
"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

author:Letters talk about the past and the present

The charm of "looking back and smiling".

A beautiful and moving woman, at a certain moment, turned her face slightly sideways, with a shallow smile on her lips, and her eyes flowing, this is the beautiful picture of "looking back and smiling".

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

The charm of this lens is unparalleled, it seems to evoke the viewer's reverie, but it retains a bit of mystery. The affection in a pair of bright eyes and a gentle smile can hit people's hearts and affect countless feelings.

When an actress performs this kind of scene perfectly on the screen, we can see that she has a very high acting skills. This is a test of her physical charm and expressiveness, and whether she can use subtle facial expressions to bring out the character's personality and psychological activities.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

This can also perfectly show the unique temperament of oriental women that is vivid in demure and charming. Therefore, a touching "looking back and smiling" is what every actor dreams of.

Chen Hong: Glowing with a thousand styles

When it comes to the perfect interpretation of "looking back and smiling", how can you not mention Chen Hong. Whether it is the young and beautiful Liancheng she played in "Liao Zhai", or the amorous Diao Chan in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it is synonymous with all kinds of customs in our minds.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

In "Liao Zhai", Chen Hong successfully created an image of a girl with bright eyes and bright teeth. Her watery eyes are crystal clear, and her white dress is matched with her innocent smiling face, which is really loved by everyone.

In a certain shot, she suddenly turned her head sideways with a red face and smiled at the camera shyly, and she was suddenly beautiful and moving. The charm between the eye waves made the audience feel uplifted.

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Chen Hong fully shows the charm of mature women through the role of Diao Chan. She wore a bright dance dress and danced seductively.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

At one point, she turned around and smiled brightly, her eyes full of sultry charm. This charming smiling face made the audience crazy, and no one could refuse the temptation of such a beautiful woman.

It can be said that Chen Hong showed her multi-faceted charm to the audience through two completely different roles, and successfully interpreted the essence of "looking back and smiling".

Zhu Lin: Affectionate like wine

If I had to choose one actress who is the most touching "looking back and smiling", I would not hesitate to recommend Zhu Lin. Do you still remember the noble and gorgeous daughter king she played in "Journey to the West"? I still can't forget the affection in her eyes and the shyness on her face when facing her sweetheart.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

In the shot, Zhu Lin is dressed in a palace dress, and her long black hair is pouring down like a waterfall. Her petite and delicate figure is set off more and more slender, and her bright eyes seem to contain a thousand years of elegance.

When she confessed to her sweetheart, the whole person was filled with happiness. But when the other party was about to leave, her smile stiffened on her face, and then she turned away with a red face, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be full of tears, and she was trying her best to keep them from falling.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

I can even imagine the reluctance and pain in her heart at this time, but she is trying to hide it. She turned her head suddenly, her smile was less brilliant and a little more sad, but she was trying her best to squeeze out a happy look, which was really cute.

Such a wealth of inner activities are successfully displayed through Zhu Lin's subtle changes in expression, which is really touching. This affection, like alcohol, makes people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Zhao Yazhi: Elegant temperament

Speaking of actresses who can perfectly interpret "looking back and smiling", the first thing that comes to my mind is Zhao Yazhi. Do you still remember the gentle, fresh and dignified white lady she played in the play? Just thinking about her faint charm under the red veil is unforgettable.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

In the early morning, the sunlight after a light rain pours into the house through the window lattice, adding a touch of warmth to this elegant boudoir. I saw Zhao Yazhi wearing a light light green dress, which made her skin white and her cheeks slightly red.

She stood in front of the mirror to make up, and suddenly turned her face sideways, with a shy smile on her face, and her eyebrows were full of happiness. The transparent eyes seem to be full of sweet love, and the smile on the corner of the mouth is enough to make any man's heart move.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

Glancing lightly at her own figure, the smile on her lips deepened a little, and the crystal earrings swayed gently with her movements, adding a touch of moving vitality to this elegant picture.

Such a dignified and generous, beautiful and noble image of the White Lady is really deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and cannot be forgotten for a long time.

