
"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

author:Clever clear spring pe

Decoration is very complicated, each style has its own love, each function has its own needs, even if it is a family, sometimes it is difficult to reach a consensus.

The decoration is also very simple, some "main contradictions", without the mobilization of the whole family, are also the focus of the decoration list marked in yellow and bold, such as environmental protection.

In order to solve the environmental protection problem at home, in the whole decoration process, we will more or less make various compromises, and even pay more costs -

In order to improve the life of his family, Mr. Lin from Jiangsu Province specially bought a 120-square-meter house, and after the renovation, considering that there were more than two years old children at home, he deliberately waited for the house to be vacant for two years and ventilated before moving in.

Moving into a new house was supposed to be the beginning of a happy life, but the child fell ill frequently and was finally diagnosed with leukemia, and the cause turned out to be formaldehyde left over from the renovation of the home.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

Formaldehyde is essentially not considered an artificial chemical, but a natural ingredient, such as trees, animals, and even the human body, there will be formaldehyde metabolites, but the concentration will not cause any obvious harm and impact on the human body.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

However, in the process of decoration, a large number of wooden boards, dyes, fabrics, etc., the accumulated formaldehyde concentration is very high, coupled with the formaldehyde retention capacity is too strong, the retention time is too long, furniture, dyes, carpets, etc., will continue to release formaldehyde, even after 5 years, the concentration of formaldehyde will not be significantly reduced, still within the dangerous range.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

These groups of people are susceptible to formaldehyde

1. Pregnant women

Studies have shown that exposure to high levels of formaldehyde during pregnancy can cause spontaneous abortion of embryos and increase the incidence of low birth weight infants. In particular, the risk of exposure is highest during the first 3 months of pregnancy, which can affect embryonic development throughout pregnancy.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

2. Old man

As we age, our body functions are gradually weakening, and if we are stimulated by external pollutants at this time, it is easy to produce some bad symptoms. Formaldehyde is not only not a strong irritation, but also has a certain toxicity, which is obvious, which will make the aging body worse, and in serious cases, it will even be life-threatening.

3. Office personnel

The office is a relatively closed environment, the lack of air circulation leads to low indoor oxygen content, coupled with work, it is easy to lead to the reduction of the metabolic ability of the body and brain of office workers, and working in an environment with poor air quality for a long time is very detrimental to physical health.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

In many office areas, there are high density of personnel, desks, and office chairs, which makes the total amount of pollutants increase sharply, and it is easy to exceed the standard, forming the pollution of the office environment.

4. Infants and young children

This is the group most vulnerable to formaldehyde!

Compared with adults, if living in the same environment, children are more likely to get sick or be attacked by pollutants, and children's respiratory system has not yet formed a complete self-protection, so the respiratory system is relatively weak, so if formaldehyde exceeds the standard, the first victim is children.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

How to judge that formaldehyde exceeds the standard? If there are these "abnormalities" in the home, it means that "formaldehyde exceeds the standard"!

(1) Always have a cold, cough, and a significant decrease in immunity

Originally, my physical fitness was very good, but after moving into the new house, I always felt uncomfortable. And there are often symptoms such as colds, rhinitis, cough and discomfort. This is why people should be wary of whether it is caused by excessive formaldehyde. In this case, it is best to carry out formaldehyde treatment in a timely manner.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

(2) Skin sensitivity, rash

Formaldehyde not only irritates the respiratory tract but also causes skin irritation. For some people with sensitive skin, it is likely that skin inflammation, rash, itching and other problems will occur after moving into a new house, and it is likely that the formaldehyde in the home exceeds the standard. At this time, it is not only necessary to solve the skin problem as soon as possible, but also to stay away from such a formaldehyde environment.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

(3) The eyes are always sore and uncomfortable, and there are tears

Formaldehyde can cause irritation to the throat, lungs, etc., and produce anesthetic effects on the nervous system. It makes people prone to dizziness and discomfort, and may also cause eye soreness and discomfort, frequent tearing, and severe inflammation. Generally, in this case, the formaldehyde at home may reach 0.1-0.5mg/m?.

According to the national indoor formaldehyde air hygiene standards, the formaldehyde concentration at home should be reduced to at least 0.08mg/m?, so as to better ensure people's health.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

The new house "lives until it is rotten" to know: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 stupid trick, formaldehyde is "dissipated"

We can indeed effectively remove formaldehyde and other harmful substances in the indoor air through this method, the reason is very simple, the air is fluid, and opening the window to ventilate can allow the indoor and outdoor air exchange, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying the indoor air.

However, many people find that even if we open the window for a long time, the indoor formaldehyde still exceeds the standard after the detection of the window, what is going on?

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

In fact, the reason is very simple, we do not complete the indoor and outdoor air exchange with the maximum efficiency, and the air containing formaldehyde has not been circulated indoors, resulting in indoor formaldehyde always existing.

So, why can't ventilation completely and completely remove formaldehyde?

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

Although the ventilation method can greatly discharge the formaldehyde in the air, but can not discharge the formaldehyde inside the furniture, the formaldehyde volatilization period inside the furniture is 3-15 years, with the increase of indoor temperature will accelerate the release, the formaldehyde in the pollution source is constantly volatilized into the air, and the ventilation of the window can only effectively alleviate the formaldehyde concentration in the indoor air, and treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Therefore, formaldehyde cannot be solved by ventilation alone.

Formaldehyde removal is not a project that can be completed in a short period of time, the formaldehyde emission time is generally 3-6 months, it is necessary for us to continue to remove formaldehyde, the following Xiaobian will share with you a few effective formaldehyde removal products, the first of which is Xiaobian himself used one, the effect is very good.

1: Olvway formaldehyde scavenger:

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

Allova formaldehyde scavenger adopts a new "amino acid + photocatalyst" formaldehyde removal technology, which combines the characteristics of physical removal and chemical decomposition, and provides an innovative solution for the rapid and efficient degradation of formaldehyde molecules. The core is the fusion of amino acid technology and photocatalyst technology, which reacts with air to produce carbon dioxide and water, and does not produce harmful components to the human body. Through adsorption and chelation, amino acid technology effectively adsorbs and fixes harmful gas atoms and molecules such as formaldehyde on the surface of the material, improves the degradation and removal efficiency, avoids its re-release into the indoor air, and ensures the improvement of indoor air quality.

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

Olvway Formaldehyde Scavenger: The ingredients are safe and reliable, free of oxidants, alcohol and fragrance, and very safe for home use. Tested by professional testing institutions, the efficiency of this product to remove formaldehyde is as high as 91%, which is a favorable player for removing formaldehyde.

2: Activated carbon:

"The new house is rotten" to understand: formaldehyde is not afraid of ventilation at all, teach you 1 trick, formaldehyde "dissipate"

Activated carbon itself has a certain effect on the adsorption of harmful substances and volatile harmful gases, so it can be used to effectively adsorb formaldehyde, especially in the newly renovated indoor environment or in the case of excessive formaldehyde, it is an effective choice.

Three: Yiya formaldehyde deep scavenger: The composition of this formaldehyde scavenger is mild, which effectively improves the free state and the formaldehyde inside the plate, and the decomposition products are pollution-free.

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