
Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room

author:Say something small and eat a big meal
Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room

Recently, a post-00s novice mother shared on social platforms the embarrassing occasion she encountered when giving birth in the hospital, which attracted widespread attention and heated discussions on related topics. In today's society, the importance of male doctors in obstetrics and gynecology is becoming more and more prominent in view of the rapid development of medical facilities and the changing attitudes of people. Not only do they offer more comprehensive professional support, but they also have unique advantages in some special scenarios.

In the past, only the mother-in-law who delivered the baby was allowed to set foot in the room during the birth process, and even the father-to-be had no right to accompany the mother. In this way, if there are difficulties in childbirth, the tragedy of the death of both mother and child is inevitable. The main reason for this is that since ancient times, the proportion of women in the profession of doctors has been low, most of them are headed by male doctors, and male doctors are forbidden to enter the delivery room to care for mothers. However, with the passage of time and the advancement of medical technology, we can now see more and more male medical workers in obstetrics and gynaecology.

Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room
Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room

At present, many well-known hospitals are becoming more flexible in the way they recruit male midwives and nurses. This stems from the realization that men have stronger bodies and more energy, which can effectively combat work stress and adapt to the demands of staying up late. During the normal delivery process, if the mother encounters difficulties in delivery, the male medical staff can provide timely support. In addition, male surgeons can significantly improve work continuity and operational stability and speed during prolonged surgeries.

Kiki, a post-00s lady who has just been promoted to mother, said that at the time of delivery, her uterus was open and waiting for delivery. At that time, the doctor arranged a B-ultrasound examination to ensure that the fetus was in good condition and that the mother's body was properly coordinated. Before the birth, the nurse assists with skin disinfection to prepare for the next steps. When she officially went to the delivery bed, although her upper body was covered by the quilt, she still felt a little embarrassed.

During childbirth, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the birth canal and kindly guides the mother to exert force correctly. To prevent serious lacerations, doctors also provide timely assistance to protect the area around the birth canal. Maternal inconvenience and embarrassment are often there.

Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room
Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room

Kiki's personal story has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many mothers echoed in the comments that they have had similar experiences. Some were deeply disturbed by the chance to meet a male doctor during the operation, some chose a male midwife to serve them, and some even had to manually remove the placenta after the delivery process, despite the presence of two female doctors, they were always helpless, and finally had to turn to a male nurse who had the unique arm strength and strength to remove the residual placenta. Although it was extremely difficult at that time, the mothers still felt a little embarrassed when they recalled the past.

Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room
Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room

Although the birth process may be slightly awkward, it is actually just one of the normal parts of the whole process for the mother to welcome a new life. The purpose of childbirth is to give birth to a child and grow up healthily. As expectant mothers, Xi parenting knowledge during pregnancy and prepare in advance can effectively reduce the tension during labor.

Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room

Experts point out that the importance of male physicians in obstetrics and gynecology is becoming more and more prominent. They can provide professional medical support and have a unique advantage in certain situations. Male doctors are energetic, athletic, and quick to perform surgeries, making them key members of the obstetrics and gynaecology team.

This post-00s mother's experience sparked resonance and communication among many mothers, and stimulated a discussion on the role of male physicians in obstetrics and gynecology. Some people think that male doctors can provide more professional support, while others have reservations. However, the crucial role of male physicians in obstetrics and gynecology cannot be denied. Although there will be a certain degree of discomfort for the mother to give birth in the hospital, this is a link that must be endured for the smooth birth of the baby. As a pregnant mother, fully understanding the birth process during pregnancy will help you better adapt to emergencies in the production process and reduce unnecessary tension and anxiety. The point is that as long as the child is born safely, these inconveniences are worth it.

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Male doctors are involved in childbirth, a new trend in the delivery room