
The programmed ape husband who picks the door, how much will it cost him to go to a hot spring?

author:Little Hongshu

My husband, a programmer for 10 years + foreign companies, I call his husband in front of outsiders, and I secretly call him "iron rooster" in my heart

That's right, you read that right, it's an iron rooster that doesn't pull out a hair. The WeChat nicknames I gave him were all Iron Roosters.

He's so picky, it's the ceiling of all the men around me, the reincarnation of Grande

I went to a hot spring with my family on the weekend, and he surprised me again with his unprecedented and unprecedented, door-picking skills.

You can never imagine how much it will cost a particularly scathing programmer to go to a hot spring?

Two days ago on New Year's Day, he was very tired from work during this time, he worked overtime until late every day, his leader assigned him three projects at once, and when he went home, he shouted to me every day that his neck hurt, shoulder pain, and he was uncomfortable!

I said that you must be not smooth in qi and blood, just taking advantage of the New Year's Day when the whole family is resting and the children are on vacation, let's go to the hot springs to relax and rejuvenate the whole body!

He was very happy when he heard that he was going out to soak in the hot springs.

But after a short period of joy, he immediately put down his mobile phone, looked up at me, looked at me innocently for a few seconds, and after a thoughtful silence, then asked me:

Daughter-in-law, are you paying for the hot springs this time? or me?

When I heard him ask me this, I deliberately said:

You haven't invited us out for a year, or you haven't invited us to a decent meal, otherwise this time it would have been yours!

When my husband heard me say this to him solemnly, he muttered in a low voice:

If I ask for it, I won't go, I'll wait for you outside the hot springs, and I'll call me when you're done soaking, and I'll pick you up.

In my heart, I scolded him for being so stingy, and at the same time pretended to say to him without changing my face:

Okay, okay, for the sake of you've been working overtime every day lately, I'll invite you to the hot spring this time!

I secretly thought in my heart, anyway, it doesn't cost much, the last time I went to the house with my children and my mother-in-law, it was very good, a person ticket is less than 40 yuan, although the tea fee inside needs to add money, but up and down several floors of the hot spring facilities hall, we still feel that we didn't have fun after a day.

The programmed ape husband who picks the door, how much will it cost him to go to a hot spring?

When he heard that I invited him to the hot springs, he was in good spirits and hummed a little tune in his mouth.

I said to the girl who was doing her homework:

Tomorrow Mom and Dad will take you, as well as Grandma, let's go to the hot springs together. Just go to the house last time.

My girl was very happy to hear me say this. She said well, let's leave earlier, how about 9 o'clock, so I can play in the hot spring earlier.

I was about to promise the child when my husband pulled me from behind.

He had his phone in his hand. He raised his voice and said to the children in the room:

I've already checked the opening of this hot spring for the whole night, so let's go in the afternoon, right?

I said that the children want to go early, let's leave early, anyway, they start business at 9 o'clock, what is the difference between going early and going late?

My husband said hey, you don't understand, the difference is big!

You don't usually drive much, you don't know!

If you set off in the morning, just in time for the holidays, there must be a lot of cars on the road, and we will be stuck everywhere, so if we get there, we will have the same distance, and there will be more time on the road, and gasoline will be wasted

If we had left a little later, it would have been different! The roads were clear, and we came back in the middle of the night, when there were not many cars on the main road, so it was definitely the most fuel-efficient way to travel.

The girl and I rolled our eyes at him at the same time.

I didn't do much to contradict him, I thought that I could make some snacks at home with a little time in the morning. In this way, bring more delicious food at home, and the children will have fun playing and eating.

So, at the suggestion of my husband, we moved our trip from 9 am to 3 pm.

As a result, when our family of four arrived at the hot springs, we realized what a wrong decision it was.

Because of the holidays, they are all families who come out to play with their children. At the entrance of the hot spring, there has been no parking space for a long time

Our car was waiting outside and there was a long queue to get into the parking lot. Because there has been no place in it for a long time.

