
Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

author:Global Tweets

In the post-pandemic world, we have seen many unexpected consumption phenomena. The revenge consumption that experts had predicted did not come as expected, but instead, revenge fireworks have become a new consumption hotspot. What is the reason behind this? Let's explore this interesting phenomenon.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

First, let's review the concept of revenge consumption. During the pandemic, many consumption activities were forced to suspend due to restrictions on people's lives. As the pandemic gradually comes under control, experts predict that consumers will engage in large-scale spending activities to make up for losses during the pandemic. However, this is not the case.

In fact, there are many reasons why revenge spending has not come as expected. First of all, the epidemic has had a certain impact on people's income and consumption concepts. Many people have lost their jobs or lost their incomes during the pandemic, and uncertainty about the future has made them more cautious about their spending. In addition, the pandemic has also made people pay more attention to health and safety, and the consumption of some non-essential goods has also been relatively reduced.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

First of all, fireworks and firecrackers are a commodity with traditional cultural characteristics, and people will choose to set off fireworks to express joy and celebration when celebrating major events or festivals. During the pandemic, many traditional celebrations have been cancelled or restricted due to the need for people to maintain social distancing, and fireworks have naturally been favored by consumers as a relatively safe form of entertainment.

In addition, the government's management policy on fireworks and firecrackers has also played a certain role in promoting. In order to boost consumption and boost the economy, some local governments have relaxed restrictions on fireworks and even encouraged people to buy them. As a result, the demand for fireworks and firecrackers market has further increased, which has also led to the development of related industries.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

Of course, we cannot ignore the impact of the pandemic on people's psychology. During the pandemic, people's lives have been greatly restricted and affected, resulting in emotional depression. When the epidemic is under control, people urgently need a way to release their emotions and celebrate life, and fireworks have become a great option.

In addition to the above reasons, the spread of social media has also played a role in the popularity of fireworks. On social media, people share the beauty and happy moments of setting off fireworks, and this sharing and dissemination further stimulates people's desire to buy.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

First of all, for enterprises and individuals, it is necessary to fully understand market changes and consumer needs, and adjust business strategies and consumption concepts in a timely manner. Second, the government also needs to formulate more scientific and rational management policies in light of the actual situation to promote economic recovery and development. At the same time, we also need to be aware of the uncertainty of forecasts and avoid blindly following the herd and relying too much on the forecasts.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

On the other hand, we also need to note that although "revenge consumption" and "revenge fireworks" seem to be different, they actually have some commonalities. Both are a kind of "revenge" or "release" to some extent to the restrictions and constraints of the past period. To a certain extent, this also reflects a psychological reaction of people in the face of major events or stress. In the future, with the continuous development of society and technology, this psychological reaction may manifest itself in more different ways. Therefore, we need to constantly pay attention to social changes and changes in people's needs, and adjust our thinking and behavior in a timely manner.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

Finally, I would like to say that although revenge consumption did not come as expected, it does not mean that there will be no opportunities in the future consumer market. On the contrary, it may be a good time to revisit and adjust consumption perceptions and patterns. We need to look at consumption behavior more rationally and not blindly follow trends or overconsume. At the same time, we should also pay attention to environmental protection and sustainable development, and choose more environmentally friendly and healthy consumption methods and lifestyles. Only in this way can we better adapt to future changes and developments.

Revenge consumption has not appeared, fireworks have become the new favorite: why do expert predictions fail repeatedly?

So what's next? What lessons does the failure of revenge consumption teach us?How will future consumption trends evolve? Feel free to share your views and insights in the comments below! Let's explore this interesting topic together!