
In addition to wearing helmets, there are 4 other things to pay attention to in addition to the new standards for electric vehicles and tricycles on the road!

author: Longnan Wen County released

In recent years, the number of electric vehicles used in mainland urban transportation has been increasing year by year, and it has gradually become the darling of urban transportation with its economic, environmental protection and convenient advantages. However, the proliferation of electric vehicles has also brought with it a series of traffic safety and management issues. In order to guide the sustainable and healthy development of the electric vehicle industry and ensure the safety of road traffic, a series of new regulations have been issued in various parts of the mainland, from the restrictions on modification and installation to the punishment of non-illegal charging, each of which has added a strong touch to the safety management of the electric vehicle era.

In addition to wearing helmets, there are 4 other things to pay attention to in addition to the new standards for electric vehicles and tricycles on the road!

First, let's review the evolution of the electric vehicle era. The rise of electric vehicles is not only a change in transportation mode, but also a profound impact on urban lifestyles. They move freely around the city, and their quiet and eco-friendly nature makes people forget to return. However, with the surge in the number of electric vehicles, traffic safety and management issues have gradually surfaced and become a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

No modifications and additions are allowed:

The trend of electric car modification seems to be an expression of car owners adding a unique personality to their cars. However, the new regulations make it clear that the modification of electric vehicles and tricycles is not allowed. This is not a confinement of individuality, but for safety and normative reasons. Modifications can not only lead to accidents, but are also a major reason why insurance companies do not make claims. The appearance of electric vehicles is also not a capricious stage, stipulating that eye-catching reflective strips must be installed to reduce the probability of accidents at night or in foggy days. The purpose of these regulations is to create a safe and orderly road environment.

In addition, the state has also put forward some suggestions on the appearance of electric vehicles, stipulating that oversized luggage racks and windshields shall not be installed to improve the driving stability of electric vehicles. This is not only an emphasis on vehicle safety, but also a contribution to the smooth flow of the road.

No illegal charging:

Charging is an indispensable part of electric vehicle life, but not charging in violation of regulations is also an important part of the new regulations. For the sake of convenience, many people choose to charge in the corridor or at home, however, this charging method hides huge safety risks. Data on frequent explosions shows that many electric vehicle accidents occur while charging. The new regulations prohibit charging at home or in the hallway, and once violated, the maximum fine can reach 1,000 yuan. This regulation is not only a specification for personal charging behavior, but also a call for electric energy safety. In this busy era of electric vehicle charging, standardized charging behavior will add peace of mind to our travel.

In addition to wearing helmets, there are 4 other things to pay attention to in addition to the new standards for electric vehicles and tricycles on the road!

Must not be overloaded:

The back of the electric car is full of people, which is a scene that we are often able to see. However, the new regulations make it clear that not overloading is an important traffic safety requirement. When an electric vehicle exceeds the specified weight, it can not only lead to a traffic accident, but also face a fine. Especially in some rural areas, the sight of a tricycle crowded with people, although common, is not a reason to be overloaded. It is important to note that electric vehicles and tricycles in many places are not insured, which means that in the event of an accident, there is no place to compensate for damages. For the safety of yourself and others, don't overload easily, and don't neglect safety for convenience.

Vehicle Speed Limit:

The maximum speed limit for electric vehicles is 25 km/h, and this speed limit is set for road safety reasons. Limiting the maximum speed of electric vehicles can effectively reduce the occurrence of road traffic accidents and improve the safety of travel. At the same time, the new regulations also stipulate the maximum overload capacity of electric vehicles, and electric vehicles that exceed the specified weight will face penalties such as fines and impoundments. These restrictions are designed to ensure that electric vehicles are safe to drive on the road.

For tricycles, there are similar regulations, and the maximum speed is also limited to 25 km/h. In order to improve the safety of passengers, tricycles need to be retrofitted with safety systems and include seat belts and protective fences. At the same time, the new regulations also stipulate emission standards for tricycles, and vehicles that exceed the emission standards will face rectification and penalties. This series of regulations is not only a guide for the tricycle industry, but also to build a safer and more environmentally friendly road environment.

In addition to the national regulations, there are also some local regulations in different regions. It is generally required that electric bicycles need to be listed and wear helmets, while electric light motorcycles and electric motorcycles need to be licensed before they can be on the road. Even if the electric vehicle exceeds the standard, it must be filed and registered in time to obtain a temporary transitional license before it can be legally put on the road.

For example, Guangdong Qingyuan from October 16, will strictly prohibit unlicensed electric vehicles on the road, and Henan Pingdingshan, Kaifeng and other places will also strictly investigate unlicensed electric vehicles on the road, once found will be directly fined and detained. These local regulations are all aimed at maintaining the order and safety of road traffic, and we must comply with them so as not to suffer unnecessary legal penalties.

In addition to wearing helmets, there are 4 other things to pay attention to in addition to the new standards for electric vehicles and tricycles on the road!

In general, electric vehicles, as a part of urban transportation, are developing rapidly but also facing many management challenges. The introduction of the new regulations is not only a guide for the electric vehicle industry, but also an emphasis on urban traffic safety. While we enjoy the convenience brought by electric vehicles, we should always pay attention to and comply with these regulations, so as to add a safety to our travel and a touch of tranquility and harmony to urban traffic. In the era of electric vehicles, driving on the road of standardization, it is expected that every electric vehicle driver can become a model of safe travel and jointly build a more livable and walkable city.

Source: Car Knowledge Workshop

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