
A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

author:Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

Hangzhou Gongshu central urban area surrounded by Dongxin Road, Desheng Road, Shaoxing Road, Baishi Lane and Xiwen Street, a "black network in the air" composed of cable flying lines runs through the streets and alleys from north to south, it starts from 3 lighthouse apartments in the north, 7 buildings in Changmu New Village in the south, and spreads Sanli Road; Xiangji Temple Road, it moves like a snake, and then the road is rerouted twice because of the cement pole, and the black net in the air crosses the east and west of the road twice, revealing its amazing figure.

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

Cable flying wires on the way to the road

The lighthouse apartments are all tenants, and there are no cables and no one to take care of them

The black net in the air had originally entered the ground, but it went up to the sky again

The north end of this aerial black net starts from the lighthouse apartment, and the cables attached to the cement pole can be intuitively seen from the confluence of the lighthouse apartment 2 and 3, which form a large black mouth above the parking lot, and finally converge on the power pole on the east side of the lighthouse apartment 1.

In the corridor of the 3 units of the lighthouse apartment, the cables and weak current boxes marked with the logos of the three major operators and Huashu company were found, the cable trend was arbitrary, the fixation was simple, a large number of cables were hidden on the canopy on the first floor, and the cables on the north side of the 2 buildings of the lighthouse apartment were densely packed with scale, all the way through the outer wall to the east.

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

Lighthouse Residences 3 unit corridors

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

Cable on the north side of the 2 buildings of the Lighthouse Apartment

Master Leng has been renting Unit 1 of Building 3 of the Lighthouse Apartment for four or five years, and he said that there have always been cable flying wires, and the Lighthouse Apartment is basically a tenant. A lady in Unit 1, Building 3, Lighthouse Apartment, said that she has lived here for more than ten years, and the cable has always been like this, and she said that the cable line there is more chaotic and more serious, and she is in a hurry to pick up the child, and she left in a hurry after chatting a few words.

Sister Chen of the "Ming County Grain, Oil and Food Commercial Bank" in Building 1 of the Lighthouse Apartment said that this cable is really messy, and many of the wires are actually useless. She said two things, "Look at the three cables that flew through the air, the one on the far right was tied to the opposite guardrail, it was broken at that time, and it hung on the ground and no one cared about it, and it also affected everyone's passage, and then she took a ladder around the iron fence." It was useless to hang the cables upstairs and throw them on the north side of her shop, and she used scissors to cut off the extra cables, at least the bottom would not get in the way. ”

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

The cable in front of the Ming County Grain, Oil and Food Commercial Bank

The lighthouse apartment is managed by the lighthouse economic cooperative, Ms. Ye has worked here for 15 years, she said that the houses of the lighthouse apartment are all owned by the lighthouse group, it is a collective property, and the houses are used for rent, a room of about 30 square meters, the monthly rent is about 1,900 yuan, the house is empty, and the cable flying line here has always been there, which is a historical problem.

The cable flying line out of the lighthouse apartment converges at the cement pole on the east side of the building, all of which enter the ground and cross Yansan Road to the south, and the cable flying line that originally entered the ground continues to go south for dozens of meters, and at the cement pole in front of No. 71 Bitao Lane, it actually flew from the ground to the sky again, and spread to the south in a more mighty posture.

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

The 71 Peach Lane underground cable flew into the air

30 years old resident, flying lines have always existed

Discarded cable flying wires, cut through the air and let it fly

The southbound cable flying line at No. 71 Bitao Lane, whether more new cables converge underground, the composition becomes even larger, and it is particularly eye-catching when it passes through Santangyuan Community Fitness Park, Xiangjisi Road, Zaixing Road, Changqing Primary School and Changmu New Village. The re-running road has been rerouted twice because of the cement pole next to the road, from west to east and then west, relying on its aerial black net tens of meters away from the distance of two cross-re-running roads, in the east side of the 8 buildings of Changmu New Village, its "black" interpretation to the extreme, where the cable is particularly thick and chaotic.

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

The flying line on the door of Evergreen Elementary School

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

The flying line of the Santangyuan Community Fitness Park

Aunt Liu, a native of Yiwu, has lived in Changmu New Village for 12 years and said that the cables here have always been like this. Brother Guo, who is in his 60s, has lived in Changmu New Village for 30 years, and he said that the cable has been flying for 30 years, and he seems to have it when he lived here.

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

The flying line on the east side of Building 8 of Changmu New Village

Yangliubao Road is close to the intersection of the road, outside the south wall of 8 buildings in Changmu New Village, there are 7 huge iron data cabinets, from the identification of the cabinet, 5 telecommunications, 1 Unicom, 1 Huashu, and there are four cable flying wires near the cabinet drilled into the ground.

The cables on the cement poles of the re-road and Yangliubao Road were all seen hanging down, and the cables on the cement poles of the re-road were cut off in large quantities, and the end of the black net in the air, the cables on the cement poles of Yangliubao Road were all cut off and dried in the wind. We don't know how much of this 3-mile cable is useful, but one thing is for sure, no one cares about the useless cable and lets it fly in the air.

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

Further down the road there is a large number of severed flying lines

A three-mile-long "black net in the sky" spreads in the center of the city, and many discarded and cut cables still hang in the air.

At the end of the line, Yang Liubao and Luffy lines were all cut off

The operator records the information and sends personnel to verify

It needs to be promoted by the government and transformed at a cost

The reporter called Mobile, Telecom, Unicom and Huashu as a resident, and consulted the lighthouse apartment with cable flying lines and renovation possibilities, and the customer service of the four companies registered the demand, saying that they would send someone to the scene to verify the reply, Telecom and Unicom replied within 24 hours, and the mobile replied within 48 hours, and Huashu replied on the same day.

At 11:20, Mr. Qiu of the telecommunications company contacted the reporter to confirm the information and would go to the scene to check. 11:45 Telecom company No. 4148 customer service and the reporter to confirm whether anyone contacted the reporter?11:54 Telecom company Mr. Li replied to the reporter, telling the lighthouse apartment that there is no underground pipeline, the underground pipeline needs to be re-laid, and a number of companies are involved, the street needs to take the lead, and the major operating companies are called together to renovate.

Mr. Qiu, a telecommunications company, told reporters that this used to be an urban village, there was no underground pipeline, and they all took the aerial flying line, and the north village and south village of Santang have completed the transformation of the three networks in one, all from the underground, which was initiated by the community and coordinated by the government, and there were funds for the renovation of the old community. The reporter asked whether a large number of severed flying wires on the cement poles could be removed? Mr. Qiu said that the cement pole pull wire is not pulled as soon as you want, but dismantled as you want.

At 11:50, the network engineering staff of Wasu Company called, saying that the project relocation would require costs, and hoped that the reporter could contact the street, community, property, and major operators to meet and discuss the plan. The reporter asked if there were any pipes that had been laid under the lighthouse apartment, and the other party said that he did not know, and they did not go to the scene to see it, but just made a reply. As of press time, Unicom and China Mobile have not replied to reporters.