
Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

author:The little fan brother of the second dimension of anime

With the release of the 41-bit character posters of the live-action version of "Wu Gengji", fans who have watched the anime version have also begun to look forward to this drama. The main reason is that this manga drama is different from others, because in terms of costumes and styling, this drama is very careful, and it is also trying to restore the version of the anime as much as possible. So after watching it carefully, I found that these 6 characters are the most restored, and the similarity can reach 90%.

Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

As a very jealous actor He Rundong, he simply played the role that all men dream of, such as Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Bu Jingyun, Kamen Rider, etc., and this time, he is going to add a new classic role. That is the King of Xuan in "Wu Geng Ji" (renamed King Xin in the drama version), as the king of mankind, he took the lead in rebelling against the gods, although he failed in the end, but he passed on this spirit to his son Wu Geng. The appearance of the king is really good, very similar to the anime version, the only regret is the eyebrow part, which makes people feel a little awkward, and other places are basically the same.

Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

The white dragon played by Chen Qiaoen is also a very classic character, the white dragon is an ancient god race, but he died 100,000 years ago, and he is the favorite wife of the strongest "Heavenly Emperor" black dragon of the god race. The appearance of the white dragon is also very restored, before thinking that the white dragon with white hair and white clothes would become a real person, I always felt that it would kill Matt very much, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good?

Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

Of course, the appearance of the black dragon is also very good, the black dragon is called the sky, also known as the emperor of heaven, the lord of the gods, and the real ruler of the whole world. No one has ever been able to defeat the heavens, and no living beings can compete with the heavens, and they are the strongest in this world. With white hair and black clothing, and contemptuous eyes, if the live-action version of the black dragon's eyebrows were also painted white, it might be even more domineering.

Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

The great swordsman Ziyu, as a human being, he can kill gods with one sword, and you can also see how powerful his strength is. Ziyu has silver hair, a casual cloak and simple clothes, but his temperament is a bit handsome. And this time, the live-action version of Ziyu is played by Yan Yikuan, which is more restored in terms of appearance and shape. I feel that the temperament is quite similar, but Yan Yikuan looks a lot thinner.

Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

Zhao Xun's ghost wood is also quite exciting. As the great god of the six plagues in the heavenly world, Oniki is fierce and conceited, but his left arm was cut off by the King of the Heavens. The strength is really not very good, but this role is more impressive, mainly because Oniki was beaten from the appearance and was beaten all the way down. Then Zhao Xun's acting skills are quite good, plus the costumes and styling, it is also quite interesting, it is a relatively restored one, if you wear a mask and cover the mouth part, it is estimated that it will be very similar.

Compared with anime and real life, the 6 characters most restored in "Wu Geng Ji" have a similarity of 90%.

The last one chose the Xuanfeng Saint King played by Cao Yuchen. If you really say it, the live-action version of the holy kings is good, and they are all relatively restored. But the Xuanfeng Saint King is the most restored one, and even the third eye on his forehead has been perfectly restored. Coupled with the same hairstyle and clothing, the similarity is also very high.

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