
CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

author:Frank little fish Og

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As one of the representative directors of Chinese films, Wong Kar-wai has always been known for his unique directing techniques and unique image language.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

"Flowers" is directed by Wong Kar-wai, Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei and other powerful actors joined, forming a strong acting lineup, and the narrative structure of the film is also unique. A non-linear narrative is adopted, and the main and side stories are cleverly connected through the interspersing of time. This narrative technique not only increases the depth of the audience's thinking, but also adds some mystery to the film, making the viewing process more fascinating. The director's unique approach and the multi-dimensional display of the plot, the prosperity of the city and the trivialities of life, show the urban life and human nature, and tell a series of stories about the trivialities of life, emotional entanglements and life choices.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!
CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

At the same time, the film's depiction of urban life is also very close to people's hearts. Whether it is a bustling business district, a noisy street or a quiet residential area, it is all shown in detail in the film. This sense of realism is in line with the viewer's life experience, making it easier for the viewer to immerse themselves in the situation of the film.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

Powerful actors: Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan and other powerful actors also have outstanding performances in "Flowers". Hu Ge has created a complex and multi-faceted character with his consistent steady acting skills, while Ma Yili has added a lot of color to the film through her delicate emotional interpretation. Tang Yan's performance in the film also shows the tenacity and fragility of the female characters, making the characters more layered. The collision of the acting skills of former international player Fan Zhiyi and powerful actor Tang Yan has become a highlight of the play. In the next plot development, how the character relationship between Fan Zhiyi and Tang Yan will be interpreted has become the key to arousing the audience's curiosity.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

The audience's evaluation of Tang Yan is quite controversial, and some viewers think that her performance in the play lacks three-dimensionality and is difficult to understand the inner changes of the character. And this rivalry scene with Fan Zhiyi has become an important stage for her to show her acting skills.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

In this rival scene, Tang Yan's performance is more delicate, and she successfully presents the ups and downs of the character's heart through rich facial expressions and movements. In the tacit understanding with Fan Zhiyi, Tang Yan is no longer an actor who was criticized by the audience for "lacking depth" before, but shows more real emotions. The tacit understanding and collision between the two actors make the whole plot more vivid and interesting.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

In "Flowers", former international player Fan Zhiyi participated as a cameo, and he played the role of "Lao Fan", a factory director. This unexpected participation has caused great repercussions, especially Fan Zhiyi's performance in the film has won the unanimous recognition of the audience.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

However, what is surprising is that Fan Zhiyi's performance is not a simple cameo, but a truly in-depth role, which is a milestone in his acting career. The confidence and calmness he showed in the play made people see the vicissitudes and profound heritage that he had precipitated between victory and defeat on the court.

The successful collaboration of "Flowers" has opened a new era for sports stars in the field of film and television. Fan Zhiyi's wonderful performance showcased the huge potential of sports stars in terms of performance, presenting a more diverse performance style for the audience. This successful attempt also opens up more possibilities for future cooperation between the film industry and the sports industry.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!
CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

Fan Zhiyi's performance also played a key role in this. He successfully interpreted the role of "Lao Fan" deeply into the hearts of the people, making the audience resonate with the ups and downs and choices of life. This emotional resonance not only comes from the storyline itself, but also thanks to Fan Zhiyi's excellent acting skills, which makes the character's inner world fully revealed. Fan Zhiyi's performance is not a simple cameo, but a truly in-depth role, which is a milestone in his acting career. The confidence and calmness he showed in the play made people see the vicissitudes and profound heritage that he had precipitated between victory and defeat on the court.

At the same time, it also provides a broader stage for sports stars, allowing them to constantly challenge themselves in film and television performances and show more rich personal charm. The possibility of such cross-border cooperation is not only beneficial to promote the development of the entire entertainment industry, but also brings more novelty and surprises to the audience.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

Hu Ge's superb acting skills in the play once again proved his strength in the entertainment industry. Through his deep understanding of the characters, he vividly shows the inner contradictions and growth process of the characters. Tang Yan challenged a rather complex role in the play, and although her role was controversial, her dedication to the role and her performance efforts cannot be ignored.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

"Flowers" shows the diversity of urban life through the portrayal of characters with different occupations and identities. This multi-angle depiction not only makes the film more enjoyable, but also allows the audience to better understand and pay attention to various aspects of contemporary society. The intersection and collision between different characters adds a lot to the whole story.

TV dramas are no longer limited to specific groups or themes, but pay more attention to the all-round life show. Through "Flowers", the audience can see some shadows in their own lives and resonate. This kind of narrative method that is close to life and breaks the traditional one also makes the TV series more in-depth and breadth in content.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

Fan Zhiyi's successful performance in "Flowers" opened a new door for sports stars in the field of acting. With his excellent acting skills, he proved that he is not only outstanding on the football field, but also has a talent that cannot be ignored in film and television acting.

This success could be an encouragement for other sports stars to try their hand at acting. In the future, we may see more sports stars cross-border film and television, challenging themselves through different roles, and bringing more diverse entertainment experiences to the audience. This has also injected new vitality and innovation into the film and television industry.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

Set in the modern city, it deeply analyzes the interpersonal relationships in contemporary society by showing the complex relationships between different characters. Whether it's love, family affection, or friendship, every relationship is full of twists and turns and unspeakable emotions.

Through the film, the audience can deeply think about the dilemmas and challenges of interpersonal relationships in modern society. The encounters of each character reflect the social reality, and the audience may find their own shadow in the play. This kind of real discussion of human relationships makes the film more enjoyable and also triggers deep social thinking.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

The successful collaboration of "Flowers" is not only groundbreaking in the selection of actors, but also a great success in cross-border cooperation between industries. The joining of director Wong Kar-wai has added a lot to the TV series, and also provided new ideas for cross-border cooperation in future film and television works.

In future dramas, we may see more excellent directors, screenwriters and other film and television talents participating in the creation of TV series. This will inject more excellent creative power into the TV series and improve the overall quality. At the same time, it also provides a broader development space for stars and professionals in other industries and promotes the diversified development of the industry.

CCTV's "Flowers" made Tang Yan overturn? Netizen: This is the biggest joke in domestic dramas!

And as a thought-provoking urban drama, it has successfully attracted the attention of the audience through its excellent performances, profound character portrayals, and realistic depictions of modern life. The outstanding performances of new and old actors and the successful attempt of cross-border cooperation have brought new vitality to the Chinese film and television industry. In the future, we look forward to more excellent film and television works that can stand out and bring more exciting stories to the audience.

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