
Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

author:Orange Orange said gossip
Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

At the moment when the New Year's bell rang, the Chinese film market ushered in a shining feast. On New Year's Day in 2024, the total box office will be as high as 1.534 billion yuan, and the brilliant figures highlight the prosperity of the film industry. However, behind this light lies a dramatic change, and an unnoticed comedy has become a box office dark horse, shocking the entire market.

"Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star": Gorgeous at the beginning, declining later

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

At the dawn of the new year, a brilliant movie star illuminates the entire market, and that is "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star". With its unique marketing strategy and deep exploration of romantic themes, this New Year's Eve romance film pierced the night sky like a meteor in the night sky during the pre-sale in the first two days, contributing nearly 40% of the total box office in the market, dwarfing other films.

However, like a mysterious fireworks show, although dazzling, it is destined to be short-lived. The performance of "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star" on the third day suddenly ushered in a dramatic change!

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

From the scheduling rate and attendance rate to a sharp turn, from 326 million yuan on the second day to 57 million yuan on the third day, the entire box office fell to an astonishing 83%. This made the whole industry look sideways, and the audience was also surprised to explore the mystery.

At the beginning, "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star" attracted the attention of a large number of audiences with its magnificent start, ceremonial marketing and strong love elements, like a dazzling meteor.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!": The comedy turned the tide and counterattacked the box office champion of the day

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

In stark contrast to the fall of "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star", a comedy called "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" went against the tide and became the box office champion of the day.

This is a comedic counterattack that shows the possibilities of the film market full of variables and surprises. The rise of comedy is like an incredible feast, and the audience finds emotional resonance in laughter.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" may not have attracted a lot of attention in the early days, but in the humorous plot, it found a laugh in people's hearts. The audience was deeply attracted by the charm of this comedy, which formed a communication effect that propelled the film to emerge in the highly competitive schedule.

Market dynamics: Audiences have a variety of tastes, and the quality of the film is crucial

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

The magnificence of this film market is not only a test for the producers, but also a celebration of the audience's right to choose. The short-term brilliance of "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star" and the counterattack of "Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" show the variability of the market and reflect the diverse tastes of audiences for different types of films.

The audience is no longer attracted by the simple sense of ritual and superficial glamour, but pays more attention to the intrinsic quality and entertainment of the film. This is also a manifestation of the fact that the film market is developing in a more mature and rational direction. In this cinematic feast, the audience, after enjoying the short-term emotional impact, is more willing to pursue works that can remain in the depths of the soul for a long time.

Personal opinion: The charm of movies is that they are real and profound

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

In this competition in the film market, I can't help but think: what is the charm of a movie? Is it a short-term excitement and superficial glitz, or is it a profound emotion and a true story? In the choice of films, perhaps the audience should pay more attention to the inner emotional resonance and the depth of the film quality.

The short-term brilliance of "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star" reminds us that the superficial aura cannot hide the truth of the story, and the charm of the film comes more from the audience's identification with emotions and thinking about human nature.

The success of "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" proves that the audience is eager to find truth and ease in laughter, and the movie is not only a gorgeous visual feast, but also a deep reflection on life.

Future Prospects: Diversified films present a richer film world

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

The changes in the film market on New Year's Day bring us not only instantaneous box office figures, but also a hint for the future of the film industry. As audiences' pursuit of film quality continues to escalate, we may be able to foresee more diverse and rich film works competing in the Chinese market in the future.

In the creative process, filmmakers should pay more attention to the depth of the story and the shaping of characters, break the shackles of traditional genres, and bravely try new ways of expression. What the audience needs is works that can resonate and touch the heart, and this requires the producers to be more attentive in their creation.

Twinkle and twinkle star box office plummeted on the third day, and the high-scoring comedy annual meeting could not be stopped!

On this rollercoaster ride through the Marché du Film, audiences experienced short bursts of excitement and unexpected surprises. And the film industry also needs to move forward in the wave of change to create more engaging and touching films.

Perhaps, the charm of movies comes from its unpredictable variability, which allows people to find endless thoughts and pleasures in the process of watching movies. In these unpredictable times, only by keeping up with the trend and keeping innovating can we leave a lasting light on the screen of the movie.