Zhang Min: Heroic

Speaking of the classic picture of looking back sideways on horseback, everyone will immediately think of Zhao Min played by Zhang Min in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer: The Demon Sect Master". The moment when she was dressed in men's clothes and stood on the horse and looked back at Zhang Wuji was enough to make countless viewers fall in love with it.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

In the picture, Zhang Min is wearing a white samurai robe, with a long sword around his waist, his black hair is coiled high, and he is wearing golden soft armor on his forehead, and the whole person exudes an uninhibited and sassy atmosphere.

The dark clouds rolled in the sky, her clothes hunted in the wind, and the horses under her constantly shook their heads and neighed, showing a heroic spirit. At this moment, she turned sideways slightly, glanced back at Zhang Wuji behind her, her eyes faintly revealed lingering reluctance, and there was a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

This kind of contradictory psychological activity is brilliantly interpreted in Zhang Min's subtle expressions, which not only shows the helplessness of a daughter's parting feelings, but also conveys the open-minded and chic temperament of a heroine in a female middle school.

Li Jiaxin: Charming and moving

Speaking of the superb interpretation of "looking back and smiling", I immediately remembered the charming and moving queen played by Li Jiaxin in "Drunken Fist 3". Her charming demeanor is really unforgettable.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

In the picture, Li Jiaxin is wearing a phoenix crown, a red dress, and a gorgeous dragon and phoenix embroidered on her back, making her petite figure even more slender. I saw her gently twisting her delicate body, and slowly came surrounded by many maids.

As she reached the center of the main hall, she cast a meaningful glance forward, her red lips lightly furrowed, and she glanced down with a light smile. This glance made her whole person feel as if she was covered with a red veil, which looked both noble and elegant and enchanting.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

What made people couldn't take their eyes off was that when she touched the phoenix crown on her chest with both hands, she turned her head slightly and smiled at the maids behind her in confusion. The charm between the opening and closing of the red lips, and the emotion flowing in the eyes, all hit people's hearts and made people crazy.

Li Jiaxin used her unique instruments and superb acting skills to successfully show the introverted and outwardly excesses of oriental women, and the dignified charm contains enchanting charm. Every smile she makes, every look back, makes the audience fascinated and unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

Cecilia Cheung: Uninhibited style

Speaking of the classic picture of "looking back and smiling", I immediately remembered the moment when Cecilia Cheung broke up with Stephen Chow in "The King of Comedy". She was dressed in a pale yellow dress, her hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her whole person exuded a lazy and casual atmosphere.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

"I'll raise you!" Stephen Chow shouted after her. Cecilia Cheung stopped slightly, turned her head sideways and glanced at him, her eyes fluttering, flashing with a cunning light.

"You take care of yourselves, fool. With a teasing smile on her lips, she turned away, and the wind blew the corner of her skirt and danced gently. The willful and uninhibited figure is particularly touching against the backdrop of the sunset.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

This kind of laziness is free and easy, and there is a bit of charming temperament in the posture, which really matches the role of "Liu Piaopiao" seamlessly. Cecilia Cheung successfully interprets this eclectic woman with her unique charm, and every action and smile exudes youthful vitality and unruly spirit.

This kind of "looking back and smiling" is indeed classic and unforgettable, and it is fascinating. Yuan Quan: Poignant and moving

Speaking of the obscure and embarrassing emotions that can be used to "look back and smile", I first recommend the scene of Yuan Quan in "Greater Shanghai". When the character she played turned to leave, the sorrow and unwillingness in her eyes really touched every flesh and blood person.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

It's a poignant and touching relationship. In the picture, Yuan Quan is wearing a pale cyan cheongsam, and her hair is pulled up high, making her neck look extremely slender and white. She hurried down the street, glancing at her lover who had passed by, her eyes full of endless words.

At this time, she turned her head slightly, her eyes were full of melancholy and reluctance, as if she was about to say something, but her lips just opened and closed silently, and finally turned into a long sigh. The corners of her eyes seemed to moisten for a moment, and she quickly restrained the sadness, barely squeezing out a faint smile.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

However, behind that shallow smile, there is much indescribable pain.

Yuan Quan successfully portrayed this woman's rich inner activities with delicate and sincere acting skills. The sorrow in her eyes and the smile on her lips turned into a poignant picture that deeply shocked people's hearts and made people unforgettable.

Yang Mi: Frightened against the current

Speaking of the failures in "Looking Back and Smiling", it is really hard for me to forget Yang Mi's role as Xi Yao in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". As a beautiful and moving actress, her contrasting performance is really shocking.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

still remembers that there is such a scene in the play, Yang Mi is wearing a pink cheongsam and standing on the lakeside beauty. At this time, she suddenly shook her head and looked back, the corners of her mouth barely squeezed out an ugly smile, and the whole person was contrived and flirtatious, and her face was full of unnaturalness.

I was really taken aback by her strange expression, which was too far from the gentle and touching Xi Yao in my mind. Careful analysis shows that there are two main problems with her eccentric performance: first, the movement of turning her head is exaggerated and stiff like a robot; Second, the transformation of facial expressions is extremely incongruous, trying to show a gentle feeling but in the end can only make a terrifying and distorted expression.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

Such a contrast undoubtedly brings an extremely uncomfortable visual experience to the audience. As an actor, when performing this kind of refined role transformation, you really need to grasp it more delicately, and Yang Mi's performance this time can be said to be frightening and countercurrent, which is unsatisfactory.

Qin Hailu: Talk about it

If Yang Mi's performance is barely within an acceptable range, then Qin Hailu's "looking back and smiling" in a certain drama is really shocking.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

Her slightly rounded baby face, coupled with a single eyelid and slightly stunned eyes, is very different from the label of "national color and fragrance". But the director had to arrange for her to play a lady like 서술, which was simply a snake to add to the picture.

I still remember that there was such a scene, Qin Hailu was engrossed in playing the guzheng, and his expression was extremely devoted. At this time, she suddenly shook her head and smiled, her face full of contrived flattery.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

Such an arrangement is really incredible, and it is undoubtedly insulting the intelligence of the audience. I hope that the director will be a little more rational next time when judging the choice of actors, and don't talk about it and reverse black and white, which really makes the audience uncomfortable.

Yang Junjun: Absurd and embarrassing

After thinking about it, all the failures of "looking back and smiling" add up to not as absurd and embarrassing as Yang Junjun's performance. At the age of 41, she actually played a role linked to a "young girl" in "Simon Without Hate", this contrast is unacceptable.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

Do you still remember that scene? In the picture, Yang Junjun, who has already begun to go downhill, is wearing flowers on his head and a pink puffy skirt, and is standing under an old locust tree and laughing.

At this time, she suddenly turned her head and threw a wink at the camera. finally pulled out a smiley face, but it looked hideous and terrifying because it was too deliberate. I really gasped and quickly grabbed the remote control to switch channels, really accepting incompetence.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can't blame Yang Junjun completely, after all, a middle-aged woman has to play a girl, which is very difficult in itself. But the bigger question is what are the directors and screenwriters thinking?

I hope that next time, we can consider the audience's aesthetic feelings a little, and don't easily spoil our eyeballs.

Reflections and Inspirations

Through the above analysis, we can draw the conclusion that a successful "looking back and smiling" requires the actor to have strong field control ability and delicate acting skills, in order to accurately convey a character's personality and inner activities through micro-expressions.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

And those failed cases also inspire us that when actors choose roles, they must be soberly aware of their own constraints, and do not blindly interpret those characters who cannot be highly consistent with themselves.

At the same time, directors and screenwriters should also fully consider the individual conditions of the actors and reasonably set the attributes and characteristics of the characters. A character who is inherently out of place is difficult to be recognized and resonated with by the audience.

"Look back and smile" must not be hard-acted, someone looks at it for ten thousand years, and some people want her to turn back!

Of course, the most important thing is to respect the audience's aesthetic feelings, and not to generalize and define "beauty" without authorization.

It is hoped that industry insiders can learn from the lessons and accept suggestions to create more high-quality film and television works for the public.