
Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

author:Let's talk about life and family



There is a controversial female politician in British history – Margaret Thatcher. On the one hand, the neoliberal policies she pursued helped Britain to emerge from the recession and regain economic growth, but on the other hand, it also caused the people at the bottom to pay a heavy price and led to the intensification of social contradictions. This article analyzes the important policies and events of Margaret Thatcher's administration, and reviews the far-reaching impact of her actions on British and world history.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

1. The background of Margaret Thatcher's rise to power: Britain's economic woes

In the 70s of the 20th century, the British economy fell into recession. The reason for this is that the social democratic system of high welfare and high taxes established after World War II has led to an overburdened national population and a decline in productivity. At the same time, the global economic situation is not good, the pound is depreciating, and inflation is serious. Margaret Thatcher, the leader of the opposition Conservative Party, advocated tax cuts to unleash the vitality of businesses. When the Conservative Party came to power in 1979, she began to implement reforms.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

2. Important policies and their impacts

(1) Acquisition of state-owned enterprises

Margaret Thatcher privatized state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on a large scale, and the number of SOEs plummeted to 50. In the short term, it has indeed invigorated the economy and improved efficiency. But as a result, the United Steel Company collapsed, and 230,000 steel workers lost their jobs. Sociologist James said: "This is a blow to the working class. ”

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

(2) Cutting social welfare

In the 80s of the 20th century, Margaret Thatcher cut welfare spending continuously. She rejects high welfare policies and emphasizes individual struggle. The living environment of many low-income groups has deteriorated, and child labor and vagrants have increased. The Guardian commented that this was "a disastrous practice of dividing society".

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

(3) The Falklands War

In 1982, Argentina invaded the Falklands, an overseas British territory, and Margaret Thatcher decisively sent troops to fight back. The British recaptured the islands after a bloody battle. This victory boosted her popularity, extended her reign, and continued to implement reforms. Many analysts believe that without the Falklands War, Margaret Thatcher would likely have stepped down.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

3. The impact on British history

Margaret Thatcher had a twofold impact on British history. On the one hand, the resumption of economic growth has brought Britain back to prosperity. The Financial Times called it "Britain's greatest decade". On the other hand, unjust policies have exacerbated the gap between the rich and the poor. To this day, many still believe that she did more damage to Britain than she contributed. Everywhere she went, people chanted slogans against her, and social contradictions became increasingly acute.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

Fourth, the impact of the world

Around the world, Margaret Thatcher's neoliberal economic doctrine swept the world, and many countries followed the example of British reforms. But research from Times Higher Education confirms that neoliberal radical reforms come at a more unjust social cost. So her impact on world history is also two-sided: it pushes development but undermines equity.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

V. Conclusion

Overall, Margaret Thatcher was a highly influential politician of the 20th century, who played a major role in the course of British and world history. But her reforms are also palliative, undermining social equity and unity. Historical figures need to be carefully evaluated and learn lessons. We should seek overall social harmony in the process of development, rather than sacrificing people's livelihood and people's hearts for short-term prosperity.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

User Comments:

Some netizens said: I support Margaret Thatcher's reforms. In order for a country to develop, it must carry out market-oriented reforms, even if it will cause some people to suffer a little temporarily. In the long run, the overall economic strength will be stronger, and everyone will get more. Some netizens also said: I firmly oppose Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

Her neoliberalism is fundamentally demagoguery, allowing corporations to exploit workers. Development is nominally for all, but the actual results are almost monopolized by the capitalists. Ordinary people not only do not benefit, but live even worse. This development is too unequal. Some netizens said: I have a middle attitude.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

Acknowledging that Margaret Thatcher's reforms did stimulate the economy, they also had some side effects. There is nothing wrong with the reform itself, the approach is too radical. I believe that income should be appropriately transferred in the development process, compensating for the losses of the disadvantaged, so that the reform benefits everyone, and not just fuels the capitalists.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

To sum up, Margaret Thatcher's original intention to implement the reform was good, and she also achieved certain results. But the negative effects of the reforms have made most people resent her and celebrate her death. As a historical figure, we need to inherit her pioneering spirit while also learning from her neglect of people's livelihood. Future reforms should strike a balance between development and equity, so that all groups can benefit, otherwise they will not be sustainable. This is our most profound reflection on Margaret Thatcher's reforms.

Margaret Thatcher: The most hated Prime Minister of the British, after his death, people set off firecrackers in the streets to celebrate!

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