
The doctor will teach you how to properly nourish your lungs, so you don't have to spend money in vain

author:Feng Yuyan, director of the Department of Spleen and Gastroenterology

The method of stomach nourishment varies from person to person, and different symptoms require different ways of recuperation. Some people believe that the key to stomach nourishment lies in "warm" and "soft", i.e. eating warm and easily digestible food. However, this generalized approach doesn't work for everyone. For people with a cold stomach, warm food does help relieve stomach pain, but if you have a hot stomach, eating warm food can worsen the symptoms. Therefore, stomach nourishment requires different programs to be developed according to the specific situation of the individual.

In daily life, we should pay attention to dietary conditioning and psychological adjustment to maintain sufficient stomach qi and good health. If you have severe symptoms of stomach discomfort, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the condition.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the stomach is an important organ of the human body, responsible for digesting food and absorbing nutrients. However, the stomach is often attacked by the evil of cold and heat, resulting in symptoms such as cold stomach pain, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. Among them, stomach cold and stomach heat are two common stomach problems that require different conditioning methods.

For patients with a cold stomach, TCM believes that it is caused by the absence of fire in the stomach and the inability to rot food. Long-term stomach cold will lead to continuous damage to the digestive function and immune function of the stomach, which is not only easy to lead to frequent stomach diseases, but also may cause malnutrition and frailty. Therefore, for the regulation of stomach cold, traditional Chinese medicine advocates warming and replenishing the heart yang, and replenishing the heart fire to generate stomach fire and enhance the function of the stomach. In daily life, we can add some medicinal and edible homologous herbs to warm and nourish the heart and yang, such as shallot, cinnamon, dried ginger, etc., to help the stomach make fire. In addition, drinking hot water, eating hot food, and reasonable outdoor exercise are also effective ways to enhance stomach motility.

In contrast to stomach cold, stomach heat is caused by an overactive stomach fire. Such patients often feel hungry and always feel that they cannot eat enough, which is called "eliminating grain and good hunger" in traditional Chinese medicine. Long-term gastric heat and frequent inflammation cause great damage to the gastric mucosa and have a chance to induce carcinogenesis of mucosal epithelial cells. Therefore, for the regulation of stomach heat, traditional Chinese medicine advocates clearing heat and reducing fire, and eating cold medicinal ingredients appropriately can clear away heat and relieve fire, nourish yin and generate energy, such as lettuce, bitter gourd, pear, watermelon, mint, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, barley, etc., and pay attention to replenishing water. For people with long-term stomach fire, long-term illness will inevitably hurt the yin, and there will be symptoms of thirst, hunger and can't eat, sometimes accompanied by slight cough, sweating, constipation, bloating and other symptoms. At this time, the solution is to nourish the stomach yin, you can try to use dendrobium, jade bamboo, reed root, black plum and other ingredients to nourish yin and nourish yin.

In addition to the above conditioning methods, TCM also emphasizes dietary adjustment. For patients with a cold stomach, raw and cold foods should be avoided and warm foods should be eaten, such as ginger, green onions, garlic, hawthorn, etc. For patients with stomach heat, they should avoid spicy and greasy foods and eat more light, easily digestible foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

In addition to dietary conditioning, TCM also recommends some other conditioning methods. For example, massaging the abdomen can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and enhance digestive function, moxibustion can warm the yang and dispel cold and improve the symptoms of stomach pain, and cupping can discharge cold and dampness from the body and relieve the symptoms of stomach pain and indigestion.

In conclusion, for the two common stomach problems of stomach cold and stomach heat, TCM provides different treatment methods. Through dietary adjustments, medicinal ingredients, and other TCM treatments, we can effectively improve the symptoms of stomach discomfort and maintain a healthy digestive system.

Self-examination of stomach heat and stomach cold

The doctor will teach you how to properly nourish your lungs, so you don't have to spend money in vain

If you feel an upset stomach, it may be a hot or cold stomach, or a combination of heat and cold. Before judging your own situation, you can first understand the symptoms and characteristics of each situation so that you can better judge yourself.

People with simple stomach cold are mostly caused by irregular diet, preference for raw and cold food, overwork or long-term illness and weakness. The main symptoms are stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. Clinically, people with stomach cold often show symptoms such as paleness, pale mouth, and white tongue coating. To treat stomach cold, traditional Chinese medicine mostly adopts the method of dissipating cold in warmth, and commonly used drugs are Xiangsha Liujunzi Soup, Liangfu Pill, etc.

People with simple stomach fever are mostly caused by spicy diet, excessive drinking, emotional anxiety and other reasons. The main symptoms are bad breath, dry mouth, bitter mouth, yellow and greasy tongue, and stomach pain. In clinical practice, patients with stomach fever often show symptoms such as red face, red ears, irritability, and yellow and dry tongue. To treat stomach heat, traditional Chinese medicine mostly adopts the method of clearing heat and reducing fire, and the commonly used drugs are Qinggao San, Huanglian Qingqi Pill and so on.

For patients with gastric problems with a mixture of cold and heat, the symptoms may include both gastric cold and gastric heat. Such patients need to analyze their condition and adjust according to the ratio of cold and heat. In terms of treatment, traditional Chinese medicine mostly adopts the method of combining cold and heat, and the commonly used drugs are Wumei pills, Zuojin pills, etc.

Nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach is the key to the prevention and treatment of stomach diseases. First of all, pay attention to the eating rules, avoid overeating or excessive hunger, and eat less rough and irritating foods. Chewing slowly can help digestion and reduce the burden on the stomach, while also having a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. In addition, drinking a glass of warm water in the morning, taking a walk after meals, and massaging can also play a role in nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach.

In short, for the case of stomach heat or stomach cold, you should seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible after self-judgment, and treat and regulate according to the specific situation. At the same time, maintaining a good lifestyle Xi and eating a Xi are also important measures to prevent and treat stomach diseases.

The doctor will teach you how to properly nourish your lungs, so you don't have to spend money in vain
The doctor will teach you how to properly nourish your lungs, so you don't have to spend money in vain
The doctor will teach you how to properly nourish your lungs, so you don't have to spend money in vain

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