
No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

author:Taste the past and look at the present


The Qin Dynasty was one of the most powerful dynasties in history, and after Qin Shi Huang unified the world, he introduced a policy of unification, with the same books and the same track! These policies laid the foundation for China's strength and prosperity! However, such a powerful dynasty collapsed with a bang after only two lifetimes! Everyone in the world knows that the fall of the Qin Dynasty was caused by the second emperor of Qin, Hu Hai! Then at this time, some people will definitely be curious, if Li Si did not assist Hu Hai to ascend the throne at that time, but chose to help Su to ascend the throne! Then would it be possible to change the fate of the Qin Dynasty's demise?

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

In fact, even if Li Si had chosen to help the Soviet Union, the fall of the Qin Dynasty would have been staged! What was going on? Why could the Qin Dynasty still not change the fact of its demise after Hu Hai was replaced? Let's take a look at why this happened.

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

Qin Dynasty

After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang carried out great reforms, and it was precisely these reforms that made the entire Qin Dynasty more and more powerful! The unification of the world and those unified policies were enough to make Qin Shi Huang known as the first emperor of the ages! It can be seen how powerful Qin Shi Huang was at that time!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

After becoming the first emperor in Chinese history, Qin Shi Huang began to look for a way to live forever! No one would want to leave this world, and the same is true for Qin Shi Huang, after he became the emperor, he was even more reluctant to lay down the country he had built! As soon as he thought that he would leave him, Qin Shi Huang's heart became even more sour, so at that time, Qin Shi Huang began to frantically look for a way to live forever!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

In those years, Qin Shi Huang had been to many places and seen many things, but there was still no news about immortality, so he summoned the world's monks and asked them to find or create an elixir of immortality for themselves, Xu Fu was one of the many monks! Therefore, there is the story of Xu Fu's eastward crossing, it is said that Xu Fu went to Japan by boat, and he did not plan to come back before going out, so he settled in Japan, and after coming to Japan, he brought rich technology to the Japanese, so the Japanese were able to develop rapidly! This is also the reason why Japan will have a statue of Xu Fu! It can be said that Xu Fu is the "enlightenment teacher" of their Japanese!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

Xu Fu is just one of the many alchemists, he is lucky, he can escape from the rule of Qin Shi Huang, the rest of the alchemists are not as lucky as him, they can only bite the bullet, they can't find the elixir they can only do it themselves, this is also one of the reasons why Qin Shi Huang does not live long, these so-called elixirs are all refined by those alchemists with supplements, there is no way that no one has a prescription for the elixir, they can only experiment, and Qin Shi Huang himself does not know what the elixir looks like, so he can only be regarded as a drug tester!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

Everyone understands the principle that medicine is poisonous, so Qin Shi Huang, who has taken many medicines, will naturally quickly reduce his life! Taking medicine many times is like planting a time bomb, and it may explode one day! In 210 B.C., Qin Shi Huang's body finally failed to hold on! It was during his fifth tour of the East, and at that time he was still looking for the elixir of life, which shows how eager he was to live! But it was too late, Qin Shi Huang at that time had been destroyed and died, so he died of illness in the Dune Palace!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

Hu Hai succeeded to the throne

When Qin Shi Huang was about to die, he naturally felt it, in order to be able to let his Great Qin continue to be brilliant, he quickly wrote a testament to his eldest son Fusu, in his opinion, his Great Qin only Fusu has the ability to inherit, although he is a little cowardly, but his thoughts, his actions can definitely make him a good emperor!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

However, what Qin Shi Huang didn't expect was that Hu Hai, another son who followed him, also wanted to be the emperor, and after his death, he secretly peeked at his edict with his subordinate minister Li Si! When he learned that the throne was going to be passed to Fusu, he was very jealous, and jealousy made people terrible, so at the instigation of Li Si, he changed this edict privately! He made himself the heir to the throne, and then waved his hand to Fusu and Meng Tian to pronounce death! In this way, Hu Hai and others completely took away the rights of Daqin.

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

After Hu Hai and others returned with the edict of Qin Shi Huang, they pronounced the death sentence of Fusu, his character made him not resist, and his timidity made him not care whether this edict was true or false, and finally Fusu left the world like this.

After Fusu passed away, the power of the entire Great Qin fell to Hu Hai, although he had become the emperor, but he still had reverence for Qin Shi Huang in his heart, so at that time he still built what Qin Shi Huang built during his lifetime! Afang Palace is one of the buildings! It can be seen how powerful Qin Shi Huang was at that time, although he has been dead for many years, his majesty is still deeply imprinted in the heart of his son! So that he has to do something to comfort himself!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

It is precisely because of this that Great Qin began to decline day by day, and he Hu Hai himself did not have the ability to govern the country, and secondly, in order to build those buildings during the lifetime of Qin Shi Huang to vigorously oppress the people! After all, he is not Qin Shi Huang, he does not have the majesty of Qin Shi Huang, so after being tyrannized by Qin II Hu Hai, the people have countless complaints in their hearts, so at that time, the entire Qin Dynasty became turbulent, and finally the people revolted again and again, and finally overthrew the Qin Dynasty ruled by Qin II!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

When Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, in order to stabilize his position, he eliminated those who might threaten him one by one, so when the people revolted against tyranny, it was doomed to the destruction of Great Qin, because under Hu Hai's nonsense, he Qin Shi Huang was almost the last one!

