world, except for life and death, everything else is really trivial.


In Wushan, Chongqing, there is a cute and strong little girl.

She has a nice name, Yi Ling.

She also has a dad who loves her very much.

His parents divorced at the age of two, and he was diagnosed with advanced liver fibrosis at the age of four.

The young father never thought about giving up for a day, cutting his liver to save his daughter, trying his best, and turning white overnight.

But sometimes we can't lose and have.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

On December 26, this distressed 5-year-old little angel who was concerned about the whole network still left this world.

"Now she doesn't have to take injections and pills. ”

The helpless father who lost his heart and soul can only comfort himself in this way.

After sending his daughter on his last trip, he returned all the donations and removed everything from the merchandise window.

When his daughter is gone, he has no home, and he can't think of any more money.

I thought this story was sad enough.

opened the comment area of Yiling's father, and couldn't help but break the defense anymore.

A girl who loves to play basketball in her teens was suddenly diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

The surgery was painful, but it still failed.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

The mother, whose daughter was admitted to the ICU, had nothing else to ask for in this life.

She only asks for God's mercy and only for her daughter to live.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

The little girl, who is one year older than Yiling, was taken away by death and went to another world.

The mother who only left this world missed her over and over again.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

Some people pray that their children will succeed in fighting cancer.

Someone is waiting for a miracle.

Someone has lost her all.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

Turning over these sadness and despair, these human sufferings, these life and death.

finally understood the sentence written by Yiling's father in October 2022:

"Maybe the unsatisfactory life you complain about is the day we dream of. ”

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

Underneath these incurable collapses.

only to find that true happiness really has nothing to do with wealth and power.

Health, safety, smoothness, enough.

And to live, for too many, is already a great victory.


Recently, I often hear a song, "Some people say that this life is like a long river, and the turmoil we have passed is the most ordinary bump in the world." ”

This rickety world.

Some people can't walk an inch, and some people spend the winter alone.

In the world of adulthood, I know that it is difficult to become an immortal, and it is even more difficult to enter the dust.

Looking back on a year, some people broke down alone in the middle of the night, and some people parted with their loved ones in the early morning.

Some people said that they didn't want to live a hundred times, but they persevered a hundred times.

I forgot where I saw a sentence:

Not everyone can reconcile with the past and life.

"Those who live in the spring will not really understand that those broken hearts, in the cold and damp winter, cannot be saved. ”

But life will also have a "reversal" every day.

Under the hardship, I really feel the same way.

broke down and cried one second, wiped away tears and continued to move forward the next second.

Most of the time, we complain about the cruelty and injustice of the world, but we still look forward to the picture of gentleness first when we see suffering.

In Datong, Shanxi, a heavy snow closed the road.

The old man picking up waste is pulling heavy objects in the flying snowflakes and moving forward with difficulty.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

In the cold, there is no cold eye.

Someone stepped forward and took out the change from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

Someone grabbed the rope and walked with the old man in the direction of the house.

One of the hardest roads to walk is no longer lonely and long this winter.

In Suihua, Heilongjiang, a boy whose father is disabled and whose mother has died, in order to save money, often only eats instant noodles at night.

The head teacher knew the situation:

"Do you have time at night, the teacher invites you home to eat dumplings. ”

The boy said that it was the fullest I had eaten in half a year.

The teacher said that it is my greatest wish that you are healthy and happy every day.

School is not only conformist, a caring teacher can heal a sensitive child's life.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

In Dezhou, Shandong, the old man cautiously walked into a beef noodle restaurant.

Seeing his crampedness, the waitress explained patiently and gently.

Hearing the price of 7 yuan a bowl, he still hesitated to eat it.

A kind-hearted eldest brother noticed the situation here, and directly stepped forward to stop the old man's embarrassment: "Bring him a bowl of beef noodles." ”

In the end, the old man folded his hands and said "thank you, thank you", which froze the most beautiful picture of sincere friendship.

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

There is no suffering and it is worth taking it up at the end of another year.

But the mutual support and love between people is always worthy of praise.

There is no suffering, and it is worth writing about at the end of 2023.

But another year of perseverance, another year of not being discouraged and not giving up, is always worth a space.

Within a year, he suffered the pain of losing his daughter and his father.

In order to save people, he acted bravely, and the fat brother of Nanjing, who had many knives in his body, in 2023, is like half a life.

If he could do it all over again, he always said that he would rush forward without hesitation.

After this year, he said he wouldn't be the same again.

Because in this family, there are still wives, children, and parents who need him.

He learned how important it is to be safe, healthy and alive.

With so much pain, many people are worried about how he will live in the future.

He wrote only one sentence on social media:

"Look ahead, don't look back!"

On the evening of December 27, he suddenly committed suicide!2023, no one should look back...

2023 is over.


Don't be anxious in advance, don't anticipate troubles, don't dwell on the past.

In 2023, the past will be cleared.

When we dare to allow anything to happen, we are left invincible.