
Poor sleep is mostly due to liver fire - it is recommended to eat 4 more dishes to help you sleep and sleep until dawn

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Dr. Zeng's internal medicine popularization

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In the fast-paced life, good sleep quality has become a goal pursued by many people.

However, the quality of sleep for many people is not ideal for a variety of reasons. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, sleep problems are often related to "liver fire".

Poor sleep is mostly due to liver fire - it is recommended to eat 4 more dishes to help you sleep and sleep until dawn

1. Manifestations and causes of liver fire

"Liver fire" is a common condition that occurs due to the dysfunction of the liver, resulting in excessive fire in the body. The following is an analysis of the manifestations and causes of liver fire:

(1) Performance:

1. Emotional instability: People with strong liver fire often show emotional instability, irritability, and even irritable behavior. This is because in TCM theory, the liver is closely related to emotions, and excessive liver fire often leads to emotional out-of-control.

2. Headache: People with strong liver fire often have headache symptoms, especially in the eyebrows and temples, because the liver is on fire, and the fire rushes to the head, causing head discomfort.

3. Bitter and dry mouth: People with strong liver fire often have symptoms of bitter mouth and dry mouth, which is because the liver fire is too strong and the heat rises, resulting in dry oral mucosa and a feeling of bitter mouth and dry mouth.

4. Red and swollen eyes: People with strong liver fire often have symptoms such as redness and swelling, eye pain, and blurred vision, which is because the liver is open to the eyes, and the liver fire is hot and hot, which affects the normal function of the eyes.

Poor sleep is mostly due to liver fire - it is recommended to eat 4 more dishes to help you sleep and sleep until dawn

(2) Reasons:

1. Emotional factors: In TCM theory, emotions are an important factor affecting liver fire. Long-term depression, anxiety, anger and other bad emotions may lead to excessive liver fire.

2. Poor diet: Excessive diet, especially spicy, fried, and greasy foods, can lead to excessive liver fire.

3. Irregular life: Irregular life, such as staying up late, overwork, etc., may lead to excessive liver fire.

4. Disease factors: Certain diseases, such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc., may also lead to excessive liver fire.

In general, the exuberance of liver fire is caused by a variety Xi of factors such as lifestyle, dietary habits, and emotional state. Therefore, adjusting lifestyle, maintaining a good mood, and eating a reasonable diet are all important measures to prevent and treat liver fire.

Poor sleep is mostly due to liver fire - it is recommended to eat 4 more dishes to help you sleep and sleep until dawn

2. The effect of dietary therapy on improving liver fire and improving sleep quality

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, dietary therapy is regarded as an important means of treatment, which emphasizes the purpose of preventing and treating diseases through a reasonable diet to regulate the body. Food not only has nutritional value, but also has certain medicinal value, which can have a regulating and therapeutic effect on the human body. For the problems of liver fire and poor sleep quality, dietary therapy also has a significant effect.

First of all, dietary therapy can help reduce liver fire by clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing yin and reducing fire. For example, some cold and heat-clearing foods, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits, can clear away heat and detoxify and reduce liver fire, while some yin-nourishing foods, such as black fungus and pork liver, can nourish yin and reduce fire and balance liver fire. By adjusting the diet, you can effectively improve the symptoms of liver fire, thereby improving the quality of sleep.

Secondly, diet therapy can also directly improve sleep quality by nourishing the heart and blood and calming the nerves. In TCM theory, the heart is regarded as the "house of the gods" and is closely related to the spirit and sleep. Some foods that nourish the heart and blood and calm the nerves, such as red dates, wolfberries, glutinous rice, etc., can nourish the heart and blood, calm the nerves, and improve sleep quality.

Poor sleep is mostly due to liver fire - it is recommended to eat 4 more dishes to help you sleep and sleep until dawn

Three or four foods that can help lower liver fire and improve sleep quality

1. Spinach: Spinach is a nutritious green leafy vegetable that is rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other nutrients. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, spinach has certain medicinal properties and is believed to help reduce liver fire and improve sleep quality.

The effect of spinach on lowering liver fire is mainly due to its mild nature, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. It can help to clear the heat in the body and balance the liver fire, thereby relieving the uncomfortable symptoms caused by the exuberant liver fire. At the same time, spinach also has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, which can moisturize the liver and kidneys, nourish the blood, and help maintain the normal function of the liver.

In addition, spinach is rich in magnesium, which is considered a natural calming substance and has a positive effect on improving sleep quality. Magnesium can help regulate the function of the nervous system and make the nerves in the brain more stable, which can help relieve anxiety, tension and other bad moods, and improve sleep quality.

2. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which can clear away heat and detoxify, calm the liver and clear fire, and have a good effect on improving sleep.

3. Eggplant: Eggplant is rich in vitamins and trace elements, which can clear away heat and detoxify, cool blood and calm the liver, and has a good conditioning effect for people with strong liver fire.

4. Watermelon: Watermelon is rich in water and vitamins, which can clear away heat and relieve heat, quench thirst, and have a good effect on improving sleep.

Poor sleep is mostly due to liver fire - it is recommended to eat 4 more dishes to help you sleep and sleep until dawn

4. How to incorporate these four foods into your daily diet

You can incorporate these four foods into your daily diet.

For example, you can have a scrambled egg with spinach for breakfast, a beef soup with tomatoes for lunch, a fried meat with eggplant for dinner, and a slice of watermelon before bed.

This can not only meet the nutritional needs, but also regulate the liver fire and improve sleep.


Diet therapy is an important means to improve liver fire and sleep quality. Through a reasonable diet, we can regulate the internal environment of the body and improve the quality of sleep. I hope you can try to incorporate these four foods into your daily diet to improve your sleep and make yourself feel refreshed every day.