The man in charge of looking at the parking lot told us that we should either wait, or put the car in the parking space of the shopping mall next to it, but it was three yuan an hour. When I heard three dollars an hour, I secretly pinched a cold sweat in my heart. This is my husband's life, how can he pay this money?

I turned to look at my husband and I said to him, "Come on, boss, you decide, do we want to put the car in that parking lot that requires a fee?" or are we waiting here and waiting in line, and if we wait in line, I don't know when we will be able to get in.

The programmed ape husband who picks the door, how much will it cost him to go to a hot spring?

My husband scratched his head, the child was a little anxious at this time, and the child kept urging us in the back seat, hurry up and get in, I don't want to wait outside for a long time.

Sure enough, my husband didn't want to wait outside for a long time, so as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, we left the hot spring. My husband drove for a long time before he found a place with free parking outside, and he parked the car in front of someone's house. After confirming again and again, this place can be parked and will not be ticketed, and then my husband told us to get off the car with confidence.

In this way, we got off the bus 500 meters away from the hot springs, and slowly squirmed towards the hot springs with large bags and small bags on our backs. We walked slowly towards the hot springs in the face of the great north wind.

After soaking in the hot spring for a while, we went to the 2nd floor, and when we were on the 2nd floor, we needed to pay an additional 39 yuan to get hot water, and my husband heard the waiter say that it would cost extra money to drink some water, and he was angry on the spot!

My husband took out his mobile phone at this time, and he rummaged and searched on his phone, and finally found someone!

Coincidentally, this person sells his hot water coupon on an online platform for 25 yuan, which is 14 yuan cheaper than buying it directly in a hot spring.

The programmed ape husband who picks the door, how much will it cost him to go to a hot spring?

In this way, my husband also added WeChat with a stranger, transferred the money to him, and messed with him for a while, and finally we got hot water. The child also ate instant noodles with hot water. I said to the girl who was eating instant noodles:

It's not easy to get this little water.

After playing in the hot spring for a while, my husband heard that there was a theater in the hot spring. But he was so happy.

And he took my daughter, and my mother-in-law, and said,

I'll take you to the movies.

Originally, he wanted to take my mother-in-law and daughter to a movie before the Chinese New Year, but when he heard that there was a free movie theater in the hot springs, he was so happy that he pulled the two of them upstairs.

In this way, my girl and my mother-in-law watched another movie for free. But my husband is so happy. When he came out, he muttered to me, saying that he had saved two more Wanda movie tickets this time. This trip to the hot springs was a big one.

The programmed ape husband who picks the door, how much will it cost him to go to a hot spring?

I rolled my eyes with him. Don't want to say more.

A few of us soaked from 3 o'clock until 11 o'clock in the evening. There are not many people in the hot springs anymore. Everyone has gone home to rest.

I looked at the clock on the opposite wall, and I was already sleepy, so I took the child and washed up and wanted to run home. As a result, I waited for a long time at the checkout and didn't see my husband.

We waited for more than half an hour before he came out of the male guest slowly. He was also carrying a large black bag with a large bag of things inside. It feels very heavy.

There weren't so many people at the hot spring checkout anymore, because it was already the middle of the night, so I went up to him and asked, "What are you carrying?"

My husband smiled and said that he had just washed his pants with the water from the hot spring bath. In this way, he doesn't have to wash his pants when he goes home, and he can save a little water.

So at the hot spring checkout, I paid for the family's tickets. At the checkout, my husband stood far away from me, as if I had the virus on me, and when I finished paying for the tickets, my husband came up with a smile on his face.

At the moment my face is full of black lines.

But don't say it, on the way back, as my husband said, we rushed all the way at 0:00 New Year's Eve, and the hot springs to our home were almost unimpeded, and there were few cars to be seen on the road.

While driving, my husband said proudly: "How about my daughter-in-law, is my schedule very reasonable?"

I was sleepy and angry, and I really didn't want to say a word to him.

Do you have anyone around you who is more picky than my husband? I don't believe it, there are more picky people than my husband.

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