
The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

author:TCM Physician Zhang talks about health

"Last year, Uncle Zhang, a retired teacher, began noticing that there was always a subtle bitterness in his mouth. Initially, he thought it was just a temporary reaction after eating certain foods, but over time, the sensation became more frequent and noticeable. His daily life began to suffer, but since he did not feel any significant discomfort, he did not immediately seek medical help. It wasn't until a few months later that a chance physical exam revealed his gastroesophageal reflux disease, a chronic condition that was not diagnosed in time. Uncle Chamber's story reminds us that those seemingly insignificant bad breath odors can actually be warning signs from our bodies. "

The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

"Why do I always have a bad smell in my mouth?" — the root cause of bad taste in the mouth

Bad breath is not uncommon in our daily lives, but it can be certain signals from the body. Here are a few of the main causes of bad breath, especially bitter and salty taste in the mouth.

Poor oral hygiene

Causes: Bad breath is often directly related to poor oral hygiene. Bacteria grow in the mouth, especially on the surface of the teeth and tongue, and can produce an unpleasant odor.

Practical tip: Regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular oral hygiene check-ups, can effectively reduce the accumulation of bacteria, thereby reducing or eliminating odors.

The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

Chronic digestive problems

Causes: Digestive diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause food and stomach acid to reflux into the esophagus and mouth, causing a bitter or salty taste.

Practical advice: Adjust your Xi eating habits, reduce your intake of greasy and spicy foods, and seek professional medical advice if necessary.

The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

Medication side effects

Causes: Certain medications, particularly those used to treat abnormal glucose metabolism (diabetes) and increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries (hypertension), may alter the chemical balance in the mouth and cause odors.

Practical advice: If you suspect a side effect from a medication, talk to your doctor, as you may need to adjust the dose or type of medication.

Dry mouth

Cause: Insufficient saliva production (xerostomia) can increase bad breath. Saliva is essential for removing bacteria and food debris from the mouth.

Practical advice: Drink plenty of water, keep your mouth moist, and try products that increase saliva production.

Underlying health problems

Cause: Sometimes bad breath can be an early sign of a more serious health problem, such as abnormal liver function or kidney problems.

Practical advice: Regular health check-ups, especially for middle-aged and older adults, and seek professional medical advice if you experience persistent bad breath.

Focus: The three major alarms hidden in the body

1. Indigestion, suggesting deep hidden

Secret digestive tract emergency: When you feel a bitter or salty taste in your mouth, your digestive system may be sending a distress signal. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and inflammation of the gastric mucosa may be the culprits. These conditions cause stomach acid or bile to reflux into the esophagus, leaving a bitter or salty taste in the mouth.

The importance of self-observation: watch for stomach upset, fullness after meals, or mild pain. If you have these symptoms, it's important to see your doctor for a check-up.

2. The liver is in a hurry, and it is difficult to detect

Silent liver alarm: The liver is a silent organ that rarely manifests itself directly when its function is impaired. However, one potential sign is a bad taste in the mouth. Abnormal liver function can lead to the accumulation of metabolites in the body, which in turn affects the oral environment, resulting in a bitter or salty taste.

The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

Pay attention to subtle signs: In addition to bad breath, you should also pay attention to symptoms such as yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, fatigue, etc. Regular liver function tests are essential to prevent liver disease.

3. Abnormal glucose metabolism, silent invasion

Mouth, sentinel of abnormal glucose metabolism: Diabetes and its complications can affect your health unknowingly. Bad breath can be an outward sign of long-term instability in blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients often have symptoms such as dry mouth and bad breath.

Early detection, the key: pay attention to monitoring blood sugar levels and other related symptoms, such as frequent thirst, frequent urination, etc. Regular physical examinations and blood glucose monitoring are essential for early identification and management of glucose metabolism abnormalities.

The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

Practical recommendations

Small details of daily life: Maintain good oral hygiene Xi, regular check-ups, especially for the digestive system, liver function and blood sugar levels.

Eat a healthy diet: Moderate intake of high-fiber foods and a reduction in greasy and spicy foods can help maintain digestive health.

Moderate exercise: Enhance physical fitness, improve metabolic function, help prevent and control abnormal glucose metabolism and liver problems.

Stay healthy and free from bad breath – your daily health routine

When discussing daily health and preventive measures, we aim to provide practical advice to help you avoid bitter or salty mouths, which can be early signs of physical illness. Here are a few key health measures:

Strengthen oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to prevent bad breath. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing between your teeth can help reduce the build-up of bacteria in your mouth.

Get regular dental check-ups so that problems such as gum inflammation or tooth decay can be detected and treated.

Eat a balanced diet

Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and reduce greasy, heavy-tasting foods. These not only help maintain oral health, but also promote overall health.

Drink plenty of water to help clean your mouth and keep your saliva secretion, which naturally cleans your mouth and reduces odors.

Exercise regularly

Moderate physical activity, such as walking, yoga or tai chi, can increase metabolism and improve the functioning of various body systems, including the digestive system, which can help prevent bad breath.

The mouth is always bitter and salty: or there are these 3 major problems in the body, don't be careless

Regular health check-ups

Regular and comprehensive physical examinations, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, can help to detect and treat diseases that may cause bad breath at an early stage, such as abnormal glucose metabolism and increased blood pressure in systemic arteries.

Reduce bad Xi

Quit smoking and drinking. Tobacco and alcohol not only cause bad breath but also increase the risk of other diseases.

mental health

Maintain a positive attitude towards life and a healthy mental state. Stress and anxiety can affect physical health and indirectly lead to oral problems.

Medication use

If you are taking certain medications, you should consult your doctor to find out if they cause bad breath as a side effect and seek alternatives if necessary.

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