At this time, you may think that if Hu Hai had not made a false edict at that time, but had allowed Fusu to inherit the throne of Qin Shi Huang, would the outcome of Great Qin have changed? When we carefully understand the situation at that time, we will understand that Great Qin will still perish, but the time of its demise will be extended indefinitely! Why is this? Let's continue to look down.

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

The eldest son, Fusu

First of all, Fusu is indeed different from Hu Hai, he is not as tyrannical as Hu Hai, when Qin Shi Huang killed Confucianism, Fusu stood up against his father, from here it can be seen that Fusu is not a person with a violent temperament, otherwise he would definitely not stand up against Qin Shi Huang! In the end, the Qin Dynasty ushered in its demise under the tyranny of Hu Hai!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

If Fusu succeeded to the throne back then, the Qin Dynasty would definitely not perish so quickly, and it was not impossible to live a few more lifetimes, but the pit left by Qin Shi Huang was too big, and he Fusu was close to the people, and he couldn't change the result of the Qin Dynasty's demise!

You must know that when Qin Shi Huang founded the country, he used very powerful force to succeed, and at that time, many people were living under his majesty, and this has a very obvious drawback, that is, after Qin Shi Huang died, no one could suppress these people who were defeated by Qin Shi Huang! Since Qin Shi Huang subdued other people with violence, these people will definitely not be convinced in their hearts!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

So after the death of Qin Shi Huang, their hearts will not have the previous pressure, once they are tyrannized again, they will stand up and resist, Hu Hai is the best proof, he does not have the majesty of Qin Shi Huang at all, and insists on doing something that harms the public, so everyone is not used to him, and directly carried out an uprising, and finally the Qin Dynasty ushered in its demise. Of course, this is just one of the points, and we move on to other reasons.

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

It is said that Fusu's character can be a good emperor for the country and the people, but the premise of all this is that Daqin can be stable when Fusu succeeds to the throne, but the fact is that Daqin has just been established, and there are many things in the experimental stage, and the people have no sense of belonging to Daqin at all, in other words, whoever is the king in this world can be, and if Fusu is the emperor, a little problem may lead to the destruction of the entire Daqin! In the eyes of the people, whoever is good to them can be the emperor, and it is impossible for Fusu to be powerful without making any mistakes, so once a mistake is made, someone will make a fuss about it, and then all kinds of rumors will be spread, and finally it will be pushed off the throne of Daqin!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

Therefore, the demise of the Qin Dynasty is not entirely Hu Hai's doing, it all starts with Qin Shi Huang, if he didn't do those things that oppressed the people, then the Qin Dynasty may exist for several generations or even dozens of generations, but the problem is that he Qin Shi Huang did that, and he still squeezed wildly, so after Hu Hai, an incompetent and brutal ruler, succeeded to the throne, the Qin Dynasty would die so quickly! If Fusu succeeded to the throne at that time, this oppressive situation might be alleviated, but it would never be canceled, after all, these children of Qin Shi Huang were still very afraid of Qin Shi Huang, so they did not dare to easily abolish Qin Shi Huang's decision during his lifetime, so this problem could not be truly solved at all, and eventually the people's uprising would still emerge again, and then the Qin Dynasty would fall! This was the main reason for the fall of the Qin Dynasty!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish

Qin Shi Huang was too powerful, but his sons did not inherit his domineering spirit, so the Qin Dynasty is destined not to last long, even if it is for the country and the people of Fusu to succeed to the throne, his succession can only alleviate the situation at that time, it is impossible to solve the deepest problems, so the result of the fall of the Qin Dynasty will definitely recur again, it is only a matter of time.

I think Li Si must have known about this legacy, so he chose to assist Hu Hai, for him, the ending is the same, then he must choose the one that is beneficial to him! If he put Fusu on the throne at that time, the position of prime minister of Daqin must have nothing to do with him, so he chose to assist Hu Hai, so he can also get a part of the rights of Daqin! Anyway, in the end, Daqin will perish, and he can enjoy one day at a time!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish


The result of the destruction of Great Qin is definitely inevitable, even if Fusu succeeds to the throne, because the pit buried by Qin Shi Huang is too big, if Qin Shi Huang solves all these remaining problems during his lifetime, Great Qin may really be passed on to Qin Wanshi, but there is no if in this world, Qin Shi Huang did not solve these problems, he has been pursuing the elixir of life in his later years, and is still frantically squeezing those people, coupled with the tyranny of the people after Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, he did not think about solving the problems left by Qin Shi Huang at all, and in the end the people really couldn't stand it, they could only choose to resist, and finally overthrew the Great Qin under the rule of Hu Hai, and China's first dynasty was buried in the hands of Hu Hai!

No wonder Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai, and finally understood, even if Gongzi Fusu succeeded to the throne of Great Qin, he would perish


Historical Records

"Information Governance Guide"

"On the Passage of Qin"

The Legend of Qin Shi Huang

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