
Resist the ridiculous logic of Christmas

author:Swinging wind chimes 2iu

Today, we're going to talk about a hot topic – Christmas. Did you know that this festival of lights and balls has a long story? And don't think it's just a Westerner carnival, in fact, all around us, the controversy and discussion about Christmas never stops.

Resist the ridiculous logic of Christmas

Back then, Christmas was a religious ritual to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. But don't underestimate this day, it's not just an anniversary. With the passage of time, Christmas has become a global cultural phenomenon that can be celebrated all over the world, regardless of borders, races, or creeds.

Resist the ridiculous logic of Christmas

However, not every corner smiles at the festival. Speaking of which, in our beautiful Shenzhen, a certain property company actually advocated a boycott of Christmas! They believe that this is a cultural invasion and that the purity of Chinese culture should be maintained. Hey, that's pretty puzzling!

Resist the ridiculous logic of Christmas

First of all, let's talk about history. Many people may feel that it is important to keep the tradition alive. Yes, tradition does matter. But you know what? Traditions are not static. Take China as an example, the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival have profound cultural heritage and historical precipitation. However, over time, these traditions have evolved and absorbed new elements.

Let's talk about the logic. Can boycotting an alien festival really safeguard cultural purity? I don't think so! Cultural self-confidence does not mean closure and exclusion, but rather tolerance and understanding. I remember the old saying, "Broad view and appointment, thick accumulation and thin hair." "It means to observe extensively, to Xi, and to selectively absorb the good.

Now let's look at criticism and reflection at the social level. Is advocating for a Christmas boycott just a superficial job? Does it really understand the deeper social phenomena and problems behind it, such as the prevalence of consumerism, environmental pollution, and so on?

For example, "it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish", which tells us that education and thinking are more important than blindly following trends, and "embracing all rivers" makes us understand that tolerance can make a nation stronger.

Finally, I would like to express my emotions and values in a few words: whether it is Christmas or any other holiday, in my opinion, it should be a bridge to connect people's hearts, share love and joy. They can transcend differences in beliefs and backgrounds, send a ray of warmth in winter, promote communication and understanding, and retain a moment of tranquility in the midst of rapid development.

Friends, remember: living in this diverse world and learning to enjoy its colorful colors is one of the most important things!

So that's the end of today's small talk about Christmas and the rich connotations behind it. Next time we see each other, let's continue to talk about interesting and interesting topics! Don't forget to bring your curiosity!

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in the article, we will delete them in the shortest possible time!