
The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?

author:The dust knows the world

Wei Wuxian, the elder brother of the Yunmeng Jiang clan, his background has always been a mystery.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?

It is rumored that Wei Wuxian's father is Wei Changze, and his mother is a Tibetan San, but his mother has some kind of emotional entanglement with Jiang Fengmian.

The story of this love triangle is very emotional.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?

Wei Wuxian's mother, the Tibetan Chromatic Sect, came from a sect of escapist cultivation and had been living a peaceful life until she met Jiang Fengmian.

However, Jiang Fengmian's appearance broke her tranquility, and the two fell in love.

However, due to the pressure of the family and the restrictions of interests, Jiang Fengmian finally married Madame Yu, while the Tibetan Sesanren chose to elope with Wei Changze.

However, their elopement was doomed to a tragic end.

They died unexpectedly during a night hunt, leaving young Wei Wuxian helpless to face the world.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?

When Jiang Fengmian learned the news, he adopted Wei Wuxian and cared for him as if he were his own son.

Under Jiang Fengmian's care, Wei Wuxian grew up to be the heir of the Peerless Divine Sword, and roamed the rivers and lakes with him. His talent, courage, and sense of justice have earned him the admiration of many.

However, the mystery of his life history has always been a mystery in his heart that is difficult to solve.

What caused his parents to suffer such a tragic end in their prime?

Perhaps, the pressure and interests of the family made them have to deviate from their true hearts and love.

What would have been their fate if they hadn't died?

Perhaps they will sacrifice their own happiness to cater to the expectations of their family.

Wei Wuxian may be like them, bound and unable to pursue his true dreams.

Perhaps, such an arrangement is also the arrangement of fate.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?

Although Wei Wuxian received Jiang Fengmian's nurturing grace and brotherhood, the contradictions between his blood and status with the Jiang family complicated his emotional entanglements.

This complex emotional entanglement became the background for him to become the ancestor of Yiling, and also made his life more legendary and exciting.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background may not have a definite answer.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?

However, it was this mystery that made his life full of drama and excitement, and he showed his unique charm with his courage to defy hardships and be invincible in justice.

No matter who his parents were, no matter what his background was, Wei Wuxian's life journey would eventually become a part of the legend of the rivers and lakes and pass on forever.

The mystery of Wei Wuxian